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Truthers also said it's happening now two years ago 😐

Karma isn't held in one life time it spreads across multiple, the only way to cheat Karma is to cheat death

God communicates with numbers lmao, Just hop on board with the Masonic number games

Do you reckon Charles coronation will go ahead tomorrow?

Gold Closed the day at 1776 ;)

Technically speaking is it not 11/4 today?

Been reading up on Pharaoh Ramesses II and Yaweh

I sat down for dinner earlier at 7 about 3 hours after dinner i looked at the clock and it was 8

Bloody hell it's up 8% against Bitcoin

First arrest will shock the world, imagine if it's filmed live all over the world at the funeral

For about 12 months now i have been remembering snippets of dreams which then come to fruition when i am a wake small interactions with people and sitting in certain places

I took it in the UK before university, i didnt have any serious side effects but i did develop hay fever for the first time after taking it

Bullish on the APL and WWPL 3 month forecast about 17%

I can feel it in my feet on a first floor flat when i meditate, will be going to the park tomorrow to do it, i like to channel my meditation into not just raising my vibration but anyone else that may be within range

🤨Venezuelan as well i heard thats where they are building all the new tech

Hi could you explain what F1 F2 F3 F4 is like are they different vibrational frequencies? i remember reading something about when the earths vibration matches our human vibration around 13 hz then thats when the push to 4D will occur

It's amazing isn't it when i first started i didn't believe any of it I can then two weeks into meditation I had my first experience of a past life and have had other interactions with spiritual beings later on I can't quite see them in full view however I can recognise silhouettes with blue hue's surrounding them. Last night I knew my grandparents were trying to communicate with me almost waving me to come over sat next to each other they could understand my thoughts i communicated and told them not to worry about me i am here for a reason to help people and raise the vibrations. i shed a couple tears of joy after :D

I just had the most intense meditation of my life was trying to raise the vibration in my area, felt like passed family members were sat in front of me