Keith Wyman
3 years ago

Keith Wyman

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In response Rena 1776 to her Publication

I agree. Most people around the world are good people.

In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

Way to keep your wits about you. once they eliminate the family, they eliminat all parients rights.

I hope every one of those hospitals which had thst policy lose their licence along with all the doctors & do time in the least. merder at the highest.

In response New Years Day to her Publication

looks like this time , dinner is being delivered.

In response Peace Justice to his Publication

I just came from twitter aand it looks like they just did another Purge of Patriots again

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

I really love all the sugestions everyone. Its like we are watching out for each other. You are Awesome.

In response Sharon Griswold to her Publication

Awesome. Thank you for the clarification. They we signed on when my wife was in one hospital. They were doing what they were supose to and rrally tocked off my wife. She go up and said, we're going. They chassed he down and tried to talk herxput of itm And, asked her to sign one of those things.

for people who know their stuff, it seems many times in hospitable, they dontnwhat they should. including the doctors. including the most basice of stuff. Its a pet peve of mine woth having family on so often in my life. Expecially when whatever you share along patient history goes on death ears, q

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

I just heard one of the best things to do is drink apricots juice.

Much of the rest here I questions. How do you administer it and how much to be safe?

i hear fluoride is bad on toothpast. But, issent that also in our tap water? what are other sugestions for brushing your teeth? I had used baming soda in the past. Though wonder how much thst may effect the enamel.

In response Sharon Griswold to her Publication

part of whats in thatclaw suit should be to allowed to kick their ass. and, if not you, then you can pick who.

That is deafiantly againat so many laws. patients rights being one. though i would like to know more about those numbers and more specifically what some of those terms used means? American Medical Association (AMA)? I hate to tell you this but most hospitable are lousy as Patients rights and dont fully recognise them. Doctors are the worst since they are contractors and dont have to take any certificstion cluse on the subject. My late wife used to be a mgr in a hospitable and trach

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

Wow. I had heard it will crystalized. Mbut had no ideal it would make itclook like a freaken Crystal.

In response Santa Surfing to her Publication

i hope you keep everyone of those TOS. They can argue TOS all,they want to. Though from reading The Disability Act from the DOJ, with their letter head, and not just the law but their interpretation of it. it stated that no one can have you sign your consitutional rights away. If we Recall our Civil Right History, those land mark cases won due to 14 Admendment Equal Protection Clause.
maybe you can find a Attorney that can take those cases pro bono. And, can see a strong likelyhood of winning. Even here it mentions its a safty issue, which no doubt, cant be proven.
Good Luck.

In response Janis Olson to her Publication

Thank you foe taking the time to give some helpful sugestion. Your Awesome.

In response Pamela Rich to her Publication

i loke here work. On YouTube she said the Telegram page is not here. But, does encurage people to go to it becauae it has ao much great information on it.

i cant figure out how to operate Telegram, ao I am always open to helpful suggestions.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Heres my thoughts. peolle are going to keep dieing if we dpnt do pur part to wake others up. To red pill them.
People will keep getting wrong medical treatments from so called Medical Experts. like getting HCQ, and Lord knows whatever else. People are dieing from vaccines, or common medical occorence. Though the soon they wake up, all the hiden technology can start to be released to the people. Technology far beyond most woke people.

i know it can take a lot of energy and time to do so. Though we are digitsl warriers. we are here to keep truth alivem We are here to help and do what we

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

watching this,,thw first thought in my mind is,where is his boot?
realizing he hasent had his boot on for a good amount of time.
whats Ya'll thihghts?

In response Pamela Rich to her Publication

Could someone tell me how the heck Telegram works? i am on it, and it seems to be an instant message like app.

The name is rightm The symbol is right. Though feel i am in the wrong place.

could you send me a link to Santa Surfing at that location. Then i can falliw the link and use that as my double check.

Thank you for the help before hand.

her, Michael Jaco, Dr Steve Turley, Salty Cracker, David Willcock, Cory Goode, Emery Smith are some if the youtube stationes i like to watch.

How abput the rest of you? Then this way we can fins all the good stuff much wuicker and easier.