Bitchy Farm Diva
3 years ago

Bitchy Farm Diva

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For the longest time I have been trying to wake people up to the horrific crimes that are going on right under our noses. It hasn't been going well. Then it struck me, waking people up doesn't have to be about exposing them to evil and corruption. Instead, what if I made it about love and service? Today I went out with my chainsaw and spent half the day cutting up neighbors downed trees. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing or let them know when it was done. Instead, I left a simple message in their mailbox that said: "I appreciate having you as a neighbor. God bless." Our communities seem so void of genuine care for our neighbors. I think these simple acts of kindness might do more to wake people than telling them about all the crimes against humanity. They're going to find all that stuff out anyway, and I'd rather they know that not all is lost when that happens. Imagine if we all took a few minutes this weekend to do something kind for our neighbors. Please share if you do!

Today, DJT45's second impeachment debate hearing begins in DC. A "former" President cannot be impeached. FACT. The Law says so. Question...WHY is DC hell bent on this? Either he IS our rightful President (and they know it) and they're trying to oust him (again) OR they are pushing the envelope as they go because he's a former to ensure he can never run for office again. Trump is living rent free in these politicians heads - seriously. Focused on him because HE is a threat. They are not concerned with#46 and all his ill-gotten trickery...(nah, that's all good to them) This is in fact,#4

Over 100 years ago they were trying to wake the sleepwalkers. This year - WE DO IT!!

For those asking where to buy silver you can go to your local pawn shop. You can buy on Ebay. The key is you want the physical silver not some etf or pie in the sky bogus fund. Right now bullion price is over spot by large margins. That means that the actual physical supply of silver is starting to dry up and spot will catch up with physical silver. When that happens, it will be a giant short squeeze that will make Gamestop look like it's a small world. If billions were lost by hedgefunds in Gamestop, Trillions will be lost on the silver short squeeze. It will happen. Fed is finished.

Y'all... this is so laughable 🤣 I can't even with Comrade Jen ummm Psaki. Perhaps she needs to "CIRCLE BACK" on THIS statement. "adhere to democratic norms and the rule of law" (WHAT 🧐) and "opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections". (WTH 🧐) It's good for thee, but not for me.

George Soros and John McCain
The proof is in front of your eyes!


Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke"

Awakening isn't rising up to some superior level of understanding and being better than others. It is a groaning passage of pain as you become ever more humbled by growing awareness of how totally clueless you are about the world.

In Honor of 1.29, I thought I would share the JFK Quote Q Drop - #2573

2573 = 17 !!!

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events

rhey are being destoryed its over

-GэПэя@Ŀ Пџŧ©д§Э-, Common sense. #GoodvsEvil. #KAG #IFBP #WWG1WGA #Balance #WeAreCentered #WeAreTheNews #Q #Anons #Unmuzzled @LadyDana38

Do it. Bring the house down.

Fighting back - every single day. Praying hard that OUR light will shine bright. I'm completely astounded at the amount hate and utter disrespect people have for MAGA. It's going to take an earthquake to wake these damn people up. Good night frens - we wake to fight again tomorrow!! Love, peace and grace always.

Compliments of 46. The Title sounds appealing - you know, like somehow it benefits the American people. It's another poop pizza. This EO Sec. 14 REVOKES DJT's EO#13788 from 4/18/17 (Buy American, Hire American) Hello foreign VISA workers; section 5 of EO#13858 from 1/31/19 (Strengthening Buy-American Preference for Infrastructure Projects) Hello Chinese steel; and EO#13978 from 1/14/21 (Encouraging Buy American Policies for the United States Postal Service) Hello Chinese printed mail-in ballots.#NMP

If you call The White House 202-456-1111 - the recording will tell you the WH is closed. If you call the Switchboard 202-456-1414, you will eventually get a real person. Not a very informed and knowledgable person, but a real human being, nonetheless. No, I didn't ask him why the lights have been out or where the roof snipers are.... I just asked for the turn around time on response to the Contact Us page on the website.

"All of this deception is compounded by the refusal of ordinary Americans
to realize, know or understand that it is this secrecy and duplicity of privately owned corporations, being surreptitiously [falsely] portrayed as American agencies and government . . .that have come together to fleece the American people . . ."


Because I'm a Nosy Rosie - I question and dig. Foreign Asset Control Office - STILL throwing down on sanctions. Now THAT'S the work of OUR PRESIDENT!!

He speaks without saying a word!!! 17 flags!!



Alert!!! We've got our first troll on AnonUp!!!
Jack Levin

block this POS!

Hey Fam!!! Y'all good??

It's telling...isn't it?

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Stay earnest in prayer. Pray for President Trump and all military personnel who are going to shine light on the darkness - and FREE our beloved country from those who want us to fail and keep us enslaved. God wins, period.

If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.” —Julian Assange