Xaudius Pandora
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Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
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Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Creating dimensions
0ur thoughts are electrical frequencies and our feelings are magnetic frequencies. Electricity is comprised of charged subatomic particles of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Magnetism is the power to attract something to itself, to hold something in a fixed direction. Therefore, when we think or c..
Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Photon belt
Mother Earth will be going through each of the twelve portals of the Light with the intensity required for her purification and preparation for her ascension process into the 5th dimension. Since then, the Light from the Photon Belt’s various frequencies and intensity is no longer released at interv..
Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
with toxins bc they help us receive and transmit info. If your birthday is from may 26th to June 22nd you will be affected by the lunar eclipse and mercury retrograde. This is the time to be sitting on the top of (oh a ladder lol ) and relaxing and breathing in the fresh air during this retrograde. Take this time and self reflect remember the energies will be super high and your thoughts and ideas will create your world. Lots of technology glitches as solar winds are pouring in and people who are not grounded will be mentally confused and or emotionally heightened. There will be all month of May multi versal frequencies! so this means when one ends the other begins simultaneously.

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Let's talk about may and what is in store for us lol. On May 26th there will be a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This sign will reevaluate, restrict, review and reduce possibily everything on a global level. Mercury goes into retrograde may 29th to June 22nd along with entering the 6th portal June 21st for 7 days and yes you are reading this correct lol. This will be a hell of a month 😳. Solar flares, solar winds etc will be joining the group lol and the super full moon we just went through will charge up this mercury retrograde ( hahahah like we need more right). Secrets will be coming out this month on a global scale and hopefully this is for the masses to see. Our nervous system and brain is made up of millions of magnetite crystal nanoparticles are cleansed and cleared so that light can enter the body during the eclipse. Try not to eat or drink during this time to get the full affect. These particles are our survival particles that we are born with that they have contaminate

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Today Uranus will connect to Sun in Taurus and this is the time to write down what you want in your life. Be specific and take as much time as you need oh and paper. Fold it 3 times and burn it outside so that the universe gets it and do this before may 21st when the sun goes into Gemini. By doing this with Uranus and Taurus your making a solid foundation to build on (Taurus) and magic will happen (uranus). There will be lots of blackouts coming and energies will be extremely high. Dizziness, blurred vision, loss of appetite, rapid heartbeats, strong aches in muscles and joints only means your going up 👆.

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
There is 4 planets in Taurus so the is a push of peace and power. Why bc Taurus is opposite of scorpio. So we need a balance bc without Taurus scorpio would be drama and without scorpio Taurus be inpatient. They both ground each other. Taurus and scorpio have alot to do with finances money security so expect a change in this or answer to the problems that have happened. You need to flow with this moon trying to control is will cause frustration and irritation. The time is now to let go let go let go or learn too and detox and this moon is amazing for it. Enjoy this craziesness don't fight it !!!!!

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Pluto rules scorpio and pluto is about transformation from dark to light well so this is being shown on a global scale too. As above so below is showing in this moon as the reflection of you is mirroring the world right now. I have been posting about mirroring numbers last couple of the days. Why bc it was leading up to this point. Reflecting is part of healing as this is the only way to bring everything that has been hidden to the light. This moon also has awaken Uranus and sudden comic changes will occur this week. 23 is the number I posted about the storm and 23 is what Uranus is using to usher in the storm. This needs to happen to cleanse us and the earth and after this moon we will have a clearer picture of what is coming towards us. Remember these full and new moons is what is taking down the deep state and making them weaker.

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Good afternoon or evening full moon in Scorpio tonight April 26th. Everything that has been hidden will be brought to light and I mean everything!!!! Now what is interesting is that this moon is magnetic and it is very close to the earth is why this magnetic energy has been intensified. This draws out the hidden wounds within ourselves and brings them into plain sight. Being that this zodiac is a what they call a dark water it will bring out negative emotions and hidden thoughts too that need to surface. Why I said this week would be hell and demons will come out is bc not only is it bringing out things hidden inside you and everyone else but also on a granular scale. So the deep state plans will be coming into the light more and we can see what it is. They can't hide there is not place now. Our psychic abilities will be enhance so don't go picking up others emotions or thoughts bc this is very high energy right now. Pluto rules scorpio and pluto is about transformation from dark to li

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
and 11 tells me here we will safe once we reach the top.

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Good morning chart for April 21st and looks like the sun is 1° 45 in Taurus. Now what is interesting about this is if you pull up a circle chart a 45 angle from Taurus to ascending sign(now) which is Gemini is shown and 11 is also shown. This tells me Phase 2 is about to start 11 and the patriots are in control bc of Gemini. Remember what I said about Taurus solid foundations 👈. Next we have Mercury( communication) in Taurus and yesterday this was at a 3 today its showing 444 which is plans are in action thing. So what plans the patriots have are getting to be put in motion and it's Taurus so this will hurt the deep state tremendously watch and see. Next we have Uranus( shock) also in Taurus but it looks like it's counting down from 10 9 8 and so on . Why is this ? Could it be that when it hits 1 phase 2 will be activated? We will have to see. But look the true node (highest point) is in 11 in Gemini also 🤔 connecting to ascending sign. Looks like we need to keep climbing this ladder a

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Wow look at the scale today 😳 3 is showing here and 27 and 28 is 55 so yes this will ugly but the military being there is for another reason. Adding all the numbers together is 186 is 15 and the 1 in front of the 5 tells me this all about optics bigger picture here. 52 is number that attracts alot of attention and obviously this needs to be in plain sight. This number also tells me this was planned this way maybe to wake people up more or something else 🤔 This number is a strong hold for energy so being presented it has to be a reason. 39 shows me 3 is the dominate number in this case and 4 just like in chart is connecting both pieces the chart and the scale

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
All goes with the ladder I keep talking about and the portals it is connected too. When you are vibrating high you gravitate towards that frequency level and the truth becomes clearer to see bc your open to it

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
something is happening but will lead into the 19th. Idk what I just know 4 in front of it that going to either surprise us or change the course. Either way patriots are still in control

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Good morning again this is astrology chart for 17th of April and let's see what is going on. Looks like again 26 has dominated the board. The patriots are using all they got to get these plans in action. 26 in Mercury (communication) adding a 4 in the mix with Aries shows me social media could be going down soon and not just Twitter. 333 Venus in Taurus looks like heart strings will be played by the deep state with these false flags. They are going to ramp it up so expect more of them and alot hitting the core. They are trying to break the spirit by pain. Patriots have FULL CONTROL as 26 is in both Mars( action ) and Jupiter (authority) and both planets are in air signs. Tells me they have control of the internet so EBS is coming soon. Uranus(shock) is 55 which tells me that may will be a action month lots coming so be ready. 26 pluto(transformation) in Capricorn(government) voting fraud will be proven!!!!!!!!! 17 in ascendant (the now) in Gemini tells me on the 17th today something i

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Good morning seeing how the energy is today is and looks like 4 is empowering both numbers. Could be why Twitter is down again ! Both 49 and 40 equal to 89 and this number is about balance and building a foundation. This could be why also new social media is going to be up and running soon. Looks like the plans are going accordingly as the old system is being torn down as a new one is being built. Alot is going on behind the scenes we don't know about. But it looks like the scales about to be even out 🤔

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
circle it but this is showing leadership from Trump bc he is a Gemini too and he is saving America 🇺🇸

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
This is the astrology chart for April 15th and it looks like the time is here now. 26 is showing up in the sun sign Aries twice along with jupiter and pluto. 26 is about teamwork, leadership and stability and wow in Aries tells me that the patriots plans will taken action very soon and you add Aquarius( knowledge) and capricorn (government) and we have ourselves a plan to prove voting fraud and its solid. 23 in Mercury (communication) tells me that the deep state is about to get everything they worked for destroyed and using Aries fire 🔥 to do it too. Uranus is showing 50 and 2021 is 5 so this is about timing now and not much longer bc 50 is half of 100. Oh didn't I say we are half way up the ladder too 😏. 11 is shown twice and both in Gemini tells me President Trump is about to make his move. 11 in the moon the patriots are twisting the narrative confusing the deep state while true node (future ) the game plans are coming into action and look also 26 is showing too. I forgot to circl

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
new astrology post on telegram@PandoraBoxc

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
Probably voting fraud being exposed for good. 22 in ascendant (living in the now) tells me patriots have control and look again in Gemini. Could this be the final piece or trump card that will change everything. We will have to see and told you Aries was creating the fire 🔥 19th of April is Taurus season so be ready the bull will be released soon

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events
I keep hearing alot of confusion is going on with the narrative. Well this has been planned bc now the deep state they don't know what is going on. They keep saying one thing then it's the opposite then something else. Its bringing out the puppet masters bc now their puppets are glitching. 22 ( create a plan ) is what the patriots are doing confusing the narrative. This whole chart is telling me that the patriots have control. Let me explain first 22 is in Taurus moon and Taurus is slow and steady but fixed sign. Once they make their mind up there is no changing it. This tells me 22 the plan is being created and it will change the course but will be solid bc Taurus is a earth grounding sign. Then we have Mars in Gemini tells me Trump is pushing those boundaries and making it hard for them to figure out what is coming and this again this is being done on purpose. True node in Gemini again lol at 11 tells me that the countermove is in placed and will be hitting the deep state hard. Proba

PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
From DiscloseTV: National Guard arrived at the Brooklyn Center Police Department in#minneapolis.
link: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1382101111549607938?s=20

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.
It appears the DS is going after Corporations now as with the J&J ban on the vaccine for Covid. No matter all are DNA modifiers and all are bad. In the near future as vaccinated individuals begin to die they blame it on 5G rather than the mRNA used to create the protien marker for all who took the vaccine. Your bodies immune system will attack these proteins and in the process those individual who took a DNA modifier will start experiencing organ failure. Note: many recieved placebos and will be fine and many received the vacine and at some point they will get sick of say the flu and the proteins will be targeted by their own immune system.

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
This next part is going to be very tricky.
This next part is going to be very trippy.
Don't be scared. Patriots are in control.
Don't give in to the fear.
Don't give in to the shills and trolls.
Remember what you've been told by 45
Remember that he keeps his promises
Remember what you've learned from 17
Take this knowledge with you through this next final chapter of the greatest story ever told.
You're going to need it more than ever.
Don't rush the process. Don't press it.
Don't fight it. We have it all.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Hi my name is Xaudius and I am a astrological psychometricist where I use numbers letters and astrology to explain current events