Nackendara Teslar
2 days ago

Nackendara Teslar

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I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

You are somebody. We're both as much. And maybe even BBQ.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

That's from me. I'm the Cassandra persona there as you see. I would say, please don't go away. Don't go where we can't follow...and well, I would miss you.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

When anyone says "Jewish" it's regarding the religion. Not a race. But the religion itself is a Talmud Satanic religion. Khazarian. It's all the same. There may be Jews that don't adhere to the Talmud, but that is their religion. It's like asking a Mormon if they still follow polygamy, most do not. But the religion is rooted in it. Their beliefs are very much in line with those scriptures. They just evolved into cabalism. i.e. Vampirism. With the Jews, they were already rooted in the "Khaballah" (Khaba'al) and they do rule all forms of censorship everywhere. Making themselves the masters of what you can say or not say. It's in their A.I. and the minds of all those who are so brainwashed b/c of "Holocaust" propaganda.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

I know! It is a well-known fact that a filthy jew will always hate an artist! That fake Q group got so unhinged, the staff got so unhinged, because jews cannot create art themselves! They just love to overlord and be in control of everything! That's the DS!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Someone got so twisted over Entheos letting it (more or less) be known that Kari Lake actually saw my one video! Then they went full rage. The threats started getting worse right then. I know there are enemies actually controlling Trump's social media network!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Was wondering when you were going to check AnonUp...I wonder if GhostEzra will ever pop back in? And thanks!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

You did! On the original posts. This is just the collection of them.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Have you seen the movie 'Moon'?

I saw it years ago and afterward I ran out and obtained the DVD. It's such a otherworldly film. And if you do see it, in the movie there is only one character in the whole film outside of off-screen voices and GERTY (a robot that does most the tasks around the base) and in the storyline Sam talks to his wife on a screen. But she's not someone that he (as he is) knows.

In my lyric I refer to anyone that I would never know. Its really random. The music score, I'm adding notes in my head to the instrumental of the song from the soundtrack called; Memories (Someone We'll Never Know)

I posted it on TS. The link to the song. It's a very sad piece. Very somber. Very moving.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Most of that is parody. The 'Super Dupa' skit is actually from something called Not The Nine O'Clock News and it was a BBC thing. That's pretty much how I see the BBC. Like this. Like Benny Hill. Nothing can be taken seriously.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Finn Kalvik is super rare stuff to find. Back before google took over youtube and fucked it up, there were plenty of FK videos, but most of them have since been deleted. The full albums of 'Kom Ut Kom Fram' & 'Natt Og Dag' were all uploaded at one time and I never got a chance to grab those and burn them to a CD. Before that they were once available on LimeWire and Kazaa.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

The bass line on that is so hypnotic.

And it's funny that a hand behind a green leaf is slowly reaching up...reminded me of the Entheos symbol.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Thank you for the screengrab! I grabbed your screen.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

It's just imagery. I don't know what I'm looking at in those visions. But salt is heavily featured. And silos are like little places beams are coming from. Like signals, really.

And then my mind went to Amarillo, Odessa, and Corpus Christie. All places I had been before. But I wasn't sure about Lake Grenada. Was I ever there in person? I don't remember. But the water is near a lot of salt. Or at least from what I saw.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

I mean, there were some cars driving down from the bridge and there were a few eye witnesses but chances are they didn't notice. If they did, what could they do? He was dressed to blend in, so...

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

And see the lighting in there? That's actually a good soft light to read by. Very natural and easy on the eyes. I will read to you, stories from my book collection! 😊

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Stop by and give it a like.

I really hope that this place can be restored to its former UI though. I don't know what to think of this boxy one and the fact that I don't get the little window to type in that matches my color scheme anymore. And the white bar on the bottom of pics.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Are you talking about the little .gif I made? That's on Uncyclopedia.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Things are a little off-center here. There's a white bar underneath all the pics and media shares.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

I'm deteriorating. The kind of existence I have, there is no hope of me getting better without a med bed, but they won't let anyone have access to any of them! They keep promising the best is coming, something big is coming, but it's a repeat. A constant loop. What if this whole thing was a lie until there is nothing but death? But I need released from this! I can't do this anymore! For Godssake what do they want from me? A scream? Rage? In the end, I can't give them anything but a corpse to throw away in the pile they've already prepared.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Wow, the government was really, really, REALLY into covering up for the Clintons!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Really I'm good. Food is overrated anyway.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

You don't need to send me something, I have a good stash of food money still left on my card. I always make sure to be prepared. I knew something like this would happen eventually. So I saved up.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Just a little note here, and I've been quiet about this until now, but, everyone on foodstamps isn't getting their cards replenished. I have one, and for years I built it up and have a good amount of food money on mine. But every month it would kick in with my own designated amount of 281$ on the 5th. But not this time. So while I do have a good amount right now, eventually it will go to zero. And then I'll have nothing. But I'm a survivor, and I know how to obtain food anyway. But all that money from everyone's food cards, that all got sent to the Ukraine.

So those of us on foodstamps will starve so that the scumbag nazis in Ukraine can go on 40,000$ shopping sprees. Just FYI.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Oh it's from a Hercules episode where they're in a sort of bizarro world.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

😁I already started the Hercules article.😁

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

Well, it's because they got the beat, but our lips are sealed. I've been running so fast, right from the starting line. Head over heels...

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

It'll do. The lighting is off. I worked with it a bit, but some of the tones are off so it doesn't look real. Bummer too, because that is so Elon.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Chill Bite to his Publication

One of the reasons these articles take so long to complete is because I'm whipping up images to go with them, to go with a scenario I have planned. Sometimes I have to adjust the little stories to go with the pics.😏

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

There's a reason that calling someone Einstein is an insult.😏