I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Anonup is still weird, Gab is whatever, and Mr Chillybites can't even access AU or his email. Over on TS I've been confronted with something out of the blue, still don't know what I did. As usual. And now even humor is frowned on because...serious business and all. Greek personas are hating me. Not that I should be serious since I don't know fuck all of what's going on. I won't be forced into some image of what others believe should reflect holy or sainted beings of an ascension when I'm still battling in the depths of this living Hell! And I would rather bite, kick and scream than be given empty promises and told to calm down when there's a storm always around me. I ride those things. I don't do calm.

Finally back in Sweets!!! Took awhile, geez...
Who redecorated this place? And for awhile no one answered the door whenever I knocked...LOL!
Offered cookies through the mails lot, but not the flavor I like, so I passed on that...
It's great to be back with you! Weird and wild ride getting back to the land of gold... (AU);). Let's just hope it is that and hasn't just been taken over for the usual social media nefarious BS...
Things are a little off-center here. There's a white bar underneath all the pics and media shares.