I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Salt is like wolf's bane. But in salt is where objects and weapons are hidden. Look for hills of salt near tracks and in empty silos of derelict farmlands where upward signals bound in a narrow beam. Balloons and beams. Salt and substance.
I saw Amarillo, and Corpus Christie. And I heard the murmur of Odessa. Further still I saw Grenada's lake.
Please tell me more... I'm kind of confused...

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
It's just imagery. I don't know what I'm looking at in those visions. But salt is heavily featured. And silos are like little places beams are coming from. Like signals, really.
And then my mind went to Amarillo, Odessa, and Corpus Christie. All places I had been before. But I wasn't sure about Lake Grenada. Was I ever there in person? I don't remember. But the water is near a lot of salt. Or at least from what I saw.