Caseydeb MoonChild
3 years ago

Caseydeb MoonChild

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The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

TRUTH! And sometimes your strength gives them the courage to face their weakness. . .

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

I want to see the "gotcha" pics they're being shown!

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Roben Giasson to her Publication

Please try not to worry, you got this my friend! You have been given the gift of common sense and clarity. When fear takes over that is when the devil and evil people win. I completely understand being afraid for those you love, as well as for yourself, that's human. But try to take emotion out of it and use critical thinking. Fear is not real unless there is immediate danger. Be compassionate and patient (I know it's really hard lol). Critical thinking - for example, why now are they saying the unvaxed will become exposed/ill from the vaxed "shedding"? To spread more fear and divide us. They know they can't maintain control, they know we are strong, and they know those who haven't gotten a vax by now prob won't. So now they have to create new bigger fears to try to divide and control us. Keep doing you, keep loving life, this will wake others up! But be safe and aware, some people are going start losing it and you don't want to get caught in BS drama. Love my Mich peeps☺️

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication


The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response True Patriot to his Publication

I am not a witch! 😉😂

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Roben Giasson to her Publication

Just ignore her. I live in MI and I've worked the entire time, I go into most stores without wearing a mask, I go out to eat and support my local businesses, go out with friends, have people over, and have even gone to large indoor events. I have not and will not get the vax. Keep contacting your state reps. Trust me, most of them don't like Gretchen either. Recall petitions are numerous, get involved. Follow youtube channel, I think it's called Standup Michigan, something like that. The only way our state stays in lockdown is if people believe her BS. Police are not arresting or ticketing anyone and won't. Don't let others intimidate you; go live your life, be happy. There are A LOT of us, just look around. You'll see people everywhere not wearing masks, restaurant parking lots are full, more people are breaking free. Others see us at the gas station without a mask, at first they're mad - but now they're not wearing masks either. Freedom is highly contagious.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

Praise God! Praying word gets out quick and more people wake up before they are manipulated and coerced into getting the shot.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

Seth Rich death has always been so disturbing to me. I pray that the truth comes out about this, and so many others taken too soon.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

This ticks me off!! While I'm happy for the ruling even if it is late; I'd like to know what penalties she'll face for breaking the law! Without punishment there's nothing to stop these people. A Michigan Judge had eventually ruled that Gov. Whitmer overstepped her authority with lockdowns, but no penalty or punishment was imposed to hold her accountable, so she just sidestepped the Judge and found another way to make her own rules. 😡

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication

It's rather sad how few people understand economics, interest, inflation, basic finance and how "banks" work. I was talking with an over 50 educated person who didn't understand that their credit card was a bank card. . . but the card says Kohl's and they're not a bank🙄

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

It's not just the vaccines - people are freely providing their DNA to those who wish to manipulate it. Doesn't anyone find it curious that they've pushed the testing and repeat testing. IMO your DNA is necessary, without it there's no way to "tweak" the results for a desired outcome. I'm keeping the genes God gave me and no Rite Aide, random mobile testing bus, or geneology kit is getting my DNA if I can help it.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

🤣😂🤣 That interviewer has absolutely no clue. Apparently us digital warriors aren't very effective providing information😜

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Not getting the vaccine.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

Just checked and AF2 flying from Denver to DC right now

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Black Sheep to his Publication

Interesting. Detergent Emulsions having antiviral activity; device for cleaning the atmosphere. . .
Let's pray it's being used for the good of humanity.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Already do that everyday! I never stopped working and don't wear a mask anywhere. I've never been kicked out of anyplace. Yes, I live in a lockdown state (MI).

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Nice thought but it's not possible. If you have an employer payroll taxes are paid every pay period. If you do your deductions properly you can minimize "loaning" the government money and come really close to even. I don't claim the standard deductions because I want my money in my paycheck and I don't want them to use it free of charge for a year until I get a refund. Every year I've come within $24 to $85 of being even. I don't owe or get a big refund and they don't get to use my money for free. If you know a way to have your employer not pay payroll taxes please share.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

I disagree. You're entitled to your opinion and certainly there are some cops who are bullies but to say all cops are bad is simply not true. I have several close friends who are cops. Every one of them have refused to enforce any of the restrictions here, and we've had many (Michigan). I've been helped/saved on more than one occasion by the police. Sure some are bad, but it's not fair or true to say ALL cops are bad. #AgreetoDisagree

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

This is so disturbing to me. I've always been a huge supporter of law enforcement and law and order. I understand that there is good and bad in all areas, but honestly I've always believed there are many more good cops than the few bad. Seeing things like this is so unsettling to what I've always believed. How can these "police" beat, hit, and arrest people who are doing nothing wrong. Are there really this many BAD cops in the world, or do they actually believe the BS narrative and think they are "protecting" citizens by doing this? This is just plain scary in so many ways!

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

SCOTUS hears President Trump's election fraud cases for Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia staring the 19th🙏

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response vDarkness Falls to his Publication

Oh crap. Now I have to go back and re-read all the corn coms. I gave up on trying to figure out WTH the corn, harvest, etc., meant. Ugh, now I have to figure out how to find archived tweets. I'm exhausted, anyone have crib notes lol

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

Imagine if the US could not support it's need for energy (electric/gas/oil) in order to survive. If there is no US renewable source of energy there's no heat, no machines to run water plants, food becomes scarce, no way to "process" everything without energy, no way to transport food. Our entire infastructure is dependent upon energy. If we have don't have that energy then the US becomes dependent upon whom for survival? Not sure who's behind the FF, but if we can't create, sustain and protect our own energy we're screwed.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response THE ORANGEMEN to his Publication


The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Jackie Joe to his Publication

Thanks for sharing. Easy understanding presentation - too many people don't get it. And for those who do understand, there's just no way out. Even the most economically aware person will come to a time when they must purchase something that they simply don't have the "cash" to buy. You/we will always be a slave. It's not just this system, it's also the trillions of dollars they've stolen from us that we paid in social security but which is never ever collected. We think because we work and make a living we are free and independent - we are not.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Love this! Made me happy cry 😍

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Scooby85 *** to her Publication


The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Dennis Jorgenson to his Publication

Amazing! All things are possible. Looks like the world leaders wanted the same thing, it just took the right someone with enough gumption to make the first move, negotiate and organize the fight against the real enemies. I would love to see the initial conversations with these leaders
Trump: Hey Putin how do ya feel about flipping the script and kicking some butt 😂
Putin: Sure let's give em something they can blame on Russia for real. The ball's in your court 😉

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Let's not forget that SCOTUS is scheduled to hear President Trump's election fraud cases for Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia on 02/19/21. THIS FRIDAY 🙏

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Chris Cunningham to his Publication

This news came out a while ago. Covered by Michigan newspapers and some local news. Not sure if MSM covered it. SCOTUS is scheduled to hear President Trump's election fraud cases for Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia starting Feb 19.

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA

In response Dennis Jorgenson to his Publication

Hmmm. I remember as a kid learning about the KGB, the communist USSR, etc. As an adult, knowing what I now know, and how much of everything I "learned" was a lie, some things still sound weird to me. I'm still not 100% certain, probably because I've been conditioned for so long, but my gut/intuition says Putin is on our side (the soccer ball was a big tell for me lol). Each day your intuition tells your mind to shut the F up you know your awakening.