Q's Corn harvest > Hillary Clinton's private server was -@Clintonemail.coRn. She placed an 'r' next to an 'n' to mimic a 'm' > rn < m, in attempts to hide the entire operation. CoRney comey did this too. ALL emails have been recovered / HARVESTED & are ready for public consumption. When HRC's emails are released to the public, major players, assets & leaders around the world will be implicated in a YUGE way.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs
Could this be what Sen Grassley was referring to in this tweet? The emails are ready for public consumption?
@BrianHylandCDU: RT @ChuckGrassley: This corn is ready for harvest & we are about 1/3 done at the Grassley farm #cornwatch https://t.co/dOhrkr66og | Conspir..
This corn is ready for harvest & we are about 1/3 done at the Grassley farm #cornwatch https://t.co/dOhrkr66og— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) October 5, 2020 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
I think a whole crap load of people snapped out of it and woke up past 2 weeks. Lots of angry people that were not so angry before. The media is loosing its narrative grasp and people are starting to see. I truely believe people are ready. I feel it. I can feel a change in people. I would love to see some arrests.....SOON!

Patriot, Smart-Alec, Brain Picker~Aries~INFJ~IRISH~ John, Carolyn, Lauren, Diana, Michael, Elvis, Robin, more! ->Trump Pointed the Bone!
Nothing like a state-wide power outage to get their attention, eh?
Sometimes, it takes .e.x.t.r.e.m.e. circumstances to get your attention...not heat in zero weather and snow slaps people right in their faces. Yet, there are those that will never get "it".

USAF vet. Patriot . 3%. I will stand for Mr. President Trump till the end. God bless you .

The Best Is Yet To Come! Be kind, be happy, be strong. Genuine gratitude and love for all of my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA
Oh crap. Now I have to go back and re-read all the corn coms. I gave up on trying to figure out WTH the corn, harvest, etc., meant. Ugh, now I have to figure out how to find archived tweets. I'm exhausted, anyone have crib notes lol

like everyone else...when?????????????????????????????????..who has the authority to release?
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Hillary Clinton said: "I don't sweat..." What does this mean?
View this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRkTjOC_4SA

So Grassley always knew and was read in at some point by Trump Admin. Think about ALL of Grassley's corn com's....😳😎

whoa thats news to me awesome!

These people really are stupid...

MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Trump Won🇺🇸🇺🇸WWG1WGA 🙏🏻Save The Children🙏🏻 💛💛Trump is Still my President💛💛 PLEASE no DM’s

Let's Roll! 🇺🇸

Still wearing that silly mask? Stand up. We have work to do. #wwg1wga
.corn must be a very special domain since I can't find it anywhere. I lookied up uni.corn availability. But try any other name as a test.

I'm not so sure anymore it's her server she directly made, but rather some really strange glitch that Qoincidencidentally happens to HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS 9f) of her emails. All the same glitch > .coRn
Clearly the corn harvest is meant to represent her recovered / HARVESTED emails. This same glitch was happening to CoRney Comey. Again, no Qoincidences.

Still wearing that silly mask? Stand up. We have work to do. #wwg1wga
Good catch.

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
Thank you !! now I finally get the Corn reference.....sheesh !

Joe Biden's National Security advisor Jake Sullivan was emailing Hillary Clinton on her secret, ILLEGAL dot coRn server. 🤣
You can't make this shit up!
"I caught them I caught them ALL"! ~President Trump.
"You're watching a movie".
Wikileaks link -

Canadian patriot who raises miniature dairy goats. Card Reader, Empath, Intuitive. WWG1WGA. @Metaphysfarmer on twit/×
IS the odd spacing code as well? Key letters?

Australian Michael Fullilove, Rudd and others connection to Clinton Foundation.

🦅🇺🇸Digital Soldier: I love God, freedom and to stand up for what’s right! #WWG1WGA
ready for that popcoRn!!! 🍿🍿🍿

Proud mother of my daughter Ohio National Guard Security Forces!! God Bless the world!!! Live love life
is that why trump named the turkeys corn and cob???😬😳

trump pardoned one of them

Blinding Ray of Sunshine. Herculean Heart. Medicine Woman.Creative Solutionist. Bent, not Broken.I’ve Seen My Darkside+Nothing Left to Fear.
Children of the Corn...a Motley Murderous Cult Gang all jacked up on Monsanto saturated crazycorn whilst worshipping a Demon

wego.social/DownScale | https://truthsocial.com/@downscale

This is so interesting, and new info to me, thank you! This must be why Grassley had so many corn comms!