Marion Arabella
2 years ago

Marion Arabella

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Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

If this is mixed with certain other fun things you get a constantly reoccurring sickness caused by parasitic infections. Normal treatments will treat symptoms but never rid the body of what is killing it. Anti parasitic is the only answer.
More later as it evolves.

Remember your cats never meant to hurt you.

In response Deplorable Paratrooper to his Publication

know what else I don't ever hear, that anyone wishes the vaccinated die. Why is it that our side wants to warn and protect the vax happy sheep, but when the tables are turned they wish us ill. just goes to show you that were not the bad guys.

To many things are not adding up. I'm here to try to figure out why.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

Is this why it has been so quiet? The last 2 days when I went outside, it was almost spooky quiet. My grandmother said "something is brewing".

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏

Happy New Year’s to all of the amazing people on Anonup! So many of you inspire me, not even knowing it. We have shared stories, news, memes and laughs for the past couple of years. We lift each other up constantly, many of you have carried me, when I needed it most. Our love of God and one another, is second to none! It doesn’t matter that friends and family have left is wayside., God answered that distress call and decided to unite us, from around the World. I look forward to all of our futures together. I wish every one of you peace, happiness, love, prosperity and good health..always! God Bless You, President Trump & family and every Patriot fighting for our way of life! It has always been about the Love. ❤️Let’s Crush it in 2022!! 🙏❤️🌍✨🐸🙌🥂🍾

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Once again I will state that what I post here is what is shown to me.

I may not get what I am shown 100% accurate as in methods or times but my greatest thing I can tell you is God is real and alive and so is his son. Knowing what they have done for you and always keeping your faith are the strongest tools we have in our arsenal.
To me something just did not feel right about the limited amount of knowledge the church was willing to give it's people. That does not fall on anything but the church. Now the church spouts more blasphemy than anything I have seen posted but I am to believe what I am taught by them still?
I pray to God for wisdom and knowledge for what I read and what I post. Maybe everything I post is trash but it feels real to me.
It is your soul so it is also your choice of what to believe. My post are not to change your mind but to provide you with knowledge that will help you see, like I feel the Lord is doing for me. I pray he forgive me if I am incorrect.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

I also think the vaccine is the "abomination of desolation" from the Bible.

The "sanctuary" or "holy place" isn't a building, it's inside our body (1 Cor: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own")

… and the vax cuts off our divine connection to the Creator when it rewrites our DNA.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

5) Continued. Proof of connection.

8.4 And, at the destruction on the Earth, men cried out, and their voices reached
9.1 And then Michael, Gabriel, Suriel and Uriel, looked down from Heaven, and saw the mass of blood that was being shed on the Earth, and all the iniquity that was being done on the Earth.
9.2 And they said to one another: "Let the devastated Earth cry out with the sound of their cries unto the Gate of Heaven.
9.3 And now, to you,O Holy Ones of Heaven,the souls of men complain,saying:"Bring our complaint before the Most High."

9.2 Shows that the Archangels can look down FROM heaven to see man and that they can also talk to each other.
9.3 Shows that men can talk directly to the Archangels in heaven. While it says souls it does not say of the dead. So they heard the voice of man and prayers of man.
This shows that at one point man had a direct connection to heaven, that connection was because of the gene of God each man possessed. The giants did not.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

When you can see what is really there your whole world will change.
Hidding in plain sight.

3 pics.

JESUS is my KING, America is my home and TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I'm not here for dates!! I'm here to share truth & support TRUMP

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

I noticed alright. I posted everything I could about it and posted a pic of mask and oxygen stats and now doing my 4th 30 day suspension on fraudbook. I'm ready and I'm praying and I'm standing firm. Waiting on others to join me, hold hands and we all pray and worship our HEAVENLY FATHER and give it completely to HIM and watch kingdoms fall. 🙏💜 I love you and JESUS LOVES YOU MORE.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Who is protecting the Elite?
It is not who you think.
They are not human.
They are not alien.

Who protects you?
If they believe in the devil, than they know God is real. They know he walks the earth.
Do you?
Who prays harder, who practices their religion more?
Is this why they were winning for so long?

Why have they invested so much in taking away your belief in the Almighty?
Why did they target the elderly with the virus?
Why do they push their propaganda at the children?

How many identify as atheist?
How many believe they are their own God?
How many believe it is vibration that will elevate them?
How many have turned from God completely?
How many of our elderly had rock solid faith?

Do those who teach division believe in religion?
Teachers have become destroyers.

Why is America the last stand?
Think about it.

If two or more come together in my name...
Time to team up.
Pray. Pray hard.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Post 7 Eat the pain.
It did not go unnoticed.
My reply.
Outstanding catch!
What do we refer to as eating "The Pain?"
We suffer (eat) pain and become stronger in our bodies and minds.
Jesus suffered days of pain so that we as Christians could look upon his sacrifice as a promise that it would be his blood that granted us entry into his fathers house.

They love to mock God.
To prove they are better than him.
They do not want the blood of Christ, they use their own because they are gods.
The coven leaders give their blood and pain to evil spirits as a way of praise to their master.
The more they give the more they reap once they are with him.
The coven gives to their priestesses who may share with the priest.
Some offer much more than a finger.
Some offer it all.
It is the blood and pain that becomes all the more powerful when it is taken by someone who was unwilling but after being defiled for days begs to give.
Pray for the children.
These people are sick.
2 pics

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

In response Colleen Wardin to her Publication

What is there to fear when you have everlasting life? God does not ever leave his children, they leave him.
Love and praise the lord Jesus for it is his blood that let's you pass into his father's house.
Praise God!

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Post 5 Why you shouldn't trust me.

After much thought I believe it best to go all the way back to square one. I could put everything I know or believe up all at once and there is a possibility not one other person would understand it.
The reason that is true is because EVERY person is biased. They see the world in their own way, process information differently and have their own hierarchy of what is important.
I will always encourage you to speak out against me, make me show you why I think the way I do. People need opposition, it is a must to continue to expand our knowledge. I need you because it dilutes my bias. Less bias means more factual.
If I post something you tend to believe in already not matter what I add to it, you will tend to believe me without question.
We want to fit in.
That my frens is the matrix.
That is why we remain asleep.
We can not believe in something simply because it fits our own belief or makes it stronger.
It has to be because it can be verified

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

So much is dropping today I can not keep up.
Here we go again.
2 pics self explained.
If they can't get us the jab they will do it another way.

Y is China in case you did not know already.

Same post but different topic.
6 o'clock is a Gin.
Gin is known as a Mother's ruin.
Could this be a sign Nancy is in trouble?
6 o'clock on the 6 o'clock website says the 6 o'clock story
Sure sounds like something to make the news.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

You bastards soil everything. God will have his vengeance upon you.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Post 7s sauce

Finding posts when it comes to blood and spirits are rare, normally it is just talked about on occult sites. I was lucky enough to find this one. How long it will stay I am not sure. It has English translation a little down the page.

The blood can also be used along with other fluids to cast powerful magic.
When menstrual blood is used they can cast spells of immense power, this is something that the armor of God will help defend you against. Always be praying.

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

What in the world is going on? Its getting hard to tell who are good and who are bad.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Small Pox has always been the next step.

FDA approved a pill for small pox in 2018.
Yes a pill for a disease that is eradicated in the U.S.
Their excuse is just in case of bio-terrorism.
A company called SIGA got the call and has a contract with BARDA (The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) to supply the drug.

Here is the catch though and it's freaking HUGE.
"The efficacy of TPOXX may be reduced in immunocompromised
patients." A.K.A. everyone with a covid vax.
It gets much worse.
A dedicated drug-drug interaction study determined that drug interactions exist for co-administration of repaglinide and midazolam.
Wouldn't you know that both of those drugs are used in a form of a Covid vaccine.

So not only will it not work well but you could have deaths from drug interactions out the wazzu.
BTW SIGA is Agis backward. Agis is a huge elder health network.

This is a set up, it always was. They are trying to sacrifice those you love.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

This may have already been brought up and I have just missed it by being away for a few days but if not look into
Meghan Walsh
The daughter of John (America's most wanted) Walsh.
She is the closest whistleblower I have seen to giving the whole picture of what is going on in the "Horrorwood" circles.
M.K. Ultra starts at home
With their children.
Of course it does.

Your heroes are not who you think they are.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

For those of you who have followed me for some time you know that I normally respond to everyone I can because I believe your voice should be heard. If you take the time to respond to me it is only right I do the same.
There are times though that this is just not possible if I wish to keep doing the research to back up what I say.
Now is one of those times, it actually has been for awhile.
I do not do this for money or follows, I do this so you have an idea of what you are up against.
I ask nothing of you but to read what I write and look into it for yourself.
Call bullshit if you wish, just research it first.
I value your opinion either way and look forward to reading it.
I am just overwhelmed atm by your responses so I answer what I can when I can.
Your opinions matter not only to me but to the others that read these posts, so even if I can not respond know you are being heard.
As of today this is where I am in responses.
Forgive my inability to keep up.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Just to set the record straight.

This is Colin Powell's casket being taken into the church.
As you can see it does have a flag on it.
If this flag is ironed or not is up to you.
I have my opinion.
The drape with with the crosses was put over it because God comes before country.
This is a choice the family can make.
They made it.
Do not believe anyone unless you have done your own research, myself included.
May God give you wisdom.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

People that are coming to know the truth are putting out videos of 2014's Go Fast rocket launch.

Many people think that this proves a firmament because it supposedly hit it and was kicked back to earth.
It stopped spinning because a thruster was fired.
The sound of it hitting was actually the booster being jettisoned along with the stabilizers, this is what caused it to start rotating and fall back to earth.
This rocket was not sent up to prove flat earth or firmament.
It was to prove we are a binary system.
That we have 2 stars.
We are and we do.
Look for reflections, it is all about reflections.

Use options to set your playback to .25.
Go to 5:10 and watch.
That is not the moon nor another planet, that is a second sun.
Why can't you see it from earth?
The same reason you can't see stars in space.
The filtering of our atmosphere.
What else is up there that they don't want you to see?
That is for you to find out frens.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Learn and understand.

There ARE forces at play you do not understand.
Start learning.
The Qliphoth
Fear them because those who use them do.

Satanist can be considered many things but taken back to the beginning it is the worship of lucifer the sun god. It is not the sun of light that you see in the sky daily, it is the dark sun that you can not see but is never the less still there. It is called the black hole sun, the eye in the sky or the morning star but is better known to its practitioners as the all seeing eye.
This sun does not emit strong enough light that the naked eye can see hence it can not be viewed through our atmosphere like the sun and stars. There are also other things that fit this category you can discover yourself.
This is what you must be aware of because it is the cause of much of our worlds strife.
It has immense energy that can be used and is not what it seems to be.
It is destruction.
It is being held back
For now.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

We feed on mass to give us energy.

Do plants?
No they feed on energy to give them mass.
Are we alive?
Are plants?
We both live on earth but feed on different things.

When a person is in fear they radiate an extremely strong energy, this has been proven.
If a person is kept in this state for too long their body no longer can produce this state.

We are dying every single second because our cells are.
We can replace those cells by stealing building cells from fetuses and children.
Science shows you that it has already been done.

What do you get when you take a child and keep them in fear?
Fear energy

What do you get when you harvest that child after they can no longer produce?
Building cells

It all either supplies nourishment or creates huge cash flow.

Who takes Adrenochrome and builder cells?
The Elite.

The scary question is...
What eats fear energy like trees eat sunlight?

Notice they never do evil things alone.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

When you want to fix something you have two choices.

You buy the best replacement parts you can get
You buy the cheapest ones

Both repair the system but eventually it will break down again.

2 lessons here.
Anything that fixes what is broke has been bought.
Anything that has broken can never really be fixed.

If you understand this you will understand that the only true way to fix something that is broken is to destroy it and build something that can't be broken.

It all needs to be destroyed.
It ALL will be destroyed.
What replaces it can never be broken.

Understand me when I say this because I do not say it lightly.
We are part of what is broken.
Our children are not.
Not yet.
Everything is for them.

Throw it all in the trash
Every bit
It honestly is your only way to be happy
Enjoy what you have while you have it
Who cares what tomorrow brings if you didn't live today
You won't live tomorrow either
Eventually tomorrows run out

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

I want to make this very clear for all of you who think JFK jr. is coming back to enact revenge for his fathers death.
He is not and will not ever been seen in public again.
He is by all accounts "dead".
There is no need for him to do anything nor was there ever.
His father was not killed by the Cabal.
JFK's first born son is already taking care of that revenge business and has no fear of the cabal.
The two were friends as well as half brothers.

You see, like I have said before if you are high ranking Cabal you must turn your first two children over to be raised by other Cabal members, Abraham was to sacrifice and the devil likes to one up.
JFK used to be Cabal.
Check and see how many children Jackie actually had.
How many were "lost"?
JFK jr. was born 12 years after his oldest half brother.
His oldest half brother was given the middle name John for a reason.
He is the real Jr.
Do you ever wonder why he pays so much tribute to the Kennedy's?
Now you'll understand.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

This is how I know what Elon Musk is trying to tell the world is 100% truth.
I have said it many times myself. Many, many times.
Controlled by China, run by rapists.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

A Question that needs understanding.

When you are told to raise your vibration so you can ascend, where is it that you are ascending to?
Some say the 4th or 5th dimension or higher, they are not even sure themselves.
Hear me when I say this,
You ascend when you die and no other time.
I know this because it is in the word of God.
I know this because if we were meant to ascend Jesus would not of promised us to return and build his new kingdom on the EARTH.

While you are alive there is nothing you can do to ascend but pray, I only know of two souls that have ascended to heaven.
Instead of raising your "vibrational energy" try raising your ability to be the absolute best person you can while not forgetting to praise God everyday. If you do this I promise you when the time comes you will have enough vibration to ascend, you had it the moment you gave yourself to God.
You literally can do nothing without the power of God, vibrations be damned.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Want to be a super sleuth and be able to tell if something you see is a bogus post? Here are a couple of free websites I use to do just that.
I no way endorse or am affiliated in any way. Remember always do your own research versus just taking my word for it.
1. This site allows you to see if a photo has been photo shopped in anyway. It takes practice to get good at it but I am sure you will have plenty of that.
2. This site allows you to track flights. Click the U in the upper right hand corner for military flights only.
3. This site allows you to track ships.
4. This site allows you to see if a picture has ever been used on the net before. It has it's weaknesses but is generally good.
5. This site allows you to see all areas that have been blocked from air travel and why.
6. Self explanatory.