Juztn G Anon
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35 fb accounts gone several twatter accounts gone 😤
u on telegram Casey?
lets get the band back together🙏🏼🇺🇸🐸🆘

Im on the boat with ya
Praying they will come to us soon and atart asking questions
stay strong loved ones

love you Nana 🙏🏼🐸🥳🤩

Time Travel it seems to me.
Think Mirror right?
what if DJT started it and in fact JFK is here finishing in the shadows while DJT is running interferance like 48 said?
JFK said back then “we chose to go to the moon in this decade” is that this decade?
so many questions
what a time to be alive Nana

my mother is 35
father is 35
im 35
son is 777
i was born at Jfk memorial on 9/8


heres what i got Kim

scavino wished him a speedy recovery i believe or something like that yes

johns son
son of john mirrored

“perspective “

i hope left isnt right

tip of the spear


hey Casey remember a couple months ago we spoke about getting together and going to trump international golf course here in Rancho Palos Verdes if you look at my profile I just posted something about it would you be willing to get together with us with a good group of pratiots and showing our support for POTUS? we have flags and a couple other things ready to go drones camera crew etc. ill send you my info inbox talk to you soon love you fren