Missy❤️ Mae‼️
3 years ago

Missy❤️ Mae‼️

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Female patriot who is passionate about the constitution, dogs and family. MAGA! KAG! Love President Trump- best President of my lifetime!

He warned you long ago. Many times.

The wires under his mask are starting to show.

The Fraud Project.

Come on Joe, turn on those lights. It's time to wake up. Unless you aren't in there.

You are all in or all out. There's no in between. The precipice.

Trump didn't come this far to leave you hanging. Trust the plan. It's real.

The goal right now by the mockingbird media is to infiltrate the Q movement. It's to discredit, distract, and demoralize the very foundational truths of the movement. Don't give them any fuel. Be careful what you share and who you follow. Stick to the drops, and be patient. Nothing can stop what's coming.

Guessing dates and times is fun and keeps us digging, but never forget this.

The great awakening!

In the end you'll ask how did Trump and the Q team pull all of this off? It's actaully quiet easy to explain. Everyone was so deeply asleep. They were conditioned by Hollywood movies and special effects and fake news for decades. This made it a very doeable plan. Most of you thought Biden was really Biden up until last week. The majority of people still do. The prupose was to wake everyone up. Hopefully you are awake by now. Don't go back to sleep. The red pill in the end is much better.

😂Cmon man.😂

If you think there are 5000 troops staying in DC through March because of Trump's impeachment trial, you are normie that belongs in a re-education camp. Sorry the truth is going to sting.

Even the fake signature matches the fake Biden. Enjoy the show!

Let's make it bright during the darkness. Spread the word. Soldiers have your back!

Consitution 101. Smart kid.

I got GAB going wild right now. Lol.

Please JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén EVER BEFORE!👊😎🇺🇸

EXCLUSIVE! Lin Wood: "I believe the military is in control", "Joe Biden is a fake president"


Female patriot who is passionate about the constitution, dogs and family. MAGA! KAG! Love President Trump- best President of my lifetime!

Super excited to follow the PATRIOTS who love POTUS TRUMP as much as I do! Twatter is a wasteland. So now, im learning to navigate Gab, Discord and this platform. whew! lots of learning to do! 🤣🤣🤣