The goal right now by the mockingbird media is to infiltrate the Q movement. It's to discredit, distract, and demoralize the very foundational truths of the movement. Don't give them any fuel. Be careful what you share and who you follow. Stick to the drops, and be patient. Nothing can stop what's coming.

In regards to the opportunity to cease assets as of today for election fraud EO.
I think if we've learned one thing over the past couple years, it's that just because something CAN now happen, don't mean it's going to happen today. Gotta trust the plan and know that timing and optics are everything. WWG1WGA

I can hardly wait to see all these douch bag media have their assets ceased and for them to be thrown in prison for treason.

No worries. God is on our side. 😉👍🙏

Proud American Patriot Family is Everything Seek the Truth #wwg1wga #maga #thegreatawakening
I have anything Q on CloutHub and I have noticed the feed is infested with shills.

RN❤️Mother❤️Patriot ❤️Love God🙏🏻Love My Country.🇺🇸WWG1WGA ❤️Trump

Iowa Patriot who loves God, Country, family and Donald J. Trump. #WWG1WGA #MAGA #HOLDTHELINE
Kinda weird they are so hell bent on slandering the Q people now that Q has been dark for more than 45 days. And most have long been kicked off of Fakerbook and Twatter. It started out a few days ago with family members talking about what a strain the Q follower in their family has been and how it is tearing the family apart. Then it was an "Alleged" Q follower that I don't think ever read more than one Q drop and it was to prepare him for his bogus interview with Anderson "The Cannibal" Cooper. Looks like Nancy's wrap up smear all over the place.

American Patriot, Truth Seeker, Seer, I Support Our Armed Forces & Vets. Q found me, unlike any way I've heard. Oath Keeper. ❤️👊 🇺🇸🙏🐸
was thinking this. It just makes it harder when they all see it's true and how bad.

Why would Congress try to pass a bill that condemns Q if it's just a conspiracy theor? Because the guy that wrote the bill is a pedophile. The FOIA request for information regarding Q was not only rejected, but the CIA responded 2 days later. I've never even heard of a government agency responding to anyone that fast. The media will break people's spirit and make them question their own judgement. The sooner they're shut down the better.

Patriot, Believer, wife and mother, potter, photographer, gardener, chef🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻😎
I've heard a couple of interesting people in the Christian community, full out say, 'Don't follow Q, you;ve been had, there is no plan, there is no sting operation...' as in the past month! I'm thinking a number of things: 1. you're 3ish years too late 2. really, why now 3. who paid you to say that and 4. gotta go now, praying for you🙏🏻🤪😎

Proud RAF Veteran. Used to think life was one big problem, then I woke up = it’s not ME, it’s THEM
one member of my family asked are you in a cult ? 😂 I was like jeez thanks for that you have known me all my life, and thats where you think my moral compass is 🤷♀️ then again I blame the lying lamestream media or alternativeky Wikipedia ..

Yup I am radacalized and "not the same person". Exactly right! I will never be the same!

Same. I'm the caretaker for my two elderly parents. My mom is convinced I'm in a cult and completely brainwashed based on what she has seen and heard in the media. She even threatened to kick me out a couple of days ago. It's crazy. I try to avoid the subject at all cost but occasionally she brings it up and flips out. I don't know what she thinks they're going to do if she does kick me out! They need the help.

Land of the Free because of the Brave! #WWG1WGA Proud Trump Supporter! Facts Over Fear! Love my #MAGA family!
And don't talk to the media...they'll spin truth into slander in a nanosecond

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Followed you on Twitter til the big purge. I follow you on gab as singingbird. I know what's going down in the world right now with people who even use these platforms so I'm glad I didn't buy a pro membership there. They did just hire a new head of cybersecurity from Twitter there & I've met him. Liberal punk... Bad vibe.. Jack's mole?
What should we be careful about sharing here and who should we be leery of following or allowing to follow? We need to know as much as you can say. We are in the UK here.🤔Can you give us more specifics/detail. Thank you Patriot! GODSPEED

I have the same questions, but I don't think this really think anyone can tell. I just unfollow anyone who starts dropping hints that it is all a lie... And I share whatever I think others should know. I am in the USA and others have been telling us this same thing for a long time now. I don't worry about it and do what I feel is right. I use my own discrestion. God Bless... No worries. The bad actors are going to do whatever they want anyhow, right???? Love and prayers sent your way. 😉💞💓👍🙏

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I'm avaiable for interviews, lol!!!

why cant it be the other way around.? im so tired right now. no sleep good

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Patriot, awake truth seeker!! Looking for like-minded friends. 🇺🇸🙏
love this 🤣

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏

I got called an "antifa karen" on FB by a Biden supporter....🤣😂🤣😂....c'mon, Sonny, make my day!!! FN morons.... The Biden supporters are uniting in the Fake News posts.... I'M STILL DRIVING MY TRUMP TRAIN!! 🚂🍿🚂🍿🚂🍿

Patriot..I stand by our Potus WWG1WGA came here from twitter Purge searching for my patriot fam!
they are runnin outta fuel..

This is what HOLD THE LINE is meant to be. This is a war for our minds. It has always worked on us in the past. NOT THIS TIME. Just because things didn't happen when they "should" have or did not happen when we thought or wanted does not mean The Plan failed or that Trump has walked away from the fight
STOP listening to anything or ANY ONE that is contrary to what you knew before. Trump, the White Hats and yes Q are still here and the plan is playing out. "Scare Event is Necessary". And yes there are times I am very scared.
Yes we look like fools right now. This is not easy. This

President Donald J. Trump Is Our Commander In Chief. U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran 6/72 -7/79 Ex Lead Guitarist
There is no QAnon. There's Q and there's Anon. We are Anon.#FakeNews

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTUS❤️ WWG1WGA

little Anon - Patriot POTUS W͓W̵̩ͤG͍͘1̖̣͞W̥G̩̀҉A #̷̧̢̼̤͈̼̫̋̾Q̸̼͔͕̗͚̟̉̄̄͝a̷̞̗̺̐̔̚ṇ̶̨̢̦͚͚̜͇̯̉̓̑̉̏͋̕͝ö̴̡̟̥͔̟̞̯̠̳́ͅṇ̵̫̭͔̈́̓͆̄̈́̋̈́̓͘͠
Thank you Patriot#GodWins

I follow only the rule of love and I follow back. :)
We are all being made fun of right now. Our closest friends and family are calling us names and laughing at us.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Had a dream this morning that it was all over and all the bad guys were locked up in GITMO. Started searching the net as soon as I woke up. Eyes were barley open! Felt GREAT! Just a preview for me of things to come! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! WWG1WGA

i don't need the media's help, my family is discrediting and demoralizing enough. It has been difficult since the Inauguration.

Stay strong nothing worth doing is ever easy. Prayers

I'm in IT, to win IT, and win IT BIGLY. WWG1WGA!!! I'm a Twitter Refugee that has been banned 10 TIMEs. Fight the GOOD fight. The Q!!!
I have been finding this out BIGLY. Please, verify all info, too much disinfo is being put out. Photshopped images and fictional quotes. WOW! All this for a LARP???
Ghost Ezra
The goal right now by the mockingbird media is to infiltrate the Q movement. It's to discredit, distract, and demoralize the very foundational truths of the movement. Don& followers of this user (@TheBobWhoKnew) can see their posts

Patriot, awake truth seeker!! Looking for like-minded friends. 🇺🇸🙏
but there have been none correct? Im a hard core Trump gal that starting waking up and looking into Q about a year ago. Wish I was here sooner. 🙏

Faith for good. God’s hands. Business owner Praying for the world
is there anything we should watch for in their profiles. catch words, phrases. usually i have found they reveal themselves rather quickly.

I don't know about catch words etc. But if you are watching, listening too, or following any one that you find is "making" you feel hopeless or in any way doubt that Trump, the White Hats, the Miltary or The Plan are not in control and that the DS will not be defeated I would suggest to stop following or listening to them.
If you feel yourself get wobbly stick with those that encourage, support and inspire you.

Iowa Patriot who loves God, Country, family and Donald J. Trump. #WWG1WGA #MAGA #HOLDTHELINE
Follow whomever you want. But silently watch their comments. Not just to you, but to others. When you identify one, don't engage. Just unfollow and move on with your day. Same applies to all Karens and Debbie Downers.

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Amen x 10 !!!

It's called PANIC!! 🇺🇸💪🙏

So true. I am seeing fake/traps - they are hoping patriots will repost/share and look foolish. Be careful!