George Patton
@GeneralPatton2021Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
Love thy neighbor
Not align your chakras
Not focus on ascension
Not open your pineal gland
Not any polyanna selfishness
Love thy neighbor
Get dirty
Get messy
Take risks
Reach out
Evil is being exposed, yes
And selfishness
And platitudes
And weakness
And bumper sticker philosophy
I may not get to, but God willing
Help the helpless
Feed the hungry
Lift up the poor
Teach a trade
No theories
Just action
May God grant this heathen the opportunity to serve WeThePeople
In the trenches
Rubber meets the road
In the weeds
In the muddy water
Ease the suffering
God bless WeThePeople
I am not Free until all are Free

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
Gurus require an audience.
Teachers require students.
Healers require the wounded.
Preachers require parishoners.
And so it goes.
Thus the guru, teacher, healer, preachers all become performers, their worth based on this.
It's a game I have played but no more.
God bless WeThePeople
The common folk
The every day people
No agenda short of Freedom for all

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
I just read medbeds can't heal trauma
I think this is incorrect
Because every human has been traumatized
Dif ways, same ways
Dif degrees
But still traumatized
Then there's this really asinine concept that humans learn thru trials, that healing trauma is part of ascension,growth, blah blah
If the enemy is smart enuf to calculate the effects of trauma
Then the Good Guys are smart enough to provide an antidote
Rant over
God bless WeThePeople

I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic ~ so help me God. 🇺🇸🦅 #WWG1WGA

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.

GOD | ELVIS | TRUMP | MAGA | TruthSocial: Rena1776 | Gab: rena1776 | Twit Account #42 > @Ren_a1776 || #FamilyIsEverything
Scavino FB .. 8:56PM

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
5 days ago the roomate decided to get drunk, stay drunk
Me: clean again 90+ days
We got in a scuffle
He pushed
I fell awkwardly
Left foot messed up
Getting to the dr not as easy as it sounds
But I think I have the energy and clear head now
It's like I'm in a trauma bubble
Violence is not my thing
Hard for me to "commit" even when attacked
I fear letting the rage loose
Wound up in fetal position after the fall begging God to help us
Felt so whimpy
I'm just trying to hang on until the flip
Or until the RV
Feel like I'm in a deeper lonelier state of hell
I wonder how many other of WeThePeople feel trapped within a trap within a trap?
I'm not the only one
Wish I had a Truther roomie
But just a safe place for me and my dogs
God bless all WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
there is no lack of faith
just dif levels of faith
complainers are survivors, too
why complain, if no faith?
those who say "keep the faith" to others
are speaking to themselves first
it's all gonna be ok
though it's hard right now
will I look back and say it was all worth it?
I'll say, glad that shit's over
God bless all WeThePeople
I am not Free until all are Free
and that's going to be awesome
All Glory, Honor and Praise to God

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
I blew that tonight. Roomate getting high, me paying all the bills with SSA, I lost it emotionally, then things got physical, twisted my ankle, just yuck. Hoping my family can help me with a plan for another place, which is not 100%, as our relationships are strained.
I just want a safe place for me and my dogs.
I'm not the only one. God bless all WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
One of these days
gonna have some cash
gonna make a splash
give sum folks a stash
then a mad dash
ain't gonna flash
ain't gonna lash
not do nothin' rash
ain't gonna slash
ain't gonna bash
gonna chill by an ash
got a big plan
for my fellow man
Lord willin' and the creek don't rise
God bless all WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
Today's highlight
my every day world, so to speak
1 homeless guy with 1 day clean, 2 years out of prison
1 friend of 10 years, clean but challenged
1 guy 30 days clean, 5 years out of prison
1 guy 14 days clean, just kicked 11 years on methadone
1 guy 10 days clean
me, 90 days clean again, 2 years out of prison
a meeting with one primary shared interest,
staying clean another day and helping others do the same
y'all can have "ascension"
I'll stay here
God bless WeThePeople

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Wowy Zowy Batman!
Take a look at this document!
Would love to have highlighted some very interesting and key elements!

Hunter,Ozzie PATRIOT,always felt the world wasnt what it should be. FINALLY A REAL REPTILIAN IN EGYPTIAN MUSEUM..DAMN THE BODY ARMOUR IS UNREAL.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Truth seeker Love the Truth community Working to protect children Lover of God and His creation
Martin, I believe that was a deception the enemy of our souls used against many of us. He convinced us so subtly, his foremost way, I believe. We thought we would give this effort everything we had and then it would all be better and we could get back to our normal lives. However, we discovered that the evil was so vast and deep that it was going to take much more time and effort than we first thought. Now we have to try to pick up the pieces and learn how to fight this darkness AND become the best human that we can be. I believe Jesus is always there to help us in our recovery and in pushing forward. I am so glad that God brought you across our path here at AU.

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
I don't think David killed Goliath and brothers by slinging stones
partly because we're not supposed to do that
I think he went into the future and brought back some twinkies as a peace offering
as the giants ate and the twinkues dissolved, so did their insides, like organ disintegration
basically, he killed them with kindness
the proper way
that sounds right
God bless WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
didn't the previous civilizations have more knowledge than we do today?
have I got that right?
and they got swatted like flies by an invading or other group?
have I got that right?
so, we might soon have access to all this hidden knowledge
that sounds good
I'm for it, if anyone asks
Will God keep us safe this time?
Is that a thing?
I wonder how the previous invasion happened?
pied piper story maybe
taking a nap
God bless WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
The ascension types haven't ascended yet
why is that?
need a booster?
he he he
waiting for lift off?
lining up the shakras?
pushing that juice up to the pineal gland?
oh wait, it's an inner ascension
I forgot
so, not visible to the naked eye, sort of thing
so much for just being good

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
People here on AU are "all over the place"
It's dizzying for me
on TG, a bit more focused due to dif channels being somewhat more specific topic focused
still dizzying
very little, anywhere, focus on the real enemy, parasitic-non-human invaders
I don't get that
the enemy with-In is my hardest battle, and I feel like I lose daily
maybe the losses are smaller, though
ascension talk makes me want to throw up, but maybe that's the enemy keeping me stubborn
I love the Lord, but that's not new, and I still fail
I just I'll just have to see what happens, and I'm rooting for all WeThePeople, wishing the best for everyone
God bless WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
Any researchers on here know much about
Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, etc?
A couple of red flags (to me, which could mean nothing) are promotions by oprah and degeneres
Personally, I read the book years ago, and it passes as good stuff, but really nothing new or visionary. Also, no mention of the true enemy of man, more of a self-help book.
Well written, though.
There is a TG accoount promoting this book, which I find weird, so curious.
I suck at research myself.
God bless WeThePeople
not to be led astray at this critical time

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
status in Lie world
family divide but coming back together
"career" destroyed by fed mafia but hope for a new venture post table flip
fell off the wagon but got back on with new vigor and attitude
wasn't too bad a dick, dickness got worse, waay less of a dick now
Love God, Love God, Love God
was buying a house, turned to renting, evicted, homeless, staying with a friend, hope for a forever home post table flip
the fed mafia owes money, go figure, idc anymore, God has a better Plan
it's all gonna be ok


Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
As I've stated before, I'm not a key person in this war
and I don't run sh+t
however, I don't get why AU is a meme spot
or a "news" spot
seems to me that's echo chamber fodder
clogs the flow
But I am only speak8ng of/for/from me
God bless all WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
hanging out in 3 feet of water can be fun
but it's not swimming
swimming is in the deep water
life is in all water
truly living is in the deep end
too many people I know hang out in the shallow part
safer there
for some reason, not me
not saying I'm better
but maybe better equipped for life challenges
the shallow people aren't for me
nor I for them
I love them, though
just can't hang with them for long
God bless WeThePeople

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
If I were to wager or bet, I would say the
aether is the content of all form
That all things
all elements
all aspects of earth
are made from/of aether
not just "air" but aether
But what is the aether itself made of?
there are clues in all things, but the total make up of the aether cannot be contained in any one thing
If I am standing and move one foot, the aether occupies the previous space, but what you would see is whatever I was blocking from view
and maybe, just maybe, I would not have actually moved, but the form of aether that is me would have been "made" again and again until I rested
super trippy
If 10 people obsrve me, each would see me from a dif position, and see me slightly differently
so which is the real me?
trippy x 3
If I asked the 10 to say what I am using one word, how many answers would there be?
If I influence them by asking what sex I am, the answers would likely converge
a particular blend of aether is the answ

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
channels on TG promoting books, devices, other bs
so strange
it's the enemy, of course
path of destruction paved with good intentions, sort of thing
kinda weird when people who speak of Inner inspection shift to outward "fixes"
and point to "processes" so obviously "of this world"
but, I can be a bit of a prick, so add that to the mix
to be me is to see the error, yet make no claim to know all Truth
God bless all WeThePeople
no one left behind
I am not Free until all are Free

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
"Our spirit was broken
We were prisoners of our own mind
Condemned by our own (false) guilt
We tend to live by our beliefs
We do what we really don't want to do acting against our own true nature
We were guided by misinformed people
We seek people, places and things to make everything all right
Through our inability to accept personal responsibilities, we were actually created our own problems
Self-centeredness is at the core of our disease
And the disease is an enemy of life"
Excerpts from the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous
A compilation of the experience, strength and hope of addicts seeking recovery.
No one author.
The simplest and deepest description of the collective/In-dividual human experience I have ever read, and I've read tons.
God bless WeThePeople
I am not Free until all are Free