If I were to wager or bet, I would say the
aether is the content of all form
That all things
all elements
all aspects of earth
are made from/of aether
not just "air" but aether
But what is the aether itself made of?
there are clues in all things, but the total make up of the aether cannot be contained in any one thing
If I am standing and move one foot, the aether occupies the previous space, but what you would see is whatever I was blocking from view
and maybe, just maybe, I would not have actually moved, but the form of aether that is me would have been "made" again and again until I rested
super trippy
If 10 people obsrve me, each would see me from a dif position, and see me slightly differently
so which is the real me?
trippy x 3
If I asked the 10 to say what I am using one word, how many answers would there be?
If I influence them by asking what sex I am, the answers would likely converge
a particular blend of aether is the answ
Kiwi. Truther ,Like Trump, WWG1WGA
😳 stop that!🙂,as if my brain is not already overloaded 😆