Michael Meadows
@Death2theDeepStateNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
funny thing is, they're all going to die fighting for the bad guys. fuck em.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
talk to us when chemo is thrown in the trash. totally unnecessary

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
it clearly states 1yr delta. hmm

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
yeah, 1st they didn't exist, then they were worried about Putin getting his hands on the viruses and such in the labs, and now we're back to they don't exist. it's really almost funny how they don't know what lie they are all telling.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
well see, there's the whole problem, you need to catch the hell up, they've disappeared again, they seem to be peek-a-boo Biolabs.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
none of the above?
keep waiting on a pipe dream?

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
All I want to know is how in the hell are we supposed to believe this shit anymore. Not one single shred of hard concrete evidence or action, no forward movement or anything on the good side. Only the Deep State Cabal has been progressing along with their plans. We get distraction after distraction while missing what is going on in the background. Thinking like we been played for some time now.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
i somehow successfully red pilled two people in 1 day. so proud of myself

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
Wow, WOW, just fucking wow.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
Juan O Savin = Wayne Ronald Willott (his real name ...
Juan O Savin is one of the biggest frauds on the Internet. He's a Narcissistic Sociopathic Pathological Liar.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
that's actually the main reason I'm not signing up for Truth Social. just another database

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
that's actually the main reason I'm not signing up for Truth Social. just another database

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
become a relentless inferno.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
sorry for your loss. stay strong and follow your heart. prepare for the worst and hope for the best. one flame needs to burn brighter when another is extinguished.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
I get it, it is absolutely riveting to believe. But they are nothing more than the horse chasing the carrot on the string. Do the things that were exposed really happen?, of course they do, all of it. the pedophilia, trafficking, adrenochrome, sacrifices, fake wars, every single fucking bit of it is real. But it won't matter when we are all gone and only the mindless sheep are left. Cause that is exactly how this movie ends. At least that's how the Evil Empire thinks it's going to. We will win. We will prevail. God always wins. But we are up against evil like nobody thought existed. And in order to win we too must embrace a certain level of that evil. We will need to become the very things we hate. And do things once thought unfathomable.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
that actually went on but got cut off apparently. We, mankind and worldwide, are in very dangerous times when we do not trust our own fucking eyes. We ignore that gut feeling for hopes of a truly fictional group of miracle beings to magically make the world a better place. We are told it's ok, blah blah blah and the only thing we have to show for it is truly nothing. Absolutely not a single shred of proof. I did believe for a while, but then I came to the realization that the fucking record was just skipping, playing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. I opened my eyes, did my own research and found out more than I thought I would, and sadly the masses actually have no fucking clue who and what Donald J Trump is. a good look into his Trump Towers residence is really the deepest you need to dig. Symbolism will be their downfall. Did he expose it all to us, or all of us to them. That's the question to answer.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
probably just another database to gather patriot information for the culling of humanity

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
they need to arm up, regroup and start with the snipers and see this through.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
they can keep looking. they aren't going to find it. we who carry it don't make such foolish mistakes.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
all I know is that this charade best come to an end. there is a deadline for the alleged Q-Team to end this. that time is approaching quickly. so far all the action has been on the wrong side, only arrests and imprisoned people are the good guys. only justice being served is to the bad guys. pieces of paper and hot air is not what is going to save our great Republic. pray to God this ends without our having to do it. we will not show mercy and we will get medieval on those guilty of the list of crimes. there will be only one sentence handed down. make no mistake, this Republic will be saved. we Patriots will see to that.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
fuck that little soyboy commie bitch. Castro's bastard son.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
yeah, so ummmm. so far that's been, first indictment was far from that. serious proof of this elusive "plan" better surface really quick or there's a very large, very well armed and trained group ready to move on these disgusting evil traitorous scumbags with extreme prejudice.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
wishful thinking. unbelievable the shit they come up with.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
ok, as amazing as it would be, y'all really need to stop kicking this dead horse. this Jr charade is ridiculous anymore

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
nothing lost there.

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
the Corps is lost. the command are deep rooted traitors. they're allowing the vax mandate and enforcement. say your prayers folks. the beast is risen. look at the new un statue, listen to the cop26 speech. it's now become the final stand.