Kimberly Knapp
@AmericanGirl825Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

So let me see the girls that car jack that mans car and murdered him are 13 and 15 years of age. They claim they really didn't know what they were doing as they are young. So does this also apply to voting rights, sex gender surgeries, hormone blockers? I mean you can't have it both ways

Biden needs impeached for what he is allowing to happen at the boarder

People don't understand you can't impeach a MOVEMENT... we aren't going anywhere

So ebay stops people from selling dr. suess but allows hitler books

Just wondering is Biden trying to stop covid or increase it with illegals?

funny how they take all the black people out of the stores but leave all the white products..

does anyone think this not being only 2 genders is ridiculous? i mean why they pushing this so hard when it is clearly science? Is it because it makes pedophile more popular, legal and open? there is a reason behind this madness.. So does this mean as a white female I can identify as a black female because that is how I feel, not what is scientifically correct

International Bad Ass... mom .. muse and married to @Redwhitebluesk1 ... 80s scream queen... will take you down to China town ....

Can we still drink black coffee with white milk?

So Obama put kids in cages and Biden puts them in shipping containers.. hmmm

Child of God🙏 Save our Precious Children💕Love for Humanity & Peace WW🌎God & Country🇺🇸Trump Won FREEDOM FOR ALL 🦅

so democrats, senate, congress, judges, scotus and potus is owned by china. whats that mean for us americans?

everyday it seems like conservatives lose

So we are clear don't approach me about not wearing a mask.. it won't end well for you

I can't wait for all those people who are going from 7.25 and hour to 15.00 to pay more taxes. This will stop their free food stamps, medicaid, section 8 housing. It will allow them to work and pay taxes to give all that free stuff to the illegals.. hope they are happy

How horrible of a person can you be to get on tiktok and joke and celebrate that Rush has passed away. I mean yes we should celebrate him going hom to Jesus, but not like I am seeing. Who raised these people? Makes you wonder what is really menally wrong with some people in this world. People like this can not be helped. RIP Rush, you are no longer in pain and you will be missed deeply.

so question for all my conservatives.. When does re-education camp start? hope it is in florida. Is white privilege class 101 a required class? Are we wearing theme colors? how many beers do we need? Head count on cupcakes?

When you had a shitty week cause you had to bury your sister, your hubby surprises you with flowers on Friday.. I got one of the good ones

I bet all Democrats are deleting all their videos where they said FIGHT...

anyone else just feel like dems can do whatever they want and the rest of us live by ther rules?

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior

Anyone else feel like they don't recognize America anymore? You can now sue a company that doesn't hire you cause you are illegal, BLM nominated for Nobel Peace, Schumer and Pelosi wanting to attack conservatives, Goverment wanting to vaccinate our children, 70k jobs lost in 1 week, MSM telling 80 million people they are worthless. I mean seriously WTF. Every single day it seems like the left is just getting stronger as they go with getting everything they want. Idk I am hanging on, but only cause God is helping me.

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga 🇺🇸