God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.
Hey Juan, What happened to the 80 plus percent that we needed to prevent a kinetic war? Your last show with Nino wasn’t funny. By the way, didn’t you say you were going dark at the end of September or is my memory bad? Very hard to keep high vibes when you are having so much fun with our emotions. It may be time for me to close up shop. Can’t take too much more of the BS.
We are in a spiritual war and timelines are constantly changing. We have to expose and clean up all the darkness, so a lot is going on in the astral and in the tunnels too. Q had planned to end this in 2021, but then whistleblowers came forward with more tunnels filled with children and found out that the Cabal had put bombs everywhere, so the military is now on it to defuse all those bombs. and clear tunnels where humans and positive aliens are held. Humanity has also been slow to awaken and are now getting help from the Galactic Federation who are taking mind control implants away from the masses so that they can no longer be manipulated, resulting in an uprising in Iran. There will soon be a great mass awakening manifest, we are almost there.

God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.
Thank you for the information you posted. You know what is really hard is when you read and watch the “intel shows” you don’t know what to really believe. I know that I trust President Trump because everything he says comes true. Still waiting on the med beds. Thank you!

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣
I get a lot of information from Sharon Stewart a starseed channeler deployed by the Galactic Federation to channel information about what is going on behind and in front of the scenes, as well as from Cobra a Pleiadian organization engaged in freeing children in tunnels and they have connections to the Alliance/Q. There is a lot of information on their page. also read the links under their messages and interviews with cobra.
Cobra's website:
Sharon Stewart:
https://rumble.com/c/c-1277933 https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/