Aggie Gordon
@Aggie1975Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
An artist. An anon. A Free thinker.

No actually we checked. No measurable curvature. Check for yourself.

There’s some date contradictions in this report. I know you have some good digs, but one part of the report says 2021, bottom highlighted part says March 2020. There wasn’t a ‘vaccine’ yet as convid was just getting started. Might be a typo but just discerning appropriately. :). I don’t doubt the bioweapon, Just on misinformation watch at this point.

They both look completely hammered. No pun intended.

Yeah I've seen all this spaceball magic cartoonery. Get back to me when you can throughly explain why we see too far. And if you say refraction and Nasa, I will fire you, immediately.

Fake as fuck. Look at all those stars that aren't there. Eventually we all have to grow up and understand this.

flat earth is one of the big pillars of the great awakening. it’s gonna be a little slower than some of the other pillars. but make no mistake, the heliocentric religion is dying. albeit very slowly.

That rocket isn't going anywhere except into the ocean because asteroids aren't real and space is fake.

When the wave finally breaks, we'll look back with big smiles on this chapter of whatever it is we're going through. For those of you out there on this page that are real people, you're legends.

Won't matter. That little bitch will lie all the way until he meet his maker.

Just FYI, I don't believe in space either . . . but this one is out of context. I know the people who did this green screen. They also don't believe in NASA, but they were doing this to show how easy it is to fake space. That's not Karen Nyberg.

The CIA (or Cabal) manufactured the summer of love counter culture movement in combination with the fake cold war/space race. Jane Roe lied about being raped. And yes, this war has been going on for a much longer time than 50 or 60 years.

They didn't lie about SOME of the things. . . (finish this sentence)

It's just flying. Drones or aircraft. There's no space. There's no oribirting a spinny water ball. That's behind us now. Rip off the band aid, because it's coming whether you like it or not. :)

It's hilarious. Most of them didn't even bother to change their names. That's how blind we've been for so long. That time is over now.

the earth is flat. if there are aliens, they are already here and only alien to those who haven’t met them yet.

The guy was right. There wasn't even a first plane.

Funny somebody just happened to find this after all these years. And the original video time just happens to be 8:46. The actors on the film are barely acting. 'Oh Lord'. CGI plane. More bullshit, different day.