My own "conspiracy theorist" journey.
9/11, Apollo, Covid — Lies, Lies, Lies - by Martin Geddes
When you look closely at "conspiracy theories" and keep finding they are true…
My Ancestors and Roots 🇩🇪🇺🇸 #FamilyIsEverything #Everything has meaning `my/path/to /q'

They didn't lie about SOME of the things. . . (finish this sentence)

Where are 800,000 missing kids? I Am the Living Witness To Shane Browning…Q
In hindsight…. It’s so obvious!
We were So blind ….
How can’t people Now see The TRUTH?
Fast forward to 😷 , collapsed economy,mail in Votes, Scamdemic, election fraud, Vaccine induced transfer of wealth etc.
Wake up World.

Happily married ! Mother and Nana. God given truth seeker ! I love my county ! To God be the glory forever for always
Perpesctive is everything !! Well said !

Nicaraguan-American🇳🇮🇺🇸 Patriot 🇺🇸
Just subcribed, have an amazing week!