If there is a firmament is it natural or made made.
Protection or just life?
The flood Noah.
Did the firmament get breached?
Are the prior version of the cabal stuck in the firmament.
After all water holds memory.
Their conscious crystallized somewhere above.
What is beyond the firmament?
Only one person here knows the answers.
Will he divulge?

I have wondered why this shot was included in the #PresidentTrump pre-election video. I can't work out which land masses it shows.
It appears from 2:15 to 2:18. #15 #IdesOfMarch #16 #Payseur #17 #Q #18#R#jfkjr
The link on the post #150569763 is not found! The later captures on WBM are removed, earlier ones not!
The CIA helped sell a mapping startup to Google. Now they won't tell us why #kEYHOLE

Andy Pence
AnonUp.com Patriot Platform. \'If not us, who? If not now, when?\'