I'm totally feeling the bitch in me today. I don't want to "tread carefully" or "be nice" bc I might hurt someone's "feelings". It's time for some people on here to wake the fuck up to the bullshit you are being fed.
QFS. MEDBEDS. NESARA. GESARA. JFK JR. FLAT EARTH. LIZARD PEOPLE. "INSIDER INTELLIGENCE". All bullshit. A distraction. A diversion. All make the movement look fucking stupid and crazy...laughable. These "came out of nowhere" influencers who showed up right around the 2020 election came here for a reason...why? Are they selling you hopium? Telling you Medbeds will fix your physical health? Telling you Nesara will fix your financial health? Telling you Lin fucking Wood is more a Patriot than General Flynn? Telling you President Trump is a fucking pedophile? Get back to reality. You need to fix your own health...or not. You need to fix your own financial health...or not. Go back and read the Q posts...or read them for the first time...
Child of the Living God, follower of Christ, Constitutional Conservative, red pilled in Nov. 2020.
There will be a financial reset. The FED will/has be/been eliminated. That will fix some of our usery problems. The globalists have their own reset too. Q said that gold would break the FED. There are cures that have been withheld, natural and main stream pharma. However you are correct. we still need to kerp doing our best for our health and finances. President Trump is a statesman. He keeps his promises. I'm mostly confused about the vax.
ooohhhh...the darn vaxx...what is up with that? I have ideas...agreed on the financial and medical
I think it would all be a waste if they didn't change the financial system away from the fed and world banks.
HOLD THE LINE Neanderthal,s! organicfarming,Beaglemom. Veteran https://truthsocial.com/@Milldee
I would no more trust a med bed than i do the vax!! changing DNA and shit, phuckery is afoot!!
I was so full of hope and enthusiasm in 2020. I've never seen such strong momentum in a presidential election. Then it all came crashing down. Looking back at Trumps posts and executive orders it seemed very logical that the election was stolen. I had no idea that a year later there would still be no substantial action to address this. Then the entire operation went sideways with grifters and internet personalities. It's so sad that so many many have fallen for the lies. American patriots must fight to uphold our constitutional republic against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Aside from that it gets dicey at best.
Don't give up!
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I feel very similar to what you are describing.
I did not get lulled into certain supposed leaders of the movement (be it large accounts, videos etc etc...). There is something about the way some talk, that really made my senses detect something was not right.
In my opinion, the people who were in positions to make a lot of the nonsense regarding the election fraud go away, still haven't removed Biden.
I have not lost hope that we are moving towards a resut, but all the distractions, date calling, and false decodes are wearing thin.
I am responsible to myself, my family and then immediate community... Otherwise I remain waiting and watching.