Trilby Smith
@Trilby_Smith144Lyran Warrior Helping To Liberate The Planet...T H E L I G H T S Y S T E M...I'm In The Future...5th Angel........

Susan Gasperson
@SonofLibertyCatholic Christian Remnant, Pure Blood, Mother, Wife, Business Owner, Son of Liberty Rebel Patriot, Trump Won, God Wins

metal master
@metalmasterConservative metalhead. Christian. So much more to say but it would just be bragging!

Trump Won
@TrumpWon45Warrior for Truth & Justice Greatest move of God is upon us Trump IS President #WWG1WGA

[30] Exact
@Gq1620🇺🇸🦅 “30 BIRDS” - from darkness to #LIGHT. WE R the #ARMYofLIGHT. #LoveWins #GodWins God Bless America https://gettr.com...

Jerri hubbard
@jbullockhubbardBeen an anon all my life. Just something you always know. Dreams and it tends to haunt you. Military brat.

Dana Scully - Z
@XFILESWaking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone lea...

Beth Angel McPa..
@AngelMcPatriotWoman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIs...

Qs Pawn4- Z17
@jgkagen5From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, ...

Lion Hart
@Lion_HartMemes, Sigma Empath, stoic, whisky, beer God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; so what does God lack ... limi...

Maga Irish
@MagaIrish#WWG1WGA I am also on Truth Social @MagaIrish. Learning patience with all of this waiting on the movie ending.

David Mulloy
@singindaveyMarried, MAGA, Marine, and All-around Magnificent Human Being!! WWG1WGA NCSWIC singindavey38 on Truth Social

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more