I'm totally feeling the bitch in me today. I don't want to "tread carefully" or "be nice" bc I might hurt someone's "feelings". It's time for some people on here to wake the fuck up to the bullshit you are being fed.
QFS. MEDBEDS. NESARA. GESARA. JFK JR. FLAT EARTH. LIZARD PEOPLE. "INSIDER INTELLIGENCE". All bullshit. A distraction. A diversion. All make the movement look fucking stupid and crazy...laughable. These "came out of nowhere" influencers who showed up right around the 2020 election came here for a reason...why? Are they selling you hopium? Telling you Medbeds will fix your physical health? Telling you Nesara will fix your financial health? Telling you Lin fucking Wood is more a Patriot than General Flynn? Telling you President Trump is a fucking pedophile? Get back to reality. You need to fix your own health...or not. You need to fix your own financial health...or not. Go back and read the Q posts...or read them for the first time...
There will be a financial reset. The FED will/has be/been eliminated. That will fix some of our usery problems. The globalists have their own reset too. Q said that gold would break the FED. There are cures that have been withheld, natural and main stream pharma. However you are correct. we still need to kerp doing our best for our health and finances. President Trump is a statesman. He keeps his promises. I'm mostly confused about the vax.
ooohhhh...the darn vaxx...what is up with that? I have ideas...agreed on the financial and medical
Child of the Living God, follower of Christ, Constitutional Conservative, red pilled in Nov. 2020.
i'm thinking all sorts of crazy things. praying for the best. don't know anyone that had any adverse effects. don't know but 3 people that had "C19". all fully recovered. probably had the flu. most everything else I've heard has been from online. so what is even real??? definitely not a pandemic. could be a placibo?