This is NOT a game.
Choosing between Halloween and having a couple normies think you’re insane is well worth it.
Having “fun” just to take part in evil traditions is not worth the judgement from the Lord.
Cleaning America means Cleaning our traditions out and exposing them.


In 5th grade I checked out all the Halloween books on display in the school library (yes I’m still that girl that researches everything because that was my first research experience). I never celebrated Halloween after that. This was at a time when my church was having haunted houses of all things. Thankfully those books showed the true origins. as a PK (preacher’s kid) I have seen real Holy Spirit in many facets in His job for believers. I have also seen many demons cast out of people, and in people. I ain’t playing with demons.
Here’s a photo I took last Sunday at a house when I was DoorDashing.

American Founding Family Descendant. Freedom warrior. AU test kitchen explorer. Discerning Dame.
Nonsense. Like guns or anything really, festivities are only bad if you allow them to be.

Female Patriot, here to learn, here to find pieces to the puzzle, I've always known WE didn't have the whole story. Love & peace for a
Do you celebrate a birthday when it's not a birthday? It's celebrated for ghosts and goblins, yes. Trick or treat? You may not wish to believe in demons, minions, principalities, legions, I'm not celebrating the idea that it's okay for these entities to roam freely to cause fear. They feed on fear, it's called lush. Never ask for enlightenment, you may get it. Along with an experience that you will never forget.

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
Dude we're all sinners who are gonna get judged anyway. You might want to step down from that pedestal you put yourself up on

Follower of Jesus-Wife-Mother-Stepmonster-Granny-Love My Country
We are called to be Holy, set apart, not a part of the culture.

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
Chick, you may want to read your Bible a little more. The Bible calls on us to be Holy. An occasional mistake is to be expected but continued, blatant sinis an abomination. We can't use Yeshua's death as excuse.
1 John 2:15
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
i understand what it means but the children dont and they look forward to eating high in preservatives cancer causing candy. its fun for them so this is about them. what you should say is, parents need to educate their children on wickedness as they grow up and teach thrm what this means. Trump stood at the whitehouse himself and passed out candy.

With Trump from the beginning I will be there til the end. God wins! Save our children❤️🚂🇺🇸
I and my husband and children have always hated hollween!

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My hubby was a Patriot, as am I - & Constitutional Conservative Christian, Texan, dog mom, digital soldier…WWG1WGA
I shut out the lights...not nterested in participating for at least 15 years...

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Woah Doq. I just posted a similar message but not nearly as strongly or eloquently. Message received. Thank you.

I never liked that "festivity". All the years feeling the bad vibes at that date. But this Year feels weakened, Something tell me this is probably the Last time we have to tolerate that "festivity" 😁 Thanks God

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
DOQ, I’m reversing their shit and handing out candy to kids and giving them a good word to boost their physical vibes and spirits to just a little higher vibration, infiltration over invasion! Slide to the left now everyone! ❤️
A positive attitude by dan auito
A Positive Attitude by Dan Auito
I was born on Halloween, im also a twin. I beleive in God and have always spoke to him when i need him or when i am in need of guidance. My Birthday is a day of fun for our kids and some people like you made my cry as a kid because my friends weren't allowed to come to my birthday because they didnt believe in Halloween, nevermind the fact it was my and my twins birthday. we are not evil and dont believe Halloween is evil.
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thank you!! it seems like we are the few christian families that never partake in it. its sad to see even churches ok with it too

Discernment is critical.
TY -- Never do it!
Evil celeb. - most are waking up to this deceit.

Wife, mother, Patriot: "Forgetting those things that are behind; reaching forth unto those things which are before" Phil. 3:13
I don't like Halloween. Never did!

Druid child sacrifice occured on halloween..

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
omg yes! i hate this month now - this holiday. we have a child and trust me - she knows a lot but she's still a kid and wants to partake so we are calling it candy collection day. NO decorations (I put my foot down on that one). we need this sheot show over already. being a parent (in a sea of unawakened zombies to boot) in these times is hard as hell!

My hubby was a Patriot, as am I - & Constitutional Conservative Christian, Texan, dog mom, digital soldier…WWG1WGA
Can we please take rainbows back too?

NOT for me. No.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
"Come out from among them and be ye separate."

Missing my frens! Waiting for the plan to unfold!
We’ve been collecting flower seeds/bulbs that we are taking to a hillside that was just cleared of some gnarly underbrush. Gonna sow some beauty and then have a cookout with the still sane side of the family (the rest were invited but won’t show) Will be much love and laughter!!

I Love this Country. We need our country back. Law & Order is Over Due. Justice has failed us. Trusting the Plan will take care of [them].
Our Family will be celebrating Jesus this weekend.. Halloween is not just about candy and costumes.. Learn how it started, what it symbolizes, understand that you are opening up your family to invite the enemy into your homes, your children's lives and if you love Jesus, there's just no room for that garbage.. Yes, we live in this world, but we don't have to participate in these evil traditions.. Take a Stand and Be Blessed.. Our children need to understand Now, more than ever, what's going on in the Spirit realm.. Teach them.
The Devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy..
Send Halloween to Hell where it belongs!!

Follower of Jesus-Wife-Mother-Stepmonster-Granny-Love My Country
burn the ouija boards too!

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. Psalm 83:18
The book The Worship of the Dead points to this origin: “The mythologies of all the ancient nations are interwoven with the events of the Deluge . . . The force of this argument is illustrated by the fact of the observance of a great festival of the dead in commemoration of the event, not only by nations more or less in communication with each other, but by others widely separated, both by the ocean and by centuries of time. This festival is, moreover, held by all on or about the very day on which, according to the Mosaic account, the Deluge took place, viz., the seventeenth day of the second month—the month nearly corresponding with our November.” (London, 1904, Colonel J. Garnier, p. 4) Thus these celebrations actually began with an honoring of people whom God had destroyed because of their badness in Noah’s day.—Gen. 6:5-7; 7:11.

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!
my parents turned it around. we could dress up something from a book we were reading or be read to. we made cookies and brownies, and went to senior homes and gave them a gift. 😁 the smiles and hugs i still remember

That is a wonderful tradition! Wish there was enough time to get everyone on doing this, the seniors in the homes would love the visitors.... Can we all do this next year?

no more Halloween for us, even throwing out all my decorations

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
My Dad never allowed us to trick or treat..he said his children would not go around begging for candy...instead he would buy us donuts & apple cider & we would stand around playing with yoyo' Dad would teach us to 'walk the dog' with those yoyo's - memories

Proud American Patriot ,Veteran & Trump loyalist 🇺🇸 Will never quit nor get tired of winning! 🇺🇸 Fighting the fight for 40 years! 🇺🇸

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
We became Christians in 1976 raised 5 kids and now have 15 grans. We NEVER participated in it ,went out to eat.Left house light less. One time my church did a Harvest festival where hundreds of kids came and we decorated rooms with bible scenes: Noah's Ark,David& Goliath . Kids dressed as biblical characters. Fun but exhausting project.Only time church ever did it. Our kids were taught "it's like the devil's birthday."