The vaccine IS the mark.
That is why it can not be altered/fixed/removed.
You knew that already.
Do not take it.
Shout it from rooftops and mountains
Show your love to those in Christ.
Hold on,
God and his team are on the way.

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Conservative lady who stands for INTEGRITY. I served from '78-'81 and had the privilege of working for Adm. Rickover in Washington,

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

No, the vaccine is NOT the Mark, for if it is, you must include all forms of nano technology.

Scripture is VERY clear that the Mark is about worship (Rev. 14:9 for example).

The jab and other nano tech will be used as the precursor. And it is this very thing that God/Yah warns us that even the very elect will be fooled.

You are close, almost there. Study further into the context of Scripture is about WORSHIP.

Love is the answer, Jesus is the way 🙏🏼🤍

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

I have been shouting it from the rooftops. Many have been brainwashed by the narrative the church has been putting in their heads for years. I know that a lot of people feel it can’t be because its not in their head or right arm. Symbolism will be the downfall of any who can’t see it, sadly. I pray everyone not realizing this is given eyes to see quickly.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

In response Nancy Dyan to her Publication

My sister let me ask you this. Does the blood not flow through the entire body? The Mark is what is in the vaccine not where it is given. The Chip will come to rest in the arm or head depending on which vax has been taken. It is RFID so it can be located. Each chip has a number along with satan's.
God bless you sister, keep up your fight for soon we will see God's victory!

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Following Jesus, loving my family, always seeking the truth.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

Bible says the Mark of the Beast will be placed in your right hand or your forehead. I AGREE that this is PRECURSOR to the Mark. This was a practice round, so READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY. Accept Jesus in your your heart and life today. Time is short, but you still have time to come to Jesus.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

In response Deplorable Patriot to her Publication

Does your blood not flow through your entire body? Once in the blood it can travel to the right hand or forehead can it not? For it is said:
Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark IN (not on, meaning below the surface) their right hand, or IN their foreheads:
The vaccine can not be given without consent, neither can the mark.

Even if it is given in a different way in the future (which I also believe it will) the vaccine is still the mark. That is what I wish to pass forward to you and warn others of. It will be to late if we wait until the binding mark is offered wouldn't you agree?
Those who have taken the first shots will likely take the next unless they are told the truth of what it actually is.
God bless and be with you brother.

Conservative lady who stands for INTEGRITY. I served from '78-'81 and had the privilege of working for Adm. Rickover in Washington,

In response Deplorable Patriot to her Publication

Absolutely RIGHT!

John - for you - there are MANY of God's children who have taken the jab (many in ignorance). Jesus says that one of the signs of His children is found in Mark 16:18 ". . . and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;. . ." . So these people will NOT be harmed. Please don't push the jab as the Mark as you are contributing to misleading the elite. As I said in my other post, you are close, but look FURTHER.

In regards to another comments here, of course this is not going to Heaven (or anything else materialistic). God gives us a NEW body and our old one will be gone, so whatever is in the old body (the one we reside in now), will not be entering Heaven. No, we will be given a body of youth and health and pureness.

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Husband, father, Son of God, taxpayer, patriot.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

Mark of the beast.

I got a man. Not here to date. No DM’s. Sad that I even need to write this.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

Saw a post about looking glass 1776. Went and did a light scrape. Not a dig. Third hit on search page? I know there are many reference points out there, more than one meaning. I’m now wondering why Neur. Code got pushed early and often, when we already have US Code. Smoke and mirrors. Kabuki Theatre of the Absurd.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

In response Ana Tate to her Publication

Very much so. But satan can not force his mark, it must be taken freely. It says that the beast deceives those who take the mark. Isn't the vaccine one of the biggest deceptions mankind has ever known? Pray for knowledge and guidance and the Lord will answer you.
God bless you Ana.

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