Full POTUS interview tonight on Fox....


Trump urges Americans to get COVID vaccine in Fox News exclusive - YouTube

Former President Donald Trump touts Operation Warp Speed and slams Biden's performance on 'Fox News Primetime.' #FoxNews #FoxNewsPrimetimeSubscribe to Fox Ne...

I don't understand why it keeps being stated that these vaccines are safe and effective for Covid19 when even the vaccine inserts say they do not know if it is truly effective for protection of Covid 19 and so many are having adverse effects and dying ? I get that they needed to make the vaccine for those that want it but for anyone using decernment, shouldn't take it. Any why are they giving it to kids now? Even other countries are banning certain vaccines and America keeps buying more. They have purchased over 600 million vaccines now... Even 100 million AstraZenca ones after numerous reports of it being terrible. That is more than double of our US population when so many arent even going to take it... Vaccines are toxic for our whole world straight up!
The people behind vaccines like Bill Gates are Eugenics .
They are trying to reduce the popluation not expand it .

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @1221Dovetail in this post can reply

Daughter of a Purple Heart Marine who fought in the Korean War. My love for God Family & Country - my mantra. Great time to be alive.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

They have many of the older Seniors faked out to think it is safe. My Mom informed me that she is getting the Vax today. Ninety yrs old, this is
the population that is really asleep. Can't even mention this has taken many lives, the Media are not telling them the truth. What a travesty. I can only Pray.

Holistic therapist, reikimaster and coach, mother of 2 boys, #thegreatawakening #saveourchildren #WWG1WGA #LOVETRUMP #holdtheline #JFKjr

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

How I see this; Trump made it very clear, there are therapeutics and HCQ with zinc, etc, but people are responsiblefor there own life, he can only lead us so far...we can use our own brain, and see what and who we are as humans#LightBeings#TheGreatAwakening

Patriot that will forever stand in the side of Real Justice ! Supporting Donald J Trump and Q. Forever together ! We Are The People ! We Win

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

precipice... death experience

The light is brighter on the other side! You have to learn to Love and Laff! Vet and Old!

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

You have to read betwen the lines! Vaccine doesn't mean what you believe it does!

In response Walk After Midnite to his Publication

Yeah I have said that before too... But this is different. It's happening right in front of us .

In response Walk After Midnite to his Publication

yes but the sheep want the vax i stetred many away now trunp again says get it....thr othrt side says the same all my work was undone,,,,,,thsnks trump

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They plan, God laughs, God wins, God always wins! 🙏🏻 President Trump is my president. 💖🤍💙 WWG1WGA Worldwide 🌎

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

All I need to go with right now is that these vaccines are only being given through a EUA they are not licensed. No vaccine has been proven effective or safe at this time.

I am not a lab rat! By the time they are given license there will be no need for it. So I will bide my time and wait for that day. In the meantime God will watch over me, as he always has.


In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

My question is why would you even want it period with a survival rate of 99.4%? Strengthen your immune system and improve your intellect. Tired of the stupid lowering the Bell curve while truth and common sense is censored.

Follower of Jesus, Retired teacher, Trump supporter, Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Peacemaker No DMs.

In response Seek The Truth to her Publication

This! Why are people even getting this vaccine? Even if it was known to be effective, there’s no reason to get it!

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In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication


In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

agree. this is puzzling me and pushing Trump supporters away

Believe in something, or you'll fall for anything

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

To me its very simple.

If it works why do you still have to wear a mask after the "vaccine"?
If it works why do "they" still want to enforce social distancing?
If it works why do "they" continue to enforce these mask "mandates"?
If it works why do airlines clearly state you have to continue to wear your mask even though you've taken the "vaccine"?


Why on God's green earth would I want a "vaccine" for something that has a 99.x% survival rate. Why? If it was even a 80% survival rate I would consider it. But, 99.5% for someone in my age group??

Yea, I'll take my chances.

Truth is I'm pretty sure I've already had it....twice. I'm here typing this today. When the dreaded "second wave" hits. I think my body will be able to fend it off then too. I think these "vaccines" are engineered so this supposed 2nd wave will wipe the jabbers out. That's what "they" want you know? 80% of earths population gone.

You want the "vaccine" thats on you. Roll the dice...see

"It is not a color we are fighting, it is pure evil, which has no color, yet, can cause a person, to see red." -Sal

In response nO_JaB_ happaflapp to his Publication

...my guess, if folks truly start dying from compromised immune systems in the future due to the initial experimental vaxx combined with mutated virus elements, the powers that be, will simply blame it all on the non-vaxxers..."if only the Trump supporters had taken the vaxx, less people would have died...the virus wouldn't be this bad if they had only taken the shot." 🤦🏼‍♀️

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In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

I wouldn't take it but I am surprised Trump has endorsed it.

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication


absolute, utter, in our faces, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

“One cannot love without suffering, or suffer without loving.” Saint Gianna Molla

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

I don't understand why Trump keeps pushing it! It's hard enough to get my family members to listen to me, then when he says that, it makes it even harder. They think i'm a mental case already, and I'm a healthcare professional. When Trump said tonight that he knows and likes the queen, they laughed at me again for saying she's 6 feet under! I wish they would do something or I'm going to have to stop speaking to my whole family, just to keep my sanity!

WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!

In response Conserv Christy to her Publication

I watched the interview and President Trump WAS NOT pushing the vaccine. Maria snuck a question about the vaccine in is what it sounded like to me. Plus REMEMBER he said if says one thing the demonrats and the media will push the opposite and I think that is what he was doing there. So if he says yeah, the vax is good than the media will go...well if he said it is good than we must make it bad....like what you do to a child when they are acting up-reverse psychology type stuff....I would still tell everyone NOT to get the vaccine....I personally believe we were never suppose to take it.....just my 2 cents.

WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!

In response Conserv Christy to her Publication

One more thing, I think you mean he keeps bringing up the fact that he got the vaccine started while he was in office...well that is to take thunder out of the demonrats sails and to stop a plan that they had for us to SUFFER GREATLY through thier "dark winter". President Trump, like I said, I beleive never meant for us to take the vaccine. He understood some ppl would believe the news media and freak out if they didnt have it....I mean think about it....
!. It's a VIRUS
2. 99% (mostly) survivable rate
3. THE MEDIA LIES AND INFLATED THE NUMBERS-what happened to the flu, pneumonia, heart attacks, cancer, old age - all these deaths just magically disappeared
4. We NEVER did any of this for H1N1, SARS, Eboli (yes, we did get cases of Eboli here in the states), etc

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Trump WON // Tyrannical Governments are a "danger to public health" so why don't we remove that first. The vaxx is poison

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

2 people i know have become grafely ill after the SHOT. One of them had a stroke. Trump pushing the 'VAXX' does not make sense.! I dont care oif it's 'code' for something. This piece of the puzzel DOES NOT FIT~!

In response Gina PatriotMom to her Publication

Ive said exactly that for about 8-9 months now.

This is the one part of this puzzle that doesnt fit with the rest.

Ive heard there are 2 'types' of this vax. The white hats version, and the Luciferean version. But theres no way of knowing which your receiving. FEELIN LUCKY?


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In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

War will have casualties. sad truth.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

who knows what was really said. i do not trust them and its a recordung. why didnt they show him

Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

I've been researching cause of death in these vax deaths which it's easier to find out the cause overseas than here in the US. Overseas the Vax is causing radical growth of blood clots that fire PE's into the lungs or brain and death is nearly instant. Beyond this.... why vaccinate for a virus HCQ can clear? The brainwashed are marching to their death. I have no words...

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

I am so sick and tired of all he vaccine nonsense and the prolonging of the COVID narrative. Every friend my husband talks to seems to have taken 1 or 2 shots... The total number of friends is now 7 with the newest one, I just discovered! Not one single person had problems with these. Which is in total contradiction to what I and many of us try to warn others of. I don't wish anything bad on anyone, but our friends have not experienced any bad symptoms. And I hope they will be fine in the future! 🙏🏼

In response Flicka Boo to her Publication

Just because you don't know where to look does not mean there is not MOUNTAINS of evidence, look at all the countries banning it.

Family is everything. I am here to stay connected with family and to support President Trump and patriots 🇺🇸

In response Flicka Boo to her Publication
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In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication