The more I look into Texas the more it seems it was an inside attack.
DS insiders giving them a big FU for not being tied into the federal grid.

#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚
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Only followers of this user (@Cordlesssss) can see their posts

whats up with it weather manipulation? the solar min?end times?

Something is not sitting right with me with Texas and it’s not just the weather.
I mean it really bothers me these millions of Texas families are suffering.
I couldn’t sleep actually…
So, I woke up this morning, made coffee and got to researching.
I started pulling Biden’s EO’s this morning and I found something buried in the Keystone Pipeline EO….. way towards the end of the doc.
It turns out that the same day Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline, he also lifted the security on our power grid for 90 days (Trump’s EO the year prior secured our power grid by giving China no access.)
Here below is the snippet buried in Biden’s Keystone pipeline EO.
“c) Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020 (Securing the United States Bulk-Power System), is hereby suspended for 90 days. The Secretary of Energy and the Director of OMB shall jointly consider whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued.”
Just a small little paragraph tucked away in one

Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
Biden's Handlers, biden, his administration are All TRAITORS & Must All be "REMOVED."

A Chinese/Obama Run Biden Administration

Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
As a Texas, who just went through 80 hours with no power or water, there it NO doubt in my mind that this was an inside job. Gov. Greg Abbott has been selling us out to China for years. Commissioner Sid Miller has called him out many times on his Facebook page.
➡️ Wind Farms
➡️ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Receives Tri Global Energy’s Wind Leadership Award on February 9, 2021
➡️ Oil Fields
Huge Texas Wind Farm's Turbines Will Be Made in China | Popular Science
Clean tech has seen a boost as the U.S. pours government funding into renewable energy, and China looks set to reap much of the benefits. Latest example: a Chinese wind-turbine company has just become the exclusive supplier for one of the largest wind-farm developments in the U.S.

Yep, with the help of China I'm sure

where is their help.

Thank you for saying this! I agree wholeheartedly. They're still mad Texans escorted their dumb bus out of our cities during campaign. This chaos is not being caused just from poor planning like news is saying. It was well planned to cause misery.l had told my husband they don't want TX having an independent grid. This is serving to make many Texans want to join our grid with everyone else. As usual DS causes the disaster or problem & has a solution ready to seed into the consciousness. They can eat 10 day old cat pookie. Not playing their sick game.

I have a friend that is a commercial electrician and he noticed that a certain part (can't remember the technical name) had been removed from our local power lines. My 80 year old MIL was out of power for 70 hours straight while a block over never lost power. Definitely shady.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
im trying not to be cynical, but my cynicism has saved my bacon many times. this whole thing feels like a set up- see we can take your energy away, so here, have this "free " energy, that is anything but free. it feels like a set up... if the white hats have free energy, why are they holding it back right now? that seems not good. if the answer is, so people will learn their lesson- how is that any different than the old guard doing things to us?

American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic
where is FEMA ??????

True Texas Patriot Holding the Light and the Line. Twit Refugee

Proud Patriot, Seeker of Truth and Light, Mom of 2 Beautiful Girls, Never Give UP! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
Agreed, we had a huge debate on this last night in my house and we all came to the same conclusion, something definately stinks in TX!

"Family Is Everything" We are 1 Family PURE BLOOD FREE THINKER WWG1WGA Pro2A Conservative ULTRAMAGA KAG SiVisPachemParaBellum GOD BLESS ✝️
I noticed plenty of Chem Trails on a daily basis since January 20 here in southern Arizona.

I also saw them back in TX after Jan 20 after nice clear skies for quite a while!

Elon moves to Texas and Texas froze over 🤨🤔

🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10
yesterday we drove to pickup a neice who had no power and no water and lived on cold sandwiches. i noticed that most business had power and when returning backhome, these business were shut as it was late but had lights left on like they do otherwise. how is it possible that the businesses have power but the neighborhoods around the area do not? even if tbey have generators, how long would they last consideringtbey have been open during the day?

True Texas Patriot Holding the Light and the Line. Twit Refugee

If that's the case, then all it showed was how ineffective the "green" windmills are.
It's so evident that there are fatal flaws in the green systems now that I wonder if this attack was actually on us.
It seems to be hurting [them] much more.
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seen a video where lady scooped up a cupof snow. it was hard to make into a snowball inside her house and put a blowtorch on snowball. didnt melt and she said it felt like a sponge. she could squeeze out water

Southern girl, loves animals, children, Elderly, disabled, & our Vets🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Firm believer in The Plan & permanently blocked by Twitter
They have multiple videos from around the Country of this, just stay away from it as mich as possible.
Only followers of this user (@GodBlessAmerica) can see their posts

Christ follower. ✝️ Passionate Patriot. 🇺🇸 #TrumpWon #4MoreYears. Mother of only son whom I love. ❤️
Agree. Said that immediately. This is no normal winter storm. We are now covered in ice. Geo-engineering at its finest.

has Biden called in the NG or FEMA? I mean isn't that they normally demand and expect? oh, isn't all this Biden's fault.......... ya know, since he is "president" and all??? why is he not being blamed and badgered about this catastrophe? Because you are right. DS behind it. And those poor soles on I35. My God I hope that was staged.

God woke me up for a reason. 🙏 Patriot. Truth seeker. #IstandwithPresidentTrump
Timestamp 4:45 > 4+9 = 13 [THEM]
Military 16:45
Note - Not sure if TS is correct, due to correct time, however Q post 1645 seems to be fitting.
Signed by Q+
Message from POTUS
Coincidence POTUS doing interviews today for the 1st time since the "Fake" Inauguration.
Play LOUD.
FIGHT for what is RIGHT!
They will not win.
Divide they try.
Fail they will.

And the weather conditions were caused by weather modifications which they have been using since the Vietnam war. It's called weather warfare.

Saw a tweet by Bette Midler? I think? Said it was a payback. They don't even try to hide anymore. We are praying for you across the country, those affected by this. It felt like an attack before it hit. We all know they mod the weather. This is insane. Please keep your babies warm, and may God shelter and comfort every one of you through this. ♥️🙏♥️

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
I am here in central Texas living this hell. Douche bag, clone, double agent Biden said " cold ,dark winter" . Play with Texas, play with our families,livelihoods & beautiful state & you will see Texans WILL come out of this stronger...because Texans come together as one during a crisis especially.All this race bullshit they've been trying to create...Texas WILL NOT FALL DIVIDED.WE WILL COME OUT STRONGER THEN EVER UNITED AS ONE & better then ever.

Video below jail him i say

YOU FOOK WITH THE BULL, YOU GET THE HORNS... 🙏🇺🇸🙏 #NCSWIC#texas #Freedom #Prayers

My parents live in Mississippi. They lost power but are fortunate to have a generator. My mom turned on the facet today...low water preassure, then went to a trickle. She called water dept & was told with so many people running water so their pipes wouldn’t freeze it drained the reservoir tank and now also have a major water main break. No water in stores. Was told to boil snow by the water dept. My grandmother lives with them and is 96. I am sure there are horrendous stories out there. WATER in all these states common problem.

Patriot Power! 🐸 Truth is light...God has won.💥 His great reveal will be SO beautiful! 🌏
Don't boil the snow. Something isn't right about it. I got a scoop last night in a cup. It "melted" but there was NO water in the cup. I don't think it's "natural". Just my experiment with it.

Christ follower. ✝️ Passionate Patriot. 🇺🇸 #TrumpWon #4MoreYears. Mother of only son whom I love. ❤️
Where in Mississippi. Im in MS.

I love God, my family and my country! I’m married, 7 grandchildren. President Trump please come back. 🚫NO DM please 🚫
that is evil. my 2 month old grandson and his 3 siblings age 3-8 are suffering no water and power for the 3rd day now in freezing weather. 😓
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#MAGA - Gratitude is an action word. My best friend is a Jack Russell Terror named Willie who is also a Trump Supporter :)
Prayers for your family 🙏💕