TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
Psyop within a psyop or real life? This is my video taken yesterday Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 12:37 PM. We live in the next town over from East Palestine on the PA side.
Whatever you’re seeing on the internet about dead fish, pets & livestock is A LIE. This is my husband & I driving right through the middle of town even having to wait while the train crosses ON THE TRACK WHERE THE SUPPOSED DERAILMENT HAPPENED (would be on the left side of this video).
People are going about their lives. The few things we noticed are two groups of people handing out cases of water on Market Street one of which had two state troopers helping & two TV Camera set ups with no reporters standing nearby & no news vehicles. None. I will post a photo of that in the comments.
I wasn’t even going to drive over because we lost our 14 year old pup yesterday but this insanity needs to end. The people of the area are NOT the ones freaking out on TV or social media. I don’t know who they are.
Let’s see what happ

Give me some help here...
When was this video taken...
I live in the Plain States and nothing is green here...the grass is green...shrubs are green...🤔
Nothing is green here...
I believe this to be a spoof....

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
I live blocks from close friends, a couple of miles from other friends.
The weather conditions, greening of grass, budding of trees, snow to rain, rain to snow varies even in these short distances within the same city!
Just to blow the naysayers minds a little more. Here’s a video I took of the creek that runs through our backyard last Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023 at 1:36 pm EST. We are 6 miles directly east of East Palestine.
It was 72° in Western PA when it’s typically dark & freezing this time of year. My daffodils are poking up through the ground & some shrubs have buds on them.
Turn the sound up to hear the pristine water flowing, the red tailed hawks circling above & my neighbor’s rooster crowing in the background.
Devastating eco-disaster, right?

Thank you for sharing this!! Definitely something awry about the whole thing. I have to wonder if the White Hats are trolling the Black Hats.....all in the "movie" we are watching. Others have said they are in the area and everything is fine (which is what I believe but don't live nearby). Some have said this area is a major trafficking hub (underground) and it's some kind of covert operation to clear it. And not far from the fingerlakes which is def a high trafficking area. Hunter Biden has the fingerlakes tatooed on his back according to pics I've seen. But will any of us ever know the truth of any of this? I hope so.

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Our prayers continue for the people who are suffering in Ohio. The explosive fire was real. Whether the contamination is as severe as some say or no is still TBA at some future time. However, for the communities that are impacted, we ask God to help them because it is obvious that the government will not help them.

The more people I listen to about this, the more it looks like the land/water in the E. Palestine area has been contaminated prior to this incident by another source. It feels to me like it is a psyop and a land grab and a take down of the EPA all rolled into one.

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
That is the vibe I'm getting as well.

Just the type of ammo I needed. Thx fer postin ma'am

Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come
Wow thank you

@VincentKennedy told us something wasn’t adding up with this so my radar is turned on. On Tucker’s show tonight he interviewed a E Palestine couple claiming they are experiencing ill health effects, as well as their dog, the dead fish in the creek, etc. “It’s very scary Tucker” Just seemed staged and odd. When you do a search on them, how many news features have they had? Many. She’s a chemical lab technician and he works for a gas company w OSHA certification and prior chemical experience, and they don’t mention their expertise? They state they became residents of E Palestine just since last May. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence!!

Reality is DJT claiming they have it all, caught them all, yet not ONE conviction, nor sentencing. NOT ONE!!! IN SEVEN YEARS!!! We're way past this it's all a plan bullshit. No one can justify not one election fraud protagonist having been convicted. much less arrested. If this is a scam, then DJT is up to his ears in it, and he's got a lot of explaining to do...


Married to the love of my life & blessed with 2 incredible teens & a furbaby🐶✝️💗 Together we stand for God, Country & Freedom for all🇺🇲
Beautiful, this is my dream backyard!!😻So peaceful!🏞 Thank you for sharing these videos. I definitely feel something is off with all of this.

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
Yep! Every time you post yours I say the same.

thats a creek...which way does it run...
to the northwest?
you are east of the area...
so this might explain your good luck.

Doing my best to red pill as many as I can in Saskatchewan, Canada. FB @ Saskatchewan Citizens Uncensored
Why did the Benny Show go there and give out 1k to 20 families near the crash?

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Per this video, they can fake anything. Even a fake train derailment and eco disaster to set up a land grab?
sercorimo ... on AnonUp.com
This technology is at least 25 years old. Imagine what they really have? They can fake anything. h/t @GeneralMCNews
Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
Thank you for doing this. I have been asking my website readers to share me info/personal experiences if they live in the area so we can get some CLARITY on this. My feel: this is the scare event - but WH in control. But I still question it all until I KNOW.

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
I do as well. God only knows the truth.

Thank you, that was beautiful!!! Current conditions here is white and frozen with more white stuff on the way. The running creak... amazing!

FULL faith in Jesus Christ! Trump Loyalist. JFK fan. Blessed to be part of The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! #FamilyIsEverything #TRUMP2023
I remember Trump calling for “pristine waters” when asked during a global warming/climate change question.
Only followers of this user (@Kat113) can see their posts

❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. o7 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️
I am breathing it all in.... ahhh.... just beautiful!! Thank you for sharing, MM!!

Your Creek makes my Creek look like a puddle. That is beautiful.

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
We LOVE it here!! We bought this place as a weekend getaway from our house in Pittsburgh a year ago. We loved it so much we moved here fulltime & sold our city house. It's small but the property is beautiful nestled among farmland with fantastic people surrounding us. It's heaven on earth to us.

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
I think you're lucky to have a creek, I have a puddle in a garden that is smaller than most American kitchens.
I have creek envy

God is everything, literally. Blessed, married, mom x2, ❤️USA, Trump, military, patriots ,MAGA. 🤬 pedos commies & traitors of ALL stripes
Thank you so much for eyes on MM❣️ We are the news now🔥🇺🇸👊

Mom to Four Awesome Souls Western PA born and raised #godwins
You say creek, I say crick😄 Nice video!!

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
I still identify as Texan even though I've lived here for almost 30 years. :) I say creek & y'all.

Dark To Light 🌍Make Earth Great Again🌎 WWG1WGA 💫 Faith. Hope. And Love✨The best is yet to come 🙏
Thank you for posting and sharing with us👍🏻💖

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
LOVE this!
Could watch and listen all day! Thank you! 💖🤗