I have had a long romp through the non-heterosexual landscape. Have seen a lot of human diversity that my conventional straight friends never get near. It’s a tough subject to write about. How do we deal with, for example, honestly saying you are same-sex attracted and discovering that we have been deliberately hormonally disrupted? A lot of Bible bashers come over as self-righteous bigots, who have never walked in the shoes of others or faced derision for simply wanting ordinary human closeness they are comfortable with. I am having a very hard rethink about how I got to where I am at. Grindr and Manhunt have brought deep problems by putting casual sex everywhere. The urge to define people with labels is dangerous. The LGBTQ ideology is not representative of the population it hijacks. None of the trans folk I know give a hoot about pronouns but do want basic respect and dignity for their individual jouneys and struggles. My data collection was costly. Need to use it wisely.

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
Your honesty is always thought-provoking Martin. You seem to be going thru a period of self-defining which is often uncomfortable, but i do blv it is necessary in order to reach a point where one can wholeheartedly love oneself for what/who one is. At least that's been my experience.
Ppl seem to want to use them but have always found labels rarely fit anyone. I ignore them. None of my gay friends are happy with the LGBT movement n in fact feel threatened by it. ALL the divisions in society have been deliberate and everyone just wants to be treated with respect and dignity - basic human rights.
I wish you well in your journey and pls know deep in your soul you ARE loved❤️

I have no idea what you’ve gone through or are going through, Martin, but, I can sense the pain in your recent posts. All I know is that we are all God’s children. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost, and all things are possible with Him. Much love and respect to you, friend. Take care.

Gay people have been with us forever. We all know people who are gay and they are among our friends/family. Evil has usurped it though. The trans/gay community they present is full of debauchery. They have turned everything ugly. Gay pride parades with naked men dancing through the streets. Men in women's sports. Grotesque presentation of women at 'drag queen story hours'. Confusing young children about their sexual orientation. This is a special kind of evil that has decided that they need to strike now and quickly. Is their time almost up?

Pissed level 11 on a scale of 1-10. So much rage. The lies, the pure evil, the idiots that can't see evil.
How can any of us "know" the consequences/effects of "vaccinations" during childhoid and after, plus chemical non-essential foid/water/additives, etc, etc?
It's not just one method, too easy to track that way, but multi-layered.
So, how can any one know?
This con-fusion keeps the enemy invisible.
Truth is rising to the top now, though.
earth and humans and animals natural to earth are being saved.
the enemy is being eradicated and exposed.
"Be still and know that I am God", comes to mind.
"You'll find out", DJT gives me comfort.
Thank you for what you do for us

the “none of the trans folk…” sentence is common among other ‘groups’ in life. black, asian, latinc men, women, young, old - it’s all about asserting that you as an individual are higher than any box someone else tries to put you into, and fuck them and the horse they rode in on for trying.
all these labels, namely blackc feminism, and LGBTQ, have been highjacked by [them] to force division. its going to take quite a while for society at large to realize it, but you can be simultaneously gay and hate the LGBTQ movement - you can be black and not approve of ‘fighting for black rights’, and you can be a woman and be perfectly content with living that traditional conservative life where you’re a homemaker over having a 9-5.
the division and derision is intentional and only ever intended to drive a wedge. i sense we’ve all learned similar lessons, Martin, albeit in different walks - what’s important is each interaction is a new one, and each person a soul.

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
Thanks for sharing. Hope you don't mind if I add a little from my POV... Growing up.. my best friend had a gay uncle... we as children aways knew he was different but that never changed the way we felt about him. He was caring, funny, and loved us all very much. We learned a lot from him and NEVER EVER did he push anything on us except to be the best HUMAN we could be... It seems like all this nonsense this death cult is pushing is to divide.. that is their ONLY chance to cause strife and chaos amongst humans... we are born to care ..we are born to accept..we are born to love.. and nowhere does it say that you must be a certain way to be loved and cared for. That again was the death cult's agenda..for them it's all about twisting and perverting everything in any way they can. That is why I love the saying "Where we go ONE we go ALL." so fitting!! To judge is a negative straight out of the gate... wouldn't it be nice to just gage the human off of their deeds and no off of anything else
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Being involved in the BDSM community as a whole gave me a ton of insight into the LBGT community. I posed the question one night in deep talks, is there anyone here who has not been psychologically groomed or sexually abused as children? No. It's all about healing the wounds and changing the thoughts as well as actions. It seems to me that some trans people are damaged beyond their understanding and this is how they cope. It's addicting as well as self distancing because of the psychological damage that has been done. I believe they are sick and not in a derogatory way but that they have an illness. This is why we have to save the children and stop perpetuating the cycle. Hurting children has hurt humanity.

I am flesh and blood with a soul..not perfect. Standing with Patriots Anons DJT & Q 3 years now . It as not been easy as u know. WWG1WGA
I agree Martin , I have known what we called "Gay" people from way back in countries and small villages. All people on the hole were acccepted even revered accordingly. No one was crude about SEX & the BODY.
I met some of the most caring beautiful people.
A subject leading into many subjects.
I do hope the Good People of Earth will be able to sort this shit out ❤

Proud military wife, mom and grand mother. Family first always, unapologetic patriot. DJT is my only POTUS GAB social: Gigi1217
you continue to be honest and emotionally raw....I have a question for you. it is one thing to be lonely, but are you truly, deeply comfortable with yourself? you need to accept yourself wholly before engaging in a relationship. at least one that is lasting and meaningful.

I am in the midst of that process. Have had a recent experience of spiritual intimacy that has entirely changed my understanding. Now dealing with the legacy of habitual desires and behavious with fractures that even predate my birth. Have finally seen how my foundational ability to relate was sabotaged by my parents’ non-alignment and my father being “religiously cuckolded” by my uncle, who dragged my mother back to the Jehovah’s Witnesses leaving my father impotent as head of the family, with consequences for me.
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'have been deliberately hormonally disrupted': Yes you have been.
Since all those plastic soups have been around, these hormone disrupters did not allow growth of the normal hormone fabrics in your body. Thats what researchers found out when they did a research on populations of dolfins, seals and fishes.