I have had a long romp through the non-heterosexual landscape. Have seen a lot of human diversity that my conventional straight friends never get near. It’s a tough subject to write about. How do we deal with, for example, honestly saying you are same-sex attracted and discovering that we have been deliberately hormonally disrupted? A lot of Bible bashers come over as self-righteous bigots, who have never walked in the shoes of others or faced derision for simply wanting ordinary human closeness they are comfortable with. I am having a very hard rethink about how I got to where I am at. Grindr and Manhunt have brought deep problems by putting casual sex everywhere. The urge to define people with labels is dangerous. The LGBTQ ideology is not representative of the population it hijacks. None of the trans folk I know give a hoot about pronouns but do want basic respect and dignity for their individual jouneys and struggles. My data collection was costly. Need to use it wisely.
the “none of the trans folk…” sentence is common among other ‘groups’ in life. black, asian, latinc men, women, young, old - it’s all about asserting that you as an individual are higher than any box someone else tries to put you into, and fuck them and the horse they rode in on for trying.
all these labels, namely blackc feminism, and LGBTQ, have been highjacked by [them] to force division. its going to take quite a while for society at large to realize it, but you can be simultaneously gay and hate the LGBTQ movement - you can be black and not approve of ‘fighting for black rights’, and you can be a woman and be perfectly content with living that traditional conservative life where you’re a homemaker over having a 9-5.
the division and derision is intentional and only ever intended to drive a wedge. i sense we’ve all learned similar lessons, Martin, albeit in different walks - what’s important is each interaction is a new one, and each person a soul.