I am making a big change in my life, for the better. It is not an easy one. The details are appropriately private, but it’s fairly ordinary human failure. It means letting go of unholy comforts and escapes, and allowing higher powers to carry me through the troughs of loneliness, fatigue, and occasional despair.

This is much harder than past challenges like getting into Oxford or writing about Q while being libelled in the national press. I have come to understand, via persistent fault, that there cannot be mind and body solutions to spiritual problems. The holy spirit is a thing, and I have ignored it to my cost.

I simply cannot write about righteousness and spirituality without putting my own house in order. I am all out of excuses. Hypocrisy disgusts me, and there is only so much “field research” you need to do to learn about the enemy’s ways of dulling the pain of trauma they inflict.

AU folk “get it” without the religious zealatory. Not grandstanding my woes, just real.

Only people mentioned by @martingeddes in this post can reply

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

May the Holy Spirit guide your walk by filling you with His discernment and leading you into truth. It is by faith and trust we all grow and are changed. 😇

Patriot. Trump Supporter. Tear is for Maddie McCann and all abused children.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

It's time for all of us to learn & gain insight into the "I Am" & know the GOD within.

Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

All the best always Martin! We appreciate your honesty, caring, sharing and so much more.You are on the right track. This is a process and nobody gets away from the trial by fire experiences, but the sincere in heart are always aided. You are a brave and courageous soul Martin!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

We all have a suitcase to carry in life. Sometimes its filled with blessings and sometimes baggage. God bless and praying your journey is fulfilling. You’re in good company.

Patriot,truth seeker, Pro Deo et Patria! NO DMS

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

God bless you Martin! we are all on the same journey to one degree or another!

I've been behind DJT since before he ran for office. Learning about Q these last 5+ years has been truly a great awakening. So grateful!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication


Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

WRWY Martin. Prayers for a successful shift in life.🙏

To quote my Granny: "I don't understand all I know about it"! But I believe in GOD's Sovereignty. Truth. Light. Love. And His

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Oh dear Martin❣️Thank you for sharing your journey with us on AU! The Holy Spirit is real! You are on a good path🙏🏻 Asking for the Holy Spirit is key. WRWY❣️

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Martin, so many of us have come to 'know' you in ways we could not have, had it not been for the revealing from Holy Spirit.

YOU are treasured and loved as a Brother and AU family, yet so much more.

No religious zealotry here, as I left organized 'religion' over 20 years ago and have never looked back.

Amazingly, I know Him better and hear Him more now than I ever did while trying to do all the 'right' things, i.e. church attendance, membership, etc., etc.

He is alive and with us always, even to the End of the Age.

So very thankful and honored to call you Brother, and excited to see the promised vindication for all you and so many of us have suffered far too many years.


Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Joy of all Joys!!! God knew you would be a mighty warrior for Him. satan knew the same thing, thus the struggle. The battle. Your flesh and the world were calling you and tempting you away from God and All that is righteous and Holy. It’s much easier to cave to the world but the consequences are eternal. The Way to God is through His Son, Jesus and His Son is now within us. Prayers reach our Father though Him. Stay in His Word in simple terms. Don’t be led astray by ritualistic distractions, pomp and circumstance. God’s gift to us is free and freedom through His peace. His love will carry us through all wars and into eternity. Stay grounded. We will love to hear about your journey! 🕊

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Yep, and congrats. The Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call "it" is doing healing work in all of us.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I have always appreciated you Martin for your willingness to speak from your heart- even allowing us a glimpse into your shadow side. There is NOTHING that you have done or could do that God would not forgive you for. He is a kind and merciful Father. This Great Awakening has allowed us all to turn the mirror on ourselves. You are not alone. Take comfort in that.


#WWG1WGA / Romans 12:2🗝/ ✨Question EVERYTHING / 🌟Truth will prevail

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

. Sometimes I feel like you are my spirit animal... you take what I feel and put it into beautiful words that I haven't been capable of for quite some time.. Thank you for sharing, even in your pain, on this journey. I appreciate you.💕

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Im sending you a great big hug !!!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication


Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Trying to be the best version of me.... I will be charitable and I will always be truthful. Woke up in 1997...it's been a long fight.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Trying to be the best version of me.... I will be charitable and I will always be truthful. Woke up in 1997...it's been a long fight.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

The best advice one can have is study & pray the Litany of Humility. When one stops being self concerned always the rest follows. We also recognise our wretchedness. Still trying. Always failing.

Texas patriot; love my state, country and 4 guys(Hubs, son and 2 furry dudes). God has blessed me.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

First, I would so love to give you a hug. No inkling what your personal journey or struggle may be. Not my concern what but that you come out stronger and happier for enduring it. You can't imagine the comfort your post and so many of the responses have given me just now for I am battling today. Was lying in bed with tears trickling down my cheeks wondering how to put these heartaches to bed and decided to visit this refuge we call AU once more. Resting just may come easier now thanks to you. WWG1WGA Peace and love to you all!

Patriot, believe in the impossible, miracles happen when in harmonic resonance, love protects. #BRINGITHOME #WEWON

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

You need to feel and experience these profound changes and have them elevate you in vibration, not just mental understanding. Spending time to connect with and be one with spirit is so beautiful and very personal. I find it also helps to let go of labels and judgments, expectations, pushing past those mind based controls. It reminds me of the saying pray without ceasing, to be in that aware and connected state is the best feeling - let go and let love, let go and let God. Thank you for sharing such beautiful, real, and intimate thoughts, Michael. I feel very blessed to read them.💞🌊💞


In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

For We are but One if alligned in Spirit,
yet We are but None if We do not Rear it!

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

This is raw and honest@martingedde thx for sharing your heart. In a way, statement’s as this seems an invitation of sorts for others to safely do the same without any fear of criticism. Just beautiful! Thank you.
Ps, this is in no way, a condescending respone, but the Holy Spirit is a Him. 🤗 And He loves you more than you could ever conceive, closely, intimately, better than you even love yourself. knowing every deficiency, fear, failure yet chooses to embrace us still with a love that remains I only say this because He’s my best friend. I know Him and He knows me. He knows you. ❤️After having my own personal encounters, as well as hearing of others the Holy Spirit is also known as, “Drama King.” For He dearly loves the arts ie: music, poetry, dance, literatures, theatre, etc! He especially loves a good show! I suspect He’s about ready to put on a real good one here on Earth! “In the last days it will be, declares God, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh…” Acts 2:17 🙌

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

You know that we all love an appreciate you here Martin, you know the God given talents you poses.
They were given to you for a reason, you are here for a reason.
Nana most certainly will pray for you success in what ever path you take.

All I would offer is that as for the loneliness, I know it is hard to grasp at times, but it is possible to move past is when we figure out that it really isn't another person, no matter how much we love them, that makes us truly happy, it really is the inner peace with our soul & God. That was also one of Nana's life lessons this time.

The other thing I would offer, and not from a religious standpoint because I have really never relied much on the Bible, is that I lived through the most painful darkest life event imho that a soul can suffer, & came out on the other side to regain my joy.

The ONLY thing that brought me thro it was my constant, daily connection& talks with God.Not God the old man with a beard but my Creator & best fren.

a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

self work is the hardest which yields the best outcomes. the victories yours.

❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. o7 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

With you, Martin. Sending you love and light and all that keeps your feet moving forward and your heart looking up. ❤️🙏✨Btw I always look for your shares and so love your writing and photos. Cheers to you. ☕️✨☕️

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Excellent thoughts Martin! Truth is a worthy pursuit. Love too.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Blessings and a loving, blissing life force vibes to you.
Truth=love=Life force.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication


🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Jesus is the Way. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙WWG1WGA 🕯I Love All Y’all 🥰 #KennedyVision #FamilyIsEverything 💙☀️🦋

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

🙏❤️I Love You Martin♾️♾️💙🙏 WE here for YOU. 🙏💖God Bless You & Yours & let US know if You need anything, anything at all. 💫Sending Prayers🙏, Positive Vibes 💖, & Lots of Lovies🥰💖💫

Called by a voice of light Oct 2017. Born on the 17th of the 5th month. I stand tall, demanding truth & freedom for humanity.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

you got this Martin. Just take deep breaths when you need to.😇