Widget 260
6 hours ago

Widget 260

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A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

Banks are always closed on President's Day. All of them.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to her Publication

Like people's info isn't already out there. People are really silly if they think their "sensitive" info is secure.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Oh hell. Are they (DS) going to be taking potshots on Monday?

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication


A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

It's a new brand of Sweat pants and hoodies. They're supposed to be hella soft according to the Ad I saw.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

And her stupid husband wonders where all the division came from.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

We are fighting for the life of this country and she's worried about offending people? While I appreciate that she volunteered, if she can't stand up for America then why bother?

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

In Houston, they're arresting the mail carriers for stealing checks. One of our customers had 34 checks stolen from one check run.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

It's about time! I was wondering when they would start bringing the hammer down in my shithole of a city. Reference: TABC- Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Truth Seeker1111 to her Publication

The planes usually take off from Ellington Field. I hear them in the morning . Take off run way path is right over my house. I have found that when they do this, it usually rains within two days. The sky was partly cloudy this morning, clear by noon and then PC again late afternoon. They seed the Clear Lake area a lot.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

Sorry to burst your bubble but that's what happens to females the minute we turn 60. My neck looks exactly the same. I'm definitely not a man.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Myra Raney to her Publication

Below is a picture of the current radar from the weather app on my phone. Where's Milton?

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Alex Graham to his Publication

TX AG Ken Paxton is suing the Federal Govt. for disclosure on how so many illegals got registered to vote in the state of TX without an ID.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Dottie French to her Publication

When you get hired, you are required to fill out an I-9. That deals with the citizen/immigration issue.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

Thanks Ask. I feel bad for the elderly womans family and the families whose homes caught on fire. I think the fire burned itself out this afternoon.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

They are now saying it was an elderly lady that was having a medical emergency. Eyewitnesses reported her vehicle was seen going very slowly through the shopping center parking lot headed west. It jumped the curb, ran over a fence and then took off and plowed into the NLG valve. The valve exploded and sent the vehicle airborn. Apparently they had a difficult time making contact with the woman's family yesterday.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

Who ever drove the vehicle through the fence screwed up. They probably figured it would completely burn up or melt but it didn't. Hopefully the Vin or license plates are still intact. Where is the human that drove it through the fence? Were they incinerated? The Houston media didnt even question why a half burned up car was right next to the valve. Even though all their sky-cams had it in plain view. This happened about 7 miles from my job.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Valerie Gilbert to her Publication

Houston's East End is comprised of Hispanics. The perp is going to end up being a troubled kid.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

Yesterday the media was reporting that he survived the attack. Which report is misinformation? Ugh.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response SusieQ Freedom to her Publication

Richard Grenell just pointed out on X that she has never been vetted. She wasn't vetted in CA, nor for VP Position.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response mark kub to his Publication

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Beth Angel McPatriot to her Publication

My power was out for 62 hours after hurricane Beryl. The City of Houston went ballistic over this. It is NOT an easy thing to navigate when it is 95° and 66% humidity. Especially if there is no relief available anywhere. I.E. a family member with a generator or a cooling center. Be prepared if this really is going to happen. I cannot stress this enough.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

Can we just sell Minnesota to Canada? They're mostly just a bunch of noodle heads up there.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to her Publication

The DOJ needs to think twice about this. Most of TX will back this man. Except, of course, the brainwashed hippies in Austin.

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

You, too Kim!

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response sharon pasvant to her Publication

My thoughts exactly!

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

This guy sounds exactly like Gov. Greg Abbott of TX. A little pitch manipulation but other than that, JUST like him. Bizarre!

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Kel Que to her Publication

I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't Kodak the company that was engaged to make "ventilators " during the plandemic?

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Truth Seeker1111 to her Publication

I just read on Click2Houston that Centerpoint is saying by Wednesday. Of course it will be the hottest week so far this year. Thinking good thoughts for that side of town!

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

And now they are using the USPS in an effort to get businesses to use ACH/EFT for payment. Our customers checks are are being stolen from the mail, sometimes it's entire batches of checks. My companies outgoing checks are being stolen. We take ours directly to the Post Office so our bank is pretty sure it's happening at the Houston sorting facility. It is unbelievable.