Juan O’Sevin explains the NDE for planet earth. The 10 days of darkness: the “how and why”.

10 days of darkness is EVERYTHING off. Be prepared physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. Others will need us.

The global alliance is set up to shut everything down. The 5G fry towers and other diabolical weapon systems poised to kill humanity is en mass via towers and cell phones, smart-meters, TV etc.—will be deactivated. Many of the restored, cleaned up technology programs will slowly come back online.

Have food to be able to hunker down and help others to understand what is happening. Breathe.

Juan explains this well.

[In China during Covid 25 million largely Christian were killed in Wuhan.].

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A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

In response Beth Angel McPatriot to her Publication

My power was out for 62 hours after hurricane Beryl. The City of Houston went ballistic over this. It is NOT an easy thing to navigate when it is 95° and 66% humidity. Especially if there is no relief available anywhere. I.E. a family member with a generator or a cooling center. Be prepared if this really is going to happen. I cannot stress this enough.

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins

In response Widget 260 to her Publication

my heart and prayers were and are with all of you. I have endured being without power in humidity/heat in Georgia a few years ago, and you're right, it is not pretty and VERY difficult.

Prep is so very important, and yet even that can be difficult while economically challenged. :(

May God provide for us and protect us all.

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