I am pissed! Absolutely gorgeous, blue sky day today and not a cloud in the sky……for awhile. Sometime, early afternoon they started laying chem trails across the sky……crisscrossing and long. When I got out again about 2pm there were dissipating trails all over the sky, overhead. I stayed outside doing some yard work until about 6pm. You could see fuzzy trails all over and they were still laying down some new ones here and there. My mouth is dry, throat a little itchy, I have a headache and my sinus’ sting a little bit. What the hell are they spreading and who do I call to find out? I live in Houston. Anybody know? More in comment below👇🏼

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
All last week, between me and my mom, we had terrible headaches and allergy problems! It's never been this bad before 😠

A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.
The planes usually take off from Ellington Field. I hear them in the morning . Take off run way path is right over my house. I have found that when they do this, it usually rains within two days. The sky was partly cloudy this morning, clear by noon and then PC again late afternoon. They seed the Clear Lake area a lot.

Leave a message for RFK Jr, Donald trump, your local military base and let them know that there are several of us that want them to stop now and not wait till the election this is getting old and pisses me off just the same. The chemtrails make me not trust 100% in this whole election thing. I'm trying to be patient and bite my tongue but something that's so obvious should have stopped already if Trump really is in control.

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Also, we had these Derecho Winds (which I had never before heard of until after they hit us) that came thu Houston in May and wreaked havoc on us. Been in this home since 1989 and we had more big trees, and property damage than every other storm and hurricane we’ve ever experienced, combined! I heard the main rush of wind come thru and it only lasted a few seconds, literally. It tore this area up! And then the rain came…..We have lots of big, live oak trees in our area, as well as big Loblolly pines. It took huge limbs off and topped some trees and ripped others out of the ground. It is now October and I’m noticing something that I think is a bit strange. As I walk thru the neighborhood the big trees that stand out above the others look like the leaves are all curled about 1-2 feet down each branch all around the tops of the trees. 👇🏼👇🏼

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Some leaves have given up the ghost and a few branches are bare a few feet in but mostly the half curled leaves are still hanging on. It literally looks as if they’ve been hit with a heat blast that dried out the outer edges of the trees leaf canopy. I have never seen this before after any hurricane. The trees don’t look very healthy..they look dry. Anyone ever seen this type of thing before?