3 years ago


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Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

If I'm thinking logically, the entire Trump term was his special forces removing the bad guys.

Plenty of good guys have been in the forces/military and have been waiting for the day. When Trump got into office it was time.

Look at all things that occurred in year one. Basically impossible things... unless certain people were removed.

When Q said "to be blunt, game over", I think the chess game was over. Majority of the key players were removed while we filled spots with actors wearing a mask on top of a mask.

The final part is getting key people domestically to believe this is all real and happening.

Imagine removing an evil childs evil parent from them. That's their only source of info and it's not going to go well. I think we're in that phase.

Open to hearing others thoughts as well.

PushUp Time

Was at 31, then started eating some sweet, got knocked back 10% to 28.

At least that's the theory as to why I experienced the knock-down.

I've started a spreadsheet to track the theory.

Will claw my way back to 31. Then on to INFINITY!! Just kidding. Actually, 200 is the goal. Then to get a 50lb weighted vest and start over.

Today's results in comments.

Push Up Time

Hit 30 last time (day before yesterday). Going for 30 today. Consistency is a thing. A very good thing. Hopefully I can get some of that today.

Goal is 200, then to get a 50lb weighted vest and start over. Long way to go, but not as long as it seems. Rarely is it. Sometimes it's longer than it seems, but that's even more rare.

Update in comments.


Man, I've REALLY been falling down with the sugar. It's SO addictive!!

I can make it through the day pretty well. But then the withdrawals hit me hard at night.

ANYWAY, hopefully I can start clawing my way back up to 31. I was at 31 consistently, attended a bonfire and pigged out on a bunch of s'mores and hot chocolate and the next day I was knocked back to 28. Coincidence? Not sure yet. I have a spreadsheet and am going to start tracking things.

THING IS I have to stop eating sugar foods (McDonald's, soda, etc.) before I can have any data on that particular point to work with. And that's the point I keep falling on my face with. Ugh ...

Anyway, here we go. Let's see what I can do today. Last time I hit 28 1/2. I have been eating sugary foods all week. We'll see. If I jump up to 30-31 today, that will blow my sugary foods theory out of the water. Like I said: We'll see.

Update in comments below. Goal is 200, then to get a 50lb weighted ...

Num. 1 of 2

Push Up Time

Been going backwards. Very frustrating.

Last time was at 29.

I was hitting 31 consistently a few weeks back. WTH?

Goal is 200, then to get a 50-lb weighted vest and start over. I'm thinking I might be 100 by the time I get there!! LOL ... A friend gave me a new strategy but I'm too stubborn to listen to anybody. LOL ...

Update in comments below ...


BQ ==>> [On that same Fri. 29 Jan. US Special Op forces had recovered bo*dies, bo*dy parts and at least a hundred surviving ba*bies, chi*ldren, te*ens and adults from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building. // A couple of days later in the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. and with the US functioning under Martial Law, Joe B*iden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area that was surrounded in eight foot high barbed wi

Passive Aggression vs. Raw Aggression

..... Archetypes used: Conan the Barbarian vs. George Costanza's mother / Edith Bunker / The Church Lady from Saturday Night Live

..... Subtitle: The Church Lady Is A Demonic Spirit From Hell

Thank you for watching!!!

Note: The "X of 9" in the individual titles don't match the spoken video count in the recordings. I guess I lost count while I was speaking. Please disregard. I'm still trying to get the hang of this video business!! It takes real talent and I don't have much I guess!!! LOL ...

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Your science is faulty. The folly of masks.


Been hitting 30 consistently.

It's been about 2 weeks, so hopefully I can get a bump to 31 today.

From 30 to 31 is about 3% (by my calculations!!) and I'm thinking I make about 3% progress every 2 weeks.

We'll see!! I'm sure every 2-week period is a little different than every other 2 -week period. As always. But hopefully today will be a "bump day"!!

Goal is 200, then to get a 50-lb weighted vest and start over. Big dreams :-) Hey it's not a dream if it's not big, it's just a goal, right?!!!

#1 of 2

My take AT THIS TIME is that:

1) Trump is still the President, both of the U.S. Corporation and the Republic. Him signing the Insurrection Act guaranteed that. That's why they're trying so hard to impeach him.

2) EVERYBODY is under Patriot (i.e., military) control, including the fake Biden guy.

3) EVERBODY is ACTING ("enjoy the show"), doing WHATEVER the military tells them to do.

4) The military is running a literal movie while they quietly take down over 600,000 people worldwide who are traitors to their own countries, Satanists, pedophiles, etc. etc.

#1 of 2

I'm Cooking Onions ... I Think I Might Be Related to Shrek



THIS and some rotisserie chicken? Wow!! Just wow!! DELICIOUS!!

Sorry, no conspiracy here. Not that I've found anyway. Yet.

We Promise, This is Delicious - Simple, Roasted Onions From 1808 - YouTube

Visit Our Website! ➧ http://www.townsends.us/ ➧➧Help support the channel with Patreon ➧ https://www.patreon.com/townsend ➧➧Shop our Amazon Store! ➧ https://w...

Pull Up Time

I've been struggling to get past 3 pullups.


I have been tracking my pushup progress and over time, I realized I was progressing at the rate of about 3% every two weeks. I.E. from 29 to 30 pushups (consistently), from 30 to 31, etc. When I get to 60, it will be from 60 to 62. So on and so forth ...

Success is by PERCENTAGE not COUNT. And progress is VERY SLOW in the beginning. Later on ... not so much.

SO ... If I'm only doing 3 pullups and my rate of improvement is 3% every two weeks, and the rate of increase desired from ...

#1 of 2

It's official!! KETO has taken my down 2 pant sizes.

From 36 to 32.

AND TRUST ME, I don't even do it "right". NO macros. NO carb elimination. No obsessing over numbers and ingredients. I just eat fat fat fat fat fat. As much fat as I can find.

Every day starts with my KETO coffee, which is LOADED with fat: Heavy Whipping Cream, coconut oil, butter. Lots and lots of butter. A lot of all of that, actually.

The shorts in this photo are waist size 32. You can see that maybe I should start thinking about trying out size 30!! WOW!! AMAZING!!!

Oh and check this out:

#1 of 2

Push Up Time ...

Been hitting 30 consistently. Am wondering if today is a Bump Day, where I can hit 31.

I previously theorized that a giant Sugar Feast at a bonfire at my son's house (s'mores, hot chocolate, etc.) caused me to get knocked back 10% to 28 1/2. From that point I have been clawing my way back up to 31.

Seems that I progress at the rate of 3% every 2 weeks. Which means at the level I am at now, it takes me 2 weeks to go from 30 to 31.

However, I remembered that over the holidays I didn't work out at all for 2 weeks and ate whatever I ...

#1 of 3

Push Up Time Yo!!

Working my way back up to 31.

A sugar feast I had a couple weeks ago sent me reeling backward from 31 to 28 1/2. It's taking me THIS LONG to work my way back up to 31. I still can't believe a Sugar Feast (at a bonfire: s'mores, hot chocolate, etc.) did this. ...

#1 of 3

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Pull Up Time

Made it to 30 last time (Saturday, I think).

Hopefully today can get a bump up to 31.

Goal is 200. Then to get a 50-lb weighted vest and start over.

Update in comments.

Social Media I Am On:

1) Facebook*
2) Twitter*
3) MeWe*
4) Minds*
5) AnonUp*
6) Discord*
7) Spreely
8.) CloutHub
9) Gab

* Means they function perfectly. Without the "*" means they are buggy and hard to use. Of course, this changes on a weekly basis. Hopefully they'll all be operating at a maximum level soon. An amazing time to be alive. The end of the oligarchs and controlled industries, and therefore lives and populations. Hoooooo-ahhhhhhh!! May it continue to be so!!!