Push Up Time ...
Been hitting 30 consistently. Am wondering if today is a Bump Day, where I can hit 31.
I previously theorized that a giant Sugar Feast at a bonfire at my son's house (s'mores, hot chocolate, etc.) caused me to get knocked back 10% to 28 1/2. From that point I have been clawing my way back up to 31.
Seems that I progress at the rate of 3% every 2 weeks. Which means at the level I am at now, it takes me 2 weeks to go from 30 to 31.
However, I remembered that over the holidays I didn't work out at all for 2 weeks and ate whatever I ...
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wanted (including sweets). Then when I got back on it after the holidays I suffered NO setback at all. None.
So was it not the Sugar Feast that set me back 10%? Or was the food I ate over the holidays OK because it wasn't INTENSE sweets, they were balanced with other food?
I honestly don't know. I'm trying to figure this out. Not sure I ever will, or even if there is even any identifiable causes/effects involved. Could be more esoteric: the barometric pressure, the stars, etc. Who knows. I'm enjoying the intellectual challenge of it all, though.
Trying to get back on KETO.
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Maybe it's the ketones. Something else to consider. Or maybe the intermittent fasting. Fasting is said to induce HGH (Human Growth Hormone) production.
Anyway, I'll post today's results in the comments below.
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