Lewis Brazil
@lewbrazNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Are we going to see the stock market show signs of panic today? 3-19*2021

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
I have first hand knowledge of a Women in Chicago area that has large amounts of forein currency, was instructed to go to Louisville KY to get on charter jet, going to Reno wells fargo corporate bank to exchange to new currency, expects to do this early next week, waiting for notification when to leave.

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Just tweeted at said individuals, will see, if nothing else prove it false

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
RealRaw News broke story, Author stands by story, has twitter page, would need someone like Tucker Carlson to re-tweet it, Yes I think this is part of the reveal to the normies,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Michael Baxter
Reply to Randy
2 hours ago
I really don’t care what countless others have said. We stand by our source, and the story.
Source for Hillary story Real Raw News

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
this site needs some more gigabites, it was froze, apparently it keep posting, I deleted the rest

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Navy SEALS Arrest Hillary Clinton ~ March 5, 2021 | Rose Rambles…
The chant “lock her up” has finally seen fruition. US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy, Real Raw News has learned. The arrest happened on Tuesda..
Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Navy Seals Arrest Hillary Clinton | Truth11.com
Before It’s News.com Mike Baxter March 4, 2021 The chant “lock her up,” has finally seen fruition. US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy, Real Ra..
Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
True, but I have not heard of that from any source, maybe this is a way to bring it too the public,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Its on tellogram, suppose to be a video some place, the guy who posted it up usually has good reliable info,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
The guy that posted it is a stickler on misinformation so I think there is a very good chance it official, I think she was arrested much eariler this is just confirmation from military for public to her.

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Larry, can you confirm 100% that DJT flew to Switizerland(3-3-2021) yesterday? thanks,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Curly, is this legit conversation on Twitter? Seems one would not be this open about killing children. Would like some kind of verification, thanks

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
When redbull did the 120000 ft frop they had a hard time communcating with ground to ballon, so your telling me a video signal was transmitted from Mars?

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Looks like hands behind his back, more info? starting to see the truth

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Got a feeling that maybe Rush might have been in a Med Bed.

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
RV is re-value T4B no idea,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
There is video of childern being placed into vans and suvs, I take this as more proof.

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Mary Fanning is the real deal, great work, the sting is now made public,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Once Nesara is announced evethiing else follows, One of these days our prayers will be answered, thanks WiseOwl

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
I agree best time for the bomb, does this happen before during or after, I wojuld guess before game starts, after is too late.

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Looked like CGI fake

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Use duckduckgo and search nesara/gesara From what I have researseached all debt, The first draft from 2001 had limitiations,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Nesara debt forginess, the money stolen will be paid back to everyone, no more morgages, you will be a millionaire, Pay with quantum system,

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Thanks for posting, saw your twitter is gone,