Mon. morning 25 Jan. between 3 and 6 am a blackout occurred in Washington DC around the White House and Washington Monument. Police and US troops were everywhere in the darkness. Military vans and police cars would pull up to the White House, load passengers, take them down the road and across a bridge and then the vehicles would come back empty to do a repeat. A second video showed several people getting out of their cars and walking into Capitol grounds. When it was over and seemingly on Q, fireworks lit up the sky.
Dr. Charlie Ward confirmed the recorder of the below video’s assessment o

Patriot party member; MAGA; realist; common sense; Dark to Light its going to be glorious
Thanks for posting, saw your twitter is gone,

Military war veteran🎖Spiritualist💚 Q💥 Freedom Fighter 🦅 Took the Oath✋Darkness to Light🌔God is Love ❤️From 3Dto5D🙏 Rescue Animals🐕🐈
got it! hello back atcha