April Kratzer
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Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
That's not him in that photo above. That's Anthony James, the Artist.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
looks more like a Michael to me.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
same exact ingredients, 💩, just given a different name.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
I've been taking, D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin with Bromelain for years and haven't gotten sick once. neither has my husband or 2 kids.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
i stepped away for a long time. Had to clear my mind. So much has happened since I have been away. So much is still to come. Can not wait until this is over. One thing I am grateful for, is that the people I followed on Twitter is still on Anonup. Also, God is still in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
There you go. 2015 was a long time ago for me. LOL. I knew it snowed , just couldn't remember when. Righ now I'm still trying to recover from the 2 hurricanes. lol

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
It's some crazy BS what's going on right now. I dont live in Texas but I'm close enough to feel the BS that these electrical companies are doing to people. Then when its all over our electric bill will be so high no one will be able to pay them. Bad enough we are still paying high electricity bills from the 2 hurricanes we had on top of trying to get our houses put back together.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
It's cold as hell in Louisiana in February. If you know Louisiana weather, it's never cold in February. I don't know when it's been this cold in Louisiana period. Not to where we actually have snow.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
I would hope you know the definition of porn? Why would you even ask such a question? If you want to watch porn, go to a porn site, plenty of disgusting sites to go on. No need to share it on here.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
That's awesome work.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
🤣🤣 Love how they still have their sense of humor through all of this.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
I agree. Love this story.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
Waiting patiently Doq. What's up on your end?

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
Joe Dirt !!!!!

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
🤣🤣 Wow, they keep showing their ignorance more and more.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
wow, didn't know she was Pro Q... 😁😁

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
Thank you for all your hard work keeping this great platform going. You are awesome

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
Love 4VKM videos.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
I believe he was. By whom exactly, not sure. I do know that they are some highly intelligent people.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
I wonder how much they actually paid these idiots

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
First I've heard of that site, but I did hear he was going to be sharing it soon. But I'm there with you. I opened a wego.social and Gab. Wego seems to crash a lot lately and Gab there is something I don't like about it. Anonup is my pick out of all of them. Koba is doing an awesome job. You are correct between work and everyday life it's hard to keep up. It's been a long, tough road.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
found it