I love Juan o Savin and have enjoyed hearing his POV over the years but I dont have the time to invest into 107daily.com and other social networks. Also, I don't see anything remarkable about the software. It's not groundbreaking. It's a WordPress MU plugin. I'm staying here as I want to only invest the spare time I do have in helping Koba build up AnonUp, which has tremendous potential!

Banned on multiple platforms. Love God/Family/Country to the core. Save The Children. Lifelong Geek. Awake 25+ years. Always more to learn.
Absolutely agree.
Gab doesn't impress me either, but I like this platform.

Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
I set it up, but couldnt get in & i set up to donate monthly.

Victim of the Great Purge on Twitter. Wife, mother, grandmother, Patriot. God wins. WWG1WGA -- *I do not do DM's*
Agreed and well said! Also, i have to admit, when I first went to 107daily.com, i didn't know it was Juan O'Savin's site. The first page put me off big-time because the images of the people on there did not look like Patriots to me. Every one of them looked like a hip liberal. I left immediately and only later learned who the site belonged to.
I only have time and energy for one site, and this is the one for me! Thank you again@administrator for all that you do!!

I finally understand the reference Juan has been making to Casino Royal. The movie had the bad guy go take money from bad guys, he then used that money to short stock on an airline company. The vilan then tries to blow up plane but Bond saves the plane, the airline companies stock doesnt dive and vilan is on the hook for stock losses. Bad Guy then sets up high stakes poker game another scam and gets busted again by Bond the Good Guy so the bad guy has two choices either suicide or capture and tell good guys about all he knows about the criminal world as he was a money launderer. GME/Reddit?

Love Trump, patriot, proud American, WWG1WGA
yes they never sent me an email verification so I couldn't get on the site

I like to clown around when the trolls around. Too bad the trolls can't find me here in MAGA Country! Together we win!
I am here on Anonup with my digital family to see "We the People" through the darkness and into the light!
Only followers of this user (@Rose739) can see their posts

Just a Patriot who loves my President. MAGA. Jack kicked me off and I found my Twitter friends here. Same name on both.
I think 107Daily is a social app but it's going to be more for those who have shows and content once they get it going. If they were all in one place, such as You Tube, it is much easier than chasing around different platforms to find your favorite videos and shows.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana has signed up at 107Daily, gab, and wegosocial. But Anonup is by far my favorite and where I plan to spend most of my time. I love Juan O Savin as well but I am staying here with Kobayashi as well.
This is also the most user friendly easiest to move around in site. I will try to support 107 some but gab dosnt work a lot of the time and it takes longer to accomplish things there.

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/yXNYCEkbpv84/ https://ugetube.com/@ToddAnon https://107daily.com/ToddAnon https://t.me/ToddAnon17
AnonUp has been my go-to since my permanent suspension from Twitter.

Patriot. Truth Seeker. The Best Is Yet To Come!! It’s going to be BIBLICAL!! God Bless Our Country and God Bless President Trump!
Agree! AU is the BEST platform. I like the people here! Comments are respectful, and the content is relevant and interesting. I wish Kobayashi would work his magic and let us create lists... hint hint. And I would gladly pay to upgrade to certain features. I'm here to stay.

Patriot - 100% Trump supporter. Nothing can stop what is happening. God is in control.
First I've heard of that site, but I did hear he was going to be sharing it soon. But I'm there with you. I opened a wego.social and Gab. Wego seems to crash a lot lately and Gab there is something I don't like about it. Anonup is my pick out of all of them. Koba is doing an awesome job. You are correct between work and everyday life it's hard to keep up. It's been a long, tough road.

I've been behind DJT since before he ran for office. Learning about Q these last 5+ years has been truly a great awakening. So grateful!
i think Juan did it mainly to give others a platform that were getting their content taken down.
I listened to him on my walk today and the line I cant get out of my head was "Stay with the guy who brought you to the dance!"
Im not going anywhere!

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
I've joined several and I believe as the rest of humanity awakens it will be a good thing for Patriot's to have a variety of places to go to as they learn, grow and heal. If Juan felt led to start that channel and activate it now, I am sure there is a divine purpose and all will fall into place just as it is supposed to. I love you all! Enjoy the Journey! 🕊️❤️🌟🙏(((HUG))) ISAIAH 43:18-19

That is why we are so happy to live in a FREE COUNTRY! Do you..

Proud to be a part of the party with you Patriots!
You're getting pretty dreamy Doq!😘

✝️ Father | Husband | American Latino | Capitalist | Millennial Patriot | 🇺🇸🦅
Same here DOQ. AU is the new HQ.

Of all the different options available beyond the DS FB or Twitter, this is the platform i find myself using to catch up and follow my favs. I like the simplicity and how easy it is to navigate.
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Only followers of this user () can see their posts

Patriot, retired IT admin, spiritual student https://t.me/SusieQ_Chat
I am on both, 107 was working great there for a minute, then it began to crawl. it had group features and I had setup a group a week later they took the whole site down and brough up a different version and the group option was gone, I have not been back since that happened last week. I'm now between here and telegram. looking forward to some stability

The remnant becomes the majority when the remnant takes authority! ~ Robin Bullock
Was on 107daily but it updated and logged me out. Got back in and everything had changed. All my post and friends were gone too. So I logged back out.

🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙 Where We Go 1 We Go All 🕯 I Love All Y’all 🥰 #FamilyIsEverything ..... PLEASE FOLLOW !!
Does AnonUp have an app for android phones? You do one helluva job DOQ , give yer self a pat on the back bruh,

Retired Veteran, Patriot, Constitutionalist, and lover of Freedom! Save the Republic!
I am very impressed with how this site works. Very smooth compared to Gab.

I agree. i dumped FB & was suspended from twadder...good riddance to both. only active on anonup now and very refreshing!

Jer29:11-13 I know the plans I have for U declares the Lord plans 4 prosperity & not disaster to give you a future & a hope... God Wins 🙏🏻
i hear ya. i joined but having probs navigating the site still i keep checking in. we need to keep together so thanks for putting that out there. Telegram another stream to keep pulled in. im no techie BY FAR. Just yryin to hang in there with patriots. one thing i DO KNOW...

its already a great sucess . thank you brother .

Happily retired 🥳 Patriot since birth 🇺🇸 Christ follower 🙏 I support our President Trump 1000% 🇺🇸 @LucyDWigglebutt everywhere 🐶
I have been everywhere. THIS is home. I loved Parler but Koba is building an amazing place here and so easy to manuever. the look is so crisp and clean. Gab is clique-ish IMHO and too green lol.

💕Sometimes just gotta sparkle no matter what it looks like,&be lovely.🌸🍃Do not be afraid. Trust Shalom. His love is great. Matt6:26,10:31
Agree. With all the options out there, I'm not very good at the "twitter style" feeds, still learning. I was using facebook style mostly previous to this... I love the style of notebooks, but I haven't see the ability to share notebooks outside of Microsoft yet. I prefer anonup to all the other options I have tried, so far.
I would like to be able to search my feeds by topic or date maybe. Maybe somehow organize albums of topics within the bookmarks? or Posts?