Christus Vexed
10 months ago

Christus Vexed

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I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Since it seems from your statements that you've equated right judgement with condemnation, I can see how we've been talking past each other.

If you look back at my original post, I did specify judgement of behavior with a view toward correction for their own well being. Condemnation of the individual never entered my mind.

The ability to rightly judge is impossible without humility. To attempt it with a sense of superiority is just nauseating self-righteousness.

We probably agree more than you think. God bless you too.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

I don't recall advocating stone throwing. Jesus didn't deny their proper judgement that she was a harlot. He thwarted their condemnation of HER, not her sin. He didn't tell her that she was just fine being a harlot, He told her to go and sin no more. That is love of neighbor.

If she had blown off His admonition and continued in adultery, do you really think her final judgement would have gone as mercifully?

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Your first three paragraphs are exactly the point I was trying to make. I don't even know why you are arguing with me if that is what you believe.

I have no idea how you get anger and hate from statements that are solely based on helping someone get to heaven. That's bewildering to me.

Condemnation and right judgement are not synonyms. You yourself are using right judgement to recognize transsexuals are grossly misled. Only if one is able and willing to make that correct judgement will they want to help that person off the road to perdition.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Loving and seeking God and his perfect and Holy will, to the exclusion of everything and everyone else, is the first and most important commandment.

It is not possible to truly love your neighbor, especially an evil one, unless it is done for God's sake.

To properly love your neighbor, it is NECESSARY to make appropriate judgements based on behavior.

Are you loving the narcissist, adulterer, alcoholic, pedophile, thief, abuser, cheater, liar, rapist, transsexual, indoctrinated communist, murderer of the born and unborn by choosing not to judge and failing to point out the grave damage they do to themselves and everyone around them?

Without proper judgement, you can neither guide a neighbor off the wrong path, or support them on the right one.

Failure to judge is apathy toward your neighbor. Failure to desire the good of your neighbor is apathy toward God. Failure to desire God makes all failures complete.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response TxGirl4Trump -UM to her Publication

How does one "eliminate" something that never existed in the first place?

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Penguin MCQue to his Publication

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

Because those other animals weren't sweltering in feedlots.

This is perfectly normal for cattle and happens every single summer.
Help halt the spread unwarranted hysteria with the truth.

There is already enough real stuff to be hysterical over.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication


But not at all surprising...

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Yes, this has been known for a long time. I first came across this image in 1996. At the time, it was said to be the only Chronovisor picture to make it to the public.

I don't recall who the last person is, but the first three are supposed to be Nicodemus, Jesus and St. John the Evangelist. They are walking by the Sea of Galilee.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Two things that help me forgive:

I remind myself that I've acquired a mountain of unpardonable debt in my lifetime. I hope for forgiveness all the time.

I remind myself that I'm not forgiving for the perpetrator's sake, I'm doing it for God's sake. Love of God and His will makes it a little easier to swallow.

The hardest things for me to forgive are offences that continue in perpetuity. That's a tough row to hoe.

Blessings, and my prayers to help you.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Unfortunately, I think you're right. Sodom and Gomorrah have nothing on this brood of shitheads.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Aren't these the same retards that claim to be so adept at listening to their children's "inner selves"?

But when his outer self does everything short of brandishing a weapon to defend himself from those sick pieces of shit?

Well, then he's just a child. What does he know?

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I wish I knew about that when I was in Chichen Itza.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Frankly, I'm surprised they're allowing real animal protein.
Gross, yes, but I thought we were only supposed to survive on weeds.
And be happy.
Fuck them.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Bernadette Ducasse to her Publication

Personally, I've never known a woman who considered herself "stigmatized" by her feminine bodily functions. Nor have I known a man who has ever perpetrated such a stigmatization.

But, this brilliant mind tells us that "people" do. If so, it seems to me, that is the one term that should NOT be used.

This is just more free-form diarrhea, spewed from the non-thinking, all-feeling mouth of another complete imbecile.

Diarrhea. I wonder if that bodily function stigmatizes the author as well? 🤔

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

I'm a portrait photographer and I duplicate that hundreds of times a day. Most often with a joke. I can't be calling dudes "beautiful".

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

Bottom right - Vincent D'Onofrio, about to lose it in "Full Metal Jacket". 🤣🤣🤣

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

Same dog. He knows the sound.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response memes matter to her Publication

Prior to around 2005, this would have been hilarious.

Funny how much more accepting I was before they forced me to accept it.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Stupid woman wants to "HAVE A sense of FEELING healthy".

A smart woman would rather HAVE SOME sense and BE healthy.

So close.

Like the time I took my 6 year old to a Mets game. We got up to get some ice cream and came back to find some idiot had usurped our seats. After reclaiming them, I said to my son, "I can't believe that clown took our seats."

When we got home, he ran to his mother and told her, "When we came back, there was a clown in our seats!"

So close.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

The last thing the Republicans need is more damned Democrats joining their ranks.

Though I would be OK with him finishing his term as a Republican, if he retires immediately afterward.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication

Silicon based life? 🤔

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Nunya Effin Bizness to her Publication

No doubt back on the streets by the end of the day.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response FightingIrishman to his Publication

Love (charity) is an act of the will, not emotion. It is to desire the good of the other.

When the other is unlovable to us, we nonetheless know intellectually that they are loved by God. If we love God, we love what He loves.

Warm and fuzzy feelings are not only unnecessary, they should not be expected. We need only join God in the desire that evil people see the light, change their ways and eventually attain salvation.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response C.J. Zingle to her Publication


I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

All seed oils are pure poison. They were never meant for human consumption.

They are a main cause of almost all cancers and heart disease, both of which were almost non-existent before people started accepting vegetable oils as "food" about 110 years ago.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Back to the Future to his Publication

I don't think you're talking about QFS, the digital tokenization of all assets (currencies, stocks, bonds, deeds, titles, bullion etc.).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in mentioning Russell Jay Gould, I think you're questioning Nesara/Gesara. Which would be a very wise thing to do.

In and of itself, it's an interesting idea. The odds of it ever being implemented are slim to none. Anyone who's counting on it for dramatic financial improvement in their life is likely in for a staggering disappointment.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response April Evans to her Publication

So true. Olive Garden is an absolute joke.

I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Actually, the first step was dismantling each state's anti-sodomy laws and destigmatizing homosexuality.