Christus Vexed
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I am, therefore I think. Christus Rex.

This stupid woman wants to "have a sense of FEELING healthy".
A smart woman would rather have some sense. Then BE healthy.
She came so close...
Like the time I took my 6 year old to a Mets game. We got up to get some ice cream and came back to find some idiot had usurped our seats. After reclaiming them, I turned to my son and said, "I can't believe that clown took our seats."
When we got home, he excitedly told his mother, "...and when we came back, there was a clown in our seats!"
He came so close...

Technically, this is true. An unfertilized egg is not a baby.
As satan is very legalistic, satanists often present a truth to promote a lie. But let's carry the intended analogy to its logical conclusion by supposing the picture on the right to be a fertilized human embryo.
Keep in mind that the sperm propelled itself to the egg and struggled to enter of its own volition.
In order for this analogy to make any logical sense:
The wheat and sugar cane would have harvested themselves, processed themselves into flour and crystals, actively sought out the bowl, and made their way into it by their own power.
The eggs would have rolled their way in from the hen-house,, cracked themselves, slid into the bowl and incited all the ingredients to whip themselves into a frenzy.
That leaves us with the batter in the picture, which would then have to remain in the bowl unattended for nine months to become a cake.
Makes sense, no? Well done, satanists. What ever were we thinking?

Technically, this is true. An unfertilized egg is not a baby.
As satan is very legalistic, satanists often present a truth to promote a lie. But let's carry the intended analogy to its logical conclusion by supposing the picture on the right to be a fertilized human embryo.
Keep in mind that the sperm propelled itself to the egg and struggled to enter of its own volition.
In order for this analogy to make any logical sense:
The wheat and sugar cane would have harvested themselves, processed themselves into flour and crystals, actively sought out the bowl, and made their way into it by their own power.
The eggs would have rolled their way in from the hen-house,, cracked themselves, slid into the bowl and incited all the ingredients to whip themselves into a frenzy.
That leaves us with the batter in the picture, which would then have to remain in the bowl unattended for nine months to become a cake.
Makes sense, no? Well done, satanists. What ever were we thinking?

Beware people who speak as though the words "feel" and "think" are interchangeable. For example, "I feel like my car is about to shit the bed."
They are telling you outright that they are incapable of logical, rational thought. They've also probably received their ninth booster.

Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

A nice idea, but the prerequisite is the possession of even a modicum of humility.
Most defending evil now are far too proud to admit they were wrong, and have been incapable of logical and reasoned thinking for a good chunk of their lives.
They will never recognize evil as evil, if for no other reason than BECAUSE they've defended it.
Shame has been exiled from civilization for decades.

Disgusting fools.
People who behave this way have no love for their fellow man. To them, every other human being is nothing but a vector of disease.
While they firmly believe that being mask-less is deadly, they have no concern that the candy eating gentleman might be exposing himself to danger.
Instead, they regard him with fear and contempt, and make no attempt to hide it. He is no more human to them than a snarling lion would be, and the poor guy knows it.
They have voluntarily discarded their human dignity and replaced it with animalistic self-preservation. While I do pity them, they deserve none. Nor do they deserve any respect.
It is through such as these that totalitarian regimes gain power.

Watch the 3rd in the series. He knows full well that phony "Francis" Bergoglio is not the Pope. He also reminds everyone that no Jesuit is ever allowed to be.
Q tried to tell us about the "Deep Church", and specifically by name, sent us to Archbishop Viganò for the truth.
Still, I don't think many have listened or understood.

Have you noticed that those who would strive to make our society as decadent as possible have also convinced a significant number of people that the very word "decadent" means "rich, chocolaty goodness"?

You've heard of the doctors of old making house calls? They were expert diagnosticians. They identified the problem, and usually offered a reasonable solution.
Most often by telling you what to EAT.
Modern diagnostics are a joke. They couldn't diagnose a hangnail, regardless of the $20,000 worth of tests they'll put you through to do it for them.
Despite this, have you known a prouder, more arrogant field? Brains, skill and empathy are not required.
Obedience to their overlords, an authoritative attitude, and a gargantuan ego are just what the "medical community" ordered.
They'll guess your condition, then dose you with toxins via trial and error.
The only certainty being the patient will never be cured.
Keep the skilled surgeons. They are better trained and are sometimes actually capable of helping someone.
As for the the rest of the "medical community"? At best, they should be out picking turnips.
At worst, they should be swinging from streetlamps.