haiVe -黒-
3 years ago

haiVe -黒-

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

Twitterを追放された"侍"見習い 不器用ゆえに無口 争い 騙し合い がとても苦手 Qムーヴメントを応援しています WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

(っ’-‘)╮ =͟͟͞͞💖
Posts of John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram channel

🔷”If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

“Ronald Reagan”

The quickest way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Your rights should never be infringed by the government. I stand — without apology — for your 2nd Amendment rights.
銃を持った悪者を止める最も簡単な方法は、銃を持った善人です。 あなたの権利は政府によって決して侵害されるべきではありません。 私は、弁明することなく、あなたの修正第2条の権利を支持します。

The worst thing you can do in foreign policy is make a promise and fail to deliver.

The Bill of Rights is under attack on nearly every front. We fought for it and we will always fight for it. They’ve called us “disrupters” and “anti-establishment.”
憲法中の人権保障規定である権利章典は、ほぼ全ての面で攻撃を受けています。 私達はその為に戦いました、そして私達は常に権利章典の為に戦います。 彼らは私達を「破壊者」だ、「反体制」だと呼んでいます。

🆔 https://t.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Let's talk about Features for AnonUp.com.
What new feature would you like me to add?

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

I am not checking any verification requests. Please hold off on submitting until we have a secure process in place.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Do not post any X rated pedo pics from Hunter or Weiners Laptops.

They will try to use it to get sites shutdown.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Hover over to make it easier to follow people.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

A place to see comments under a user's profile.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Chat has been enabled again on WeGo.social

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

***Block User Update***
If you refresh you are now able to block a person without having to go to their profile. Just use the dropdown on the bottom right of a post. Still working on the more advanced feature.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

I deleted the Spammer that was using@RealDonaldTrump and reserved the username for Trump if he ever decides to join us here on AnonUp

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Look what all of you made possible. AnonUp beat the average time people spend using Twitter! All without an App! A big FU to Apple and Google Play stores.

Working on the requested features now.

Ref: https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

('ロ'('ロ'('ロ'('ロ' )!!!!

Actual prison wall around DC in yellow. First time in American history this has occurred. Owl captured.

黄色のDC周辺の実際の刑務所の壁。 アメリカの歴史上初めてこれが起こった。 フクロウが捕獲されました。

from PATRIOTS 4 USA GhostEzra (Telegram)

Nobody trash the troops they are there in DC for good not evil. They aren't coming for any of your guns, relax. They are there for a different purpose. Tribunals need max security.

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

(꒪ω꒪υ)Multiple wearing of masks that seem to be worse than Covid

Is two masks good or bad? Such an easy question. The truth sooner or later becomes known to all... CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out (via nationalfile.com)
By the way, is the time for the COVID-21 announcement not up yet, Mr. Fauci?

二重マスクは良いか悪いか? そんな簡単な質問です。 遅かれ早かれ真実は全ての人に知られる様になります... 米国疾病対策予防センターは、2020年の大統領選挙が行われた時にコロナの死亡者数を少なくとも1,600%も不法に膨らませました(nationalfile.com経由)

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

( ⊙ ⊙) I thought it was a crime committed by a crazy individual. Until I saw the film that the person shoted the man sitting next to him.
( ⊙ ⊙)狂った人が犯した犯罪だと思っていた。 隣に座っていた人物が男を撃った映画を見るまでは。

♦️“I will expose my father’s killers
no matter who they are- even if I have to bring down the government.”


“John F. Kennedy Jr.”
🆔 https://t.me/hsretoucher17

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

Florida no longer invests in Big Tech (because of censorship). Governor Ron DeSantis 👍


WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

Pakistan, Vatican City... Now a blackout in Iran. Strange coincidences 🤔
パキスタン、バチカン市国...今イランの停電。 奇妙な偶然🤔
It looks like a military operation is underway🤩

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆



️ I'm Japanese 🎌 I love justice🙏✨ WWG1WGA #WeAreQ #QArmyJapanFlynn🤝

Let's enjoy‼️😆

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

Nbcnews: Telegram channels are filled with right-wing extremists. They are preparing for Biden's inaguration on January 20.
🔈Advise everyone to install the app before it is removed.
NBcニュース:テレグラム チャンネルは右翼の過激派でいっぱいです。 彼らは1月20日のバイデンの就任式の準備をしています。

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

(o´ 艸 `) Hillary first, then Obama?

(o´艸`) 最初がヒラリーで、その後がオバマ?


WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

It is “no longer acceptable” for social media giants to take key decisions on online content removals alone,following the high profile takedowns of US President Trump’s accounts on Facebook and Twitter,
the European Commission has said.


WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

‎………φ(..)メモメモ The day MSM dies🙏

………φ(..)メモメモ 大手メディアが死ぬ日🙏


WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

More than 550 000 people are currently without power in Washington now.


Is it time for the Trump Card?

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

🎪🤹‍♀The circus has started




Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Who is our next president?


Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Donald J Trump

ワタシ ハ ワタシ ヲ スクウ #Qanon #QArmyJapanFlynn https://gab.com/Yukkie https://note.com/nixspiritus


“第59回大統領就任式に起因する緊急事態がコロンビア地区に存在する” ということは、就任式がもう済んだ可能性があります。



・そういえば大統領は “20日の就任式には行かない” と宣言していた…もう就任してたら行かないに決まってるよね?


WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆

CNN: Trump's youtube channel received a "strike," which means a seven-day ban on uploading new content.
Were you waiting for January 13 on purpose? 😂 The 7-day ban will last exactly until the inauguration.

わざと1月13日を待っていましたか? 😂7日間の禁止は、就任式まで正確に続きます。

WWG1WGA🌏DarkToLight🌎QArmyJapanFlynn🌍 Let's open the door of the future with a smile 🚪😆


『 先週の恐ろしい出来事の後、私達の政権のエネルギーは秩序ある移行を確実にする事に向けられています。聖書は、「全てに季節があり、天国の下であらゆる目的の為の時間には...癒す時間と...そして蓄積する時間がある」と述べています。その時は今です。世界的大流行、何百万人ものアメリカ人の経済的困難、そして1月6日の悲劇的な出来事の真っ只中ですが、今は私達が集まる時、癒しの時です。
Shieferan Michel R Pence. アメリカ合衆国の副大統領 』