Bluebird Honeybee
@dogeatdog122Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
i can't believe people actually signed up for it LMFAO, but then again I can

Over/Under/March 2021/Done in 30 (months which is NOW 3/21) = House cleaning - WH Secured - Final Stage
22 Sec Long Vid = Q 22 = Biggest drop ever provided on pol - Use military to save country - No War No Civil Unrest
11 = Jersey Number = Q 11 Biggest drop on pol according to Q 12 - Overthrowing the Governmemt - Treason - Conditions met for Military to step in
3/28 delta = Overthrow the Government
= Only way to bring in the Military
MARCH MADNESS - Public will soon know!

“Symbolism will be their downfall.” - Q
Check out this short video to see exactly how international Cabal controlled plutocratic mega corporations undeniably use Luciferian imagery in their logos, brand names and marketing campaigns. Almost every pop culture popular product I can think of can be broken down just like this. These people are sick & evil ⤵️.

IT is indeed my Pleasure and the Greatest of Honors to be amongst all of you -- we All Learn so much from each other.
Together We Win.
Hard Work though...?
Nah, I've been a 'Truther/Conspiracy Nut' a long time now....
It's what I Love.
Eternally Grateful.
Only followers of this user (@TheBobWhoKnew) can see their posts

I follow back
We've all tried to wake up our liberal friends and aquintances as best we could.
I've typed and talked till I was blue in the face batting down dirty lies and cheap shots like a tennis player swatting rapid fire tennis balls being spit out of a machine.
But, right now, it seems like people are pretty much dug in, and the ones who aren't are figureing it out on their own, on their own terms-- which I guess is good.
I've been holding out on paying off a couple bets, too. I still think Trump is going to find his rightful place, hopefully fairly soon.
So what do we do in the mean time?
and enjoy life
Becuase the bad guys don't want us to enjoy our lives--they want us to live in fear.
There were quite a few people in the store today with no masks, by the way.

I appreciate your kind words - I’m just trying to help expose the Cabal, help wake up main street & keep Patriot’s inspired :)
Only followers of this user (@TheBobWhoKnew) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@TheBobWhoKnew) can see their posts

20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.
A CueTheMarines Public Service Announcement:
Website complete.

CRAZY how I just put together a three part series (DEEP-DIG) on how Hollywood, TV & Movies are used by Cabal-Influencers to foreshadow real life events LAST WEEK and then THIS WEEK a “mass shooting” happens at the same grocery store as Sly Stallone’s COBRA MOVIE opening scene (“KINGS” grocery - with similar NWO plot) and now
AF & KH star in a movie being filmed in 2021 about WORLDWIDE PANDEMICS and GLOBAL DESTRUCTION!?!? Picture yourself in a boat by a river...

ad·it / ˈadət/ noun
A horizontal passage leading into a mine for the purposes of access or drainage.
*Everything that comes from the TELL A VISION is fake. The TELL A VISION CHANNELS the VISION so you can TUNE in to the FREQUENCY that way you can enjoy the PROGRAMMING.

that is sticking in my craw too. WHY WHY WHY

20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.
Only here because of GOD and you guys!
Another video coming tomorrow.
Get the tissues.

God ✝️ Wife 💍 Mother 👨👩👧 🇺🇸One Nation, Under God🇺🇸 Texan ⭐️ 🚫No DMs🚫
Pretty much a massive disaster hit TX and OK. Not going to lie, it wasnt easy for a lot of folks. Our infrastructure and government response was not as ready as it should have been. Our power grid had vulnerabilities.
However, while fake news will make people believe that Texans were helpless.... this old Texan saw a totally different narrative. I saw people helping one another, I saw generators, fuel, firewood being deployed by residents - not government. I saw people opening homes and businesses as shelters, pets and all. I saw an army of four wheel drive vehicles pulling folks

“NEWS unlocks MAP.
MAP provides KEY.
KEY spreads TRUTH.
- Q