dianne 3700
@dianne3700Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

We follow this military aircraft reporter. Been following him for several months. He reports Anon and Q military call signs. This one is from a few days ago.
Nuclear Sub to North Island Connects - Q From GRYHK45
12 days 'til Christmas! Sub damaged in Chinea Sea into North Island results in Meeting at Davis Monthan in Tuscon, AZ? 11's and 17's across the board, Fort Knox PAT's up again today, MEOW59! Rivet Joi
Required reading. From public sources.

God - Family - Country - Learning and Sharing #WWG1WGA#

12 hours of education.
Bear until the end when the connection to NWO becomes more crisp.
EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD
Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the World War II story” was? Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now pass…
Mockingbird Media drops a red pill around the 3 minute mark.

God - Family - Country - Learning and Sharing #WWG1WGA#

That was not Adam Schiff on Face the Nation this morning. The neck was too big. We are having fun watching the mockingbird media trying to wake up people.

YUGE red pill from the actor playing Beni about buildings falling in Gaza. He admitted IDF is taking them "down". He asks "How does that happen? We call people to evacuate first." His earpiece came out at the end yet he still hears the reporter. The actor had trouble keeping his face straight. It is all a movie.

Watching network tv tonight for the first time in YEARS. Most ads are Big Pharma. I hope the white hats are on control.@ghostezra can you help confirm whether white hats control all TV?

That moment when faith in God’s plan falters and you check here for info.
And God restores faith.
@ghostezra thank you for all the info you give us. 😇🙏

That moment when you realize your snowbird address number adds to 17. 😉

The precipice is the scary part of the movie for those who are asleep or not critical thinkers themselves.

There's only 2 possible scenarios here. Both are positive.
1. Kappy had access to project looking glass and saw this moment in time.
2. The media is now fully white hat controlled and this story was created as a wakeup. Also a confirmation of Kappy's previous statements.

It's important you understand white hats are running the show at this point. It doesn't look like it. It doesn't feel like it. Everything in operation wakeup is there on purpose to strategically wake up deep sleeping liberal sheep along with angry sleeping patriots. People wake up differently than others. It's not one size fits all. Also remember this is a clean and swift operation. The public sentiment must match the reveal that's coming. Otherwise there would confusion, extreme violence, and civil war. The goal of Q is justice, wakeup, and then unity. Different stages all well planned strategically with an end goal of unity. That's why MJ and JR are vital to this operation. They are key to the unity endgame. Operation wakeup is here and nobody will be able to sleep through it. Godspeed. Ncswic.

If you're concerned about your reputation being right with family and friends at this point, the blue pill might be a better choice for you.