It's important you understand white hats are running the show at this point. It doesn't look like it. It doesn't feel like it. Everything in operation wakeup is there on purpose to strategically wake up deep sleeping liberal sheep along with angry sleeping patriots. People wake up differently than others. It's not one size fits all. Also remember this is a clean and swift operation. The public sentiment must match the reveal that's coming. Otherwise there would confusion, extreme violence, and civil war. The goal of Q is justice, wakeup, and then unity. Different stages all well planned strategically with an end goal of unity. That's why MJ and JR are vital to this operation. They are key to the unity endgame. Operation wakeup is here and nobody will be able to sleep through it. Godspeed. Ncswic.

Im sure the timing is perfect but could we add a small wake up slap to go along with the participation trophies?

Jeremiah 33:3 - Call unto Me and I will answer you; and show you great & mighty things, which you know not.
While operation Wake up is doing it's thing, the V is killing us, causing injury, loss of work and income - the people you say your working for are suffering at the hands of psychopaths'...Then these feel good messages are put out by "patriots" who make the claim that the white hats are in charge - all I see are my friends and family dying and sick, losing everything and being kicked out of their homes with nowhere to turn for help because their told it's not because of the V... so is it the white hats doing it? who is causing the pain?...I want the white hats to stop hurting the people I love, thank you...

Discernment is critical.
time stamp
11:16 PM, Mar. 10, 2021

I see a lot of antsy impatient replies. We've been at this 4/5 years. Still, most have jobs, plenty to eat. Some people have been enslaved by the DS for generations. They were going to push a war, one which it was pre-determined we'd lose. We have a lot to learn.

just think maxwell ,prince andrew,benjamin de rothschild and epstein if there wasnt a plan then these would never come to fruition .there is definitely lots going on in the world look at Kazakstan .it may not be going quick enough but you have to understand that this is a cult of thousands of years. people have been brainwashed and tricked. nobody said it was going to be easy and remember 'the ending isn't for everyone'

I get it, I've been with Q from the beginning. But how much longer are we going to drag this on for God's sake? GET ON WITH IT. We have had it! I don't give a shit about the lemmings who wallow in their WILLFUL IGNORANCE. They deserve what they get. Not sorry.

Discernment is critical.
No offense, its not about you or me, yes we know ... many do not.
This is about saving the Republic and the patriots in it ... try to be patient ... that's not much to ask of us, considering what our warriors have been through.
Some have been planning this for so many decades, and they would like to see it happen too, some no doubt have already passed away. Hopefully, we will live to tell other generations our story.

Previously on Twitter @PeaceBabyPeace. #Patriot #wwg1wga #MAGA #Trump #SaveTheChildren
I understand we don't want civil war or violence in the streets, but this charade can only go on for so long. Seems very unfair that the awake patriots fighting to hold the line day after day are treated lesser then the sheep, nonTrumpters, devil worshipers. Them waking up shouldn't be more important that the Patriots who have been awake. We are the ones on the front lines everyday. Rip the dam bandaide off and force feed them the facts. We annot unit the truth is exposed to all. We are at a HUGE divide right now, we can't unite or heal with them as they hate us and frankly, we are not very fond of them. I want to live to see the end of this damn movie. EBS it out and let us all marinate in it and start reaching for each other to lean on and heal. The division has to end!

Is the military going to force vaccines now?? I just was a video that they confirmed this today.

For any Central Illinois citizens who would like to unite , here is a Telegram channel & chat .
Here is the Telegram Channel Link:
& the Chat/Group Link :
Telegram: Contact @WeThePeopleofCentralIllinois
You can view and join @WeThePeopleofCentralIllinois right away.
Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦
Thinking Fauci is CGI that the White Hats are making flip-flop so insanely to make people see just how they are letting themselves be blown around like the wind 🌬

Proud Mom, Holistic Nutritional Consultant and BioScan Practitioner who stands with God, Trump & Team, and ALL Patriots ❤️
Who are MJ and JR?

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Every ending is a New Beginning 🤍 ✨ For God and Country. ❤️🇺🇸 Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock. Everything Happens for a Reason
God's timig 🤍I'm patiently waiting, I know we are watching a movie and we are going to love the end. also praying every day

Jesus is Everything, Love my family, Animals are my thing, feed the poor, help your neighbor, love your enemies, serve God and country.
everyone suit up and put on the full armor of God. He is with us! i feel Him.

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️

I Love this Tweet.💖💖💖
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"Appear weak when you are strong. Appear strong when you are weak.....All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near".

Journalist. Mom to a vaccine-injured son. Waking up. Learning. Holding the light. Grateful for the truth-tellers.
I always value your posts. But everything just seems far too subtle to wake up anyone who wasn't already awake. At this point it seems that the asleep are actually falling into deeper snoozes. How will they be awakened when the proof is only apparent to those of us who look for it? I figure this must be a question that's being asked in far higher-up circles than I am privvy to, so I would love any insight... But I really do appreciate your posts.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
They'll wake up after the election fraud in Maricopa County is made public. Every Dominion voting machine will be audited and the election will be overturned.
First you have to show them.


covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.
are we the ones sleeping though while we wait on this plan? i wonder.
i think it's possible that both sides are asleep - all 99 percent of us, left and right, while the 1 percent steadily is allowed to implement centralized control.
the left is being controlled by fear and masking and vaccines; we are being controlled by trusting the plan and told repeatedly we just need to wait - it's being sorted out behind the scenes.
i dont know - i am beginning to feel a bit suspicious of this but maybe just started off the day watching some pretty depressing videos about central banking, cryptocurrency, etc. Ugh.
i hope that we the people and we the ones with the means (arms) and the numbers (millions) arent lulled into a stupor forever while waiting for the 'Plan' to keep unfolding behind the scenes.

covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.

Deep in Thought and Hope. Looking forward to a better world.
Thank you for your update...I live in hope ❤

Marine Infantry , fisherman and Motox. In the mountains of NorCal ,Love dogs especially pit bull's We R the STORM!
Imagine having your mom or pop die because the "whitehats" still need to wake people up after 5 years of complete tyranny? They are allowing deadly vaccines to be pushed on to people and they are dying, they are allowing illegals to pour into our country and giving them free aid while Americans suffer, they are allowing innocent people in Syria to get bombed . Ezra please tell us how we are in control and how does this benefit us?? If people are not awake at this point there is no hope for them and they DESERVE to be absolutely crushed if and when this goes down. The rest of us with common sense are tired of waiting since 2017 watching the dems and deepstate do whatever they want and not be held accountable.

covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.
yes i feel this way as well.
i asked about the children and what's happening to them while we wait, and i was assured by one of our twitter elders that 'the children are safe'
i dont know - i'm just not one to trust blindly for an indefinite length of time.
but i dont know what else to do - have run out of options bc 99 percent are fighting each other when really we should be fighting the 1 percent

Die from what?

I believe Trump when he says he's doing this for the children... He won't stop until every last pedo ring is busted up and every last pedo is brought to justice... He is still in the middle of this war. They come first. Once he is done there, he will move to the next most important battle... I'm not sure if that's been disclosed yet, but it looks to me like all the bad that's centered around child trafficking and pedophilia is crumbling. To me, we, the ones awake, are awake for a reason, as well as those asleep. We are truly divided when it comes to that, but that is by choice... I believe God our Creator designed it that way. Trump can't save us all when we want him to. We have to graduate from beong sheep to take the next step, to make it to the next level. There is no in between, we make our choice. Know where you stand!
Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

American Patriot, Truth Seeker, Seer, I Support Our Armed Forces & Vets. Q found me, unlike any way I've heard. Oath Keeper. ❤️👊 🇺🇸🙏🐸
Very well said. Thank you. 🙏

Ezra, I heard someone report that not all of the "flag officers" are on board.. Have you heard anything like this? Would this affect anything?

ULTRA MAGA, Gen X, Texas Patriot. #WWG1WGA #GOD WINS.
Genius, they are telling us this in many ways. I wait patiently for those around me to complete the process they are in. You can hear it in their words.

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
I get it, and agree, but why did Sidney Powell say on Right side interview a ffew daya ago that there are no military tribunals. She saud that the Kracken didn't really mean anything.

Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

If more was allowed to come out from sources the dems trust, the wake up we need to happen would. Not all dems are Luciferian Satinist. They are just victims of their own peer pressure groups, persons with low self esteem, easily influenced so they can recieve protection from their pack. These adults are the same kids, many awakened warrior/rebels sadly picked on in school for being weak. They are getting their revenge now too, with these muzzle mandates and what not. However, we do need to unite against the cabal and their non-cabal leaders can guide that initiative. There must be some who can come out together and open eyes and hearts. With the truth out AND accepted by the majority, we will get the cooperation needed to take on corruption at the local, schools and work place levels. If they hate Trump so much, they ignore truth, why not put 100 moderates at the head of the red pilling. So much doesn't add up. I hope and pray it makes more sense soon.