Angela Smith
2 years ago

Angela Smith

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In response Angel feather555 to her Publication

I agree. I returned as well and while I will enjoy the multitude of informative posts, I need to come back here to organize and declutter. It's too chaotic and sometimes just...too much!

In response Dan Auito to his Publication

🤣🤣🤣 That's what happens when you order WW3 off of!

In response Angela Smith to her Publication

I, for one, would rather get a letter/poem than cut flowers any day of the year. I have over 2 dozen wood roses. Yes, they were inexpensive and not fancy, but 6 years in and I can still enjoy them. Essential oils make them smell nice and the colors haven't faded. Cut flowers would have died within a week and we have many flowers/plants. It's not about the big show, the money spent or how fancy something is. It's the little things that matter, just like that letter!

In response --- Shuaye to her Publication

It can be easy to get overwhelmed and caught up in the negative side of things. Believe me, I have my days where I just cannot be on here or watch another video. I get up and go find my joy! I just do something that makes me happy and know that it IS okay to take a break. Sending you good vibes!

In response Nunya Effin Bizness to her Publication

Love is absolutely alive! It is all around us We just have to let it in. And we have to give it freely.

Thank you and God bless you!

In response Nunya Effin Bizness to her Publication

Not everyone experiences this in their life and even then, those that do, don't always recognize it. Fortunately, I have this now. Going on six years and he always takes my hand. Always opens doors and ushers me ahead of him. He shows me in so many little ways that I am loved and thought of.

He was also the catalyst for my awakening. I have always known things weren't right. He pointed me in the right direction and we both are avid researchers and watch countless videos. I thank God everyday for bringing him into my life for the second time (we worked together nearly 20 years ago).

In response memes matter to her Publication

Thank you and God bless you!

In response memes matter to her Publication

Oh, I know and even though I have and it is up to them, I still hate watching it. I know there will be more coming and I am trying to mentally and emotionally prepare for it.

In response Leah MickeyD to her Publication

Prayers for your daughter and family. I recently found this book and it is a therapy for many diseases, including cancer. It is worth a read and doesn't poison the body like chemo does.

In response Aunt Ro# to her Publication

You're welcome!

In response Aunt Ro# to her Publication

Hydrogen peroxide can be used for so many things! You can get 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and it can help numerous ailments and diseases. This is a great book and explains everything about it and the dosage protocol.

In response Bonnie Brickell to her Publication

From what I have read, they may never know what caused it. It was still burning a day later and they had to just keep it controlled while it burned out. The building is a total loss. I just feel bad for the tenants, the people who had businesses there and the artists who lost all of their work. The county is already talking about expanding the jail next door though, so it makes you wonder.

In response Vesna Urban-Celovski to her Publication

I agree completely! More and more information keeps coming out, showing how much we were lied to and led to believe things that don't really make sense if you really think about them. I am looking forward to the entire truth and experiencing life as we should be!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication bf and I discussed this a few nights ago. I am not Catholic, but I went to Catholic school and mass for 10 years. I did not have to participate in communion or confession. Thankfully so because I never wanted to and was always uncomfortable watching it.

I have been to a few churches over the years and some in my family still believe that I will go to hell because I don't go at all now. I have my faith and my own connection with God. I don't need to sit in a building for two hours and listen to someone's interpretation of the bible to have that. Organized religion is another way to be controlled.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

I checked the listing for the local theater here in Ohio and its the same. I am so curious about this!

In response Mikkee Writelikeitis to her Publication

Did you look at the amounts? I believe they are further down the page. If it's a lower amount, like $100, then it's most likely a meal and drinks. It's the higher amounts you have to worry about.

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

I do too. But, along with Med Beds, getting rid of the poison that ww consume daily will drastically reduce a need for medical care. Using what God gave us instead of man made pharmaceuticals is the best way.

In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

I haven't been to see a doctor in quite awhile either. It's sickening that so many of them are so greedy and don't actually care about their patients!

In response Aus Sco to his Publication

You're welcome!

In response Kells 1960 to her Publication

Good on you! You are correct, the healthcare industry is spiraling and those who were involved will pay dearly for it. I have had issues with medical doctors in the past and haven't been to one in years. Working on myself and staying as healthy as I can.

In response Bergers Book Reviews to her Publication

Unfortunately, many are. Did you see what the amounts of the payments were? If they are small, they are most likely lunches or things like that. It is the bigger payments that are more worrisome.

In response sscw 8888 to her Publication

You''re welcome!

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

Awesome to hear! You definitely have one of the good ones. Those are getting harder to find these days. My sister lives here in Ohio and has to go to Boston to see an eye doctor that actually helps her instead of doing procedures that will blind her completely sooner.

In response stacy roberson to her Publication

Thank you so much for adding this! Makes you wonder how many have failed to submit the information.

In response Msterri ... to her Publication

Good to hear! I, personally haven't been to a doctor in years. Everytime I went, they wanted more procedures and seemed to always be looking for ways to put me on medication of some sort. I am working on getting healthier myself, but there are a lot of people who still just listen and follow everything without researching any of it.

In response Patty Malek to her Publication

I agree with the others. Not everyone is on or wants to be on Telegram. I would love any info I can get about Medbeds, but I am not joining Telegram to get it.

In response Hope4 Humanity to her Publication

Same! Have been hounded by my very religious family about it as well because they are blinded by their faith. My eyes were opened by mine.

In response Angela Smith to her Publication