Southern Mess
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Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
She couldn’t beat them on 2020 without cheating.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Just hidious!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Who provided the tshirts? The taxpayers are fed up with the BS!!!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
My thoughts exactlt! I was being a sarcastic tax payer.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
I just don't believe this is "free".

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
And tell us about the conditions of the kids kept in tunnels. No deal lady!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Interesting. Would love to know her ancestry. Mine includes Salmon P. Chase from the 1800s who served in many different political positions in the United States. One as Governor of Ohio. Chase Bank was supposedly named after him and he is known to be on the one thousand dollar bill. Not sure in my lifetime that I will ever get to see or own but the history is always fun to discuss at the family reunions.😂

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Wait a minute. I understand Key West does not have beaches like this. Is this a real pic from Key West?

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Come on, man!!!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
I was in Jackson, Mississppi yesterday. You could tell from the traffic that things were stimulated.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
They should beg Joe not to travel...

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
I love these stories. I have family in the Marines, Air Force, and Army. My father-in-law served in WWII. His brother died in the air from gunfire over New Guinea in WWII.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
I see a celebration!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Beautiful. Spiritually powerful. Speaks to the soul. A very welcomed change. Thanks for sharing.🇺🇸

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Disinformation necessary! I'm good as long as they getting the job done right! For the people!!!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
I'm sure that's to make more people get the vaccine.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Again...I'm with Q!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
So wrong on so many levels!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Fresh blood is red blood. Old blood is brown. Not saying this is false because it could very well happen, just doesn't make sense for all marks to be red. If the case is open, inspect it. Adults should be going to public toilets with their kids regardless. Nothing wrong with carring a little extra tissue from home in your pocket or purse these days!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Thank you Jesus!!! Finally a spick of normacy for Mississippi. I work in a hospital and have to comply with masks. For the patients, I really don't mind. But my free time is mine to do as I please. This just makes it greater!#MAGA🇺🇸

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Boy, if they only knew how much money they would rack up publishing this for real...

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Spot on!!!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Save the babies....I have 5 grandchildren and my most cherished pictures are 3 of them in their petri dishes where THEIR LIFE STARTED. One is 7 and the twins are 5. The twins were 2 mths premature and both are healthy today. So, in my house, we believe life is viable whether it started in the petri dish or in the womb, and should be protected.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
As always, it's the people! God bless all!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Just about every person from another country I've encountered has a history of TB that has to be investigated. There is no vaccine but there is a cure. This is just one of the many reasons people should follow a legal process prior to entering the US.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
That's my Mississippi! This seems to be an issue everywhere. To solve the issue, there should be sports teams for transgender competors only.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Their answers to the questions are prepared. I just wanted to see President Trumps defense. Guess I missed it.

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
God bless the military, Q and President Trump!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Not real folks!

Love God, family and my country. MAGA ready. Voting Patriot Party!
Agree! Not convinced people!