Terry Andrews
@UncleArgyleNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

You work for the people, no protesting while on the clock. Fuckin scumbags.

Right out of the communist play book.

Should have been ended on the spot for this stupidity.

Gates is a misanthrope at the highest level.
Hates human kind to the core of his soul.

Well, goodbye forever.

The brown shirts have addresses.

Jeff bridges is involved in this BS as well.
Someone get his head checked.
The Dude is off his rocker.

No foreign entities should ever own American ground. Lease under strict conditions maybe, but definitely not own.

These traitors need to be drug into the streets and hung publicly. Right now!

Inflammation of my whole body.

Hahaha and both wore the sheeples face cover during covid. Spineless cowards.

Still a waste of oxygen.
Fk Michael Moore!

Execution would be to humane for this demon.

Interesting that California has so many badass 1% bikers and you mean to tell me none of them have kids that they are gonna stand up for and shut this shit down. Oh wait I forgot , those same guys complied with the covid scam.

Easier, just block someone.

How much protein in a vegan?
It's better for the plants and my hogs.

What's the bag limit on those wild dogs?
Maybe it's open season.

Challenge excepted.

And nobody is doing anything about it.
Not the government not Trump not the military
If you enter this country illegally you should be

Yep , his lab is in Bellevue Washington under
The name Intellectual Ventures and Terra Power.
He also has a group of patent thieves as well.

This isn't the place for this , sell your garbage

Trans shmeagle.

Willie Nelson is a liberal commie.
Fact check that.

Nobody cares !

Support no company that has the international symbol for the democratic communist party.
Unions in the US also use this symbol.
Fuck them all!

That is the line in the sand.
I would die in a pile of brass before any
covid vaccine.

Hugh munguss

Well I'm fkd.

Hahaha haha
Challenge accepted.

Looks like Herman Munster.
I think I may have dated myself.